Do You Respect Her?

It was already 10 o'clock in the morning and Wei Zhijuan was still fast asleep, showing no signs of waking up.

Wei Shanyuan and his assistant nurse were making rounds in the various wards when suddenly, an intern nurse came over and said, "Dr. Wei, there is a man named Xian Yijun who wants to see you. I don't know if he is your patient or your friend as he doesn't make any appointments with you, so I told him to wait at the front counter."

Wei Shanyuan did not reply to the nurse. He continued to examine the patient's heart with his stethoscope. After a moment, he took off the stethoscope and placed it in the hands of his assistant nurse. Then he said to the intern nurse, "I've got it. Tell him to wait for me in my department."

"Okay, Dr. Wei."

"He came pretty quickly." Wei Shanyuan looked at his watch and muttered quietly to himself. Then he said a few words to the assistant nurse beside him before leaving the patient's room.