
Kani's POV

One week later



I walked the school halls bored as I ever felt. Prom was in less than two weeks and people are already planning everything and every flyer ever was posted on the school walls.

It's annoying.

I'd go with Jason.

That's is if he was here.


I turn around and I'm suddenly face to face with Brittany and Sienna."What do you want?" I said irritated and they just laughed.

"Aren't you excited Kani?" Brittany said with that smug smile of hers. I turned my head towards her."Excited for what?"

I looked at the booth of them suspiciously."For Veronica's six feet under." Sienna said as she flicked her straight orange hair off her shoulders.

"What exactly are you going to do?" I asked them as I tried not to focus on the fact that they we're acting like they were going to throw Veronica off a cliff.

"We'll unfortunately we can't tell you, but we can tell you that we know your little secret Kani and so does everyone else. No need to worry about anyone finding out anymore." Brittany said and she made sure to show her shiny white teeth when she smiled at me.


"About Jason being a prince and him running away and blablabla. You know, that secret." Sienna said and I flinched. That's right everyone knows.

I held my arms like someone was watching me. Someone was here. I quickly glanced around until I saw a black car pull up in front of the school. Two men in black suits stepped out of the car.

"Y-Yeah I know that secret. I um. I- I have to go." I said as I quickly turned around and started walking to class.

Safari was right. What if those guys were after me?I bumped into someone and I immediately looked up to see who it was.


Felix looked down at me confused."Why do you look like you've seen death himself?" He said sounding concerned.

"Felix I need a favor from you."

"You better hurry I have things to do."

"Where's a good place to hide?"



Time Skip


Felix lead me to my classroom and I just looked at him with a confused expression.

"I said I wanted to hide not take me to class."

"Listen up shorty, I was the one who found out Jason's cover before you did and without me you'd be clueless. No pun intended. Anyway as I was saying, you need to blend not hide. So the best way to do that is blend in with lots of people around you." Felix said as he took glances between me and my classroom door.

I rolled my eyes at him."Fine I'll blend in here. If they find me I'm dragging you with me."

"We'll you won't be able to, because you'll already be gone by the time you even mention my name." Felix said before walking off.


"I heard that!"


Jason's POV

Meanwhile in England


"You can't do that!" I yelled at my mom who was busy on her laptop. She did not once look up at me.

"Did you just raise your voice at me? Don't test me your already on the edge."

She said calmly and one of the servants came rushing in the room he had a worried look on his face.


"Prince Jacob was spotted in town and suddenly disappeared#" The servant said and lowered his head out of respect.

"I apologise greatly I will punish the men who were watching his highness."

"You do that. Also I want a full search party on the town. If my son isn't found by midnight you and every royal guard that was watching him will be fed to the dogs." She said irritated and looked the poor man into the depths of his poor soul.

He immediately bowed his head and scurried away, probably feeling his soul being ripped out if him.

"I need to see her. Mom-"

"Mother." She said looking up and glaring at me which only made me flinch in my spot.

"Mother. I need one call. It's been three months."

"Who do you think created this mess? I'm a Queen with a country to run, angry press, and a son who suddenly disappeared."


"Who. Created. This. Mess?" She said as she slightly gritted her teeth.

"I did." I said looking down. I glanced up and studied her expression.She was smiling.

"Don't worry my son, this will all be over very soon." She said evily and continued to type on her computer. I shot my head up and looked at her.


I turned around to walk out of the room, but the guards stood in the way.

"Let me through!"

"Son, why don't you have a seat and watch the show? I've told you many times and I'll tell you again. You can't win."

I turned my head around and angrily walked towards her. I slammed my hands on the table and she looked up at me shocked.

"Leave Kani alone mother."

She stood up and slammed her hands on the table as well. We were eye to eye and angrily glaring at each other.The tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife.

"First rule in this palace I'm the boss. Second rule, get in my way you'll get hurt." She said and raised her hand and slapped me. I stepped back holding my face, but I kept my angry expression.

"Don't talk to me like I'm the one in second place." She rounded her desk and walked up to me.

I didn't move an inch.

But I still held my expression.

She took the crown off my head and threw it on the floor.I still stood there glaring at her.

"You hit me." I said plainly.

"So are you going to hit me back?" She said smugly as she leaned closer to me.I looked down at the floor and she laughed.

"Don't be sad, I'll make it up to you. You can watch your girlfriend suffer on live television."I looked up at her. My face turned from anger to worry."Suffer?"

"Yes, suffer."

"Don't you think this is a little too much? I did this! All me! I'm home, I'm here! Why go through all of this just to see her suffer? Jacob already agreed to marry Lisa and Jayla is doing just fine on her own so what's the big deal?"

"I refuse not letting the same mistake happen again."