Chapter*Twenty:nEW Beginnings

Devanie's POV


"I can't believe I cried in front of you."

Pryer laughed lightly and swung his arm around my shoulders as he walked me home. "It just shows that you're human Devie." I rolled my eyes at his remark. "So how's your mom?" I looked up at him surprised." She's fine, but still worried."

"And your dad?" He looked at me as if he was giving the option to answer or not." He's doing better." I said and he smiled and nodded." That's good to hear."

"What about your dad?" I asked and his face began to scrunch in disgust." I know he doesn't like me very much." He sighed and looked up at the dimming sky.

"He's been awfully quiet. He hasn't asked me about you and he isn't hurting my mom either. So I guess he's fine." He said and I turned my head towards the ground.

Pryer's dad sucks.

"Enough about all the sad sappy stuff, right now it's just you and me, me and you, we can worry later." He said and smiled brightly at me.

"Then, if it's you and me, then does it mean it's boyfriend and girlfriend?" I asked he swung his arm around my shoulders,"Would you like that Devie?"

"Yeah, I'd like that."


"I'm sorry say that again?"

"Fia and I are together now." Voya said as she looked away from me embarrassed."Voya that's great!" I said excitedly as I hugged her.

" I guess it is."

"What are you two screaming about so early in the morning?" We both looked to the side to see River walking over to us tiredly. He wore baggy plaid pants and an oversized black sweater.

I smiled smugly as I threw an arm around Voya proudly,"Voya's dating Fia now."

"That's low even for you Voyanne." River said and yawned. Voya glared at him,"Shut up, you don't get an opinion, you're still single."

He put his hand over his heart and started fake crying,"You're so mean."

"She's right though." I looked to the opposite side of River and Noah and Leo made their way towards us.

"Not you too." River said and started fake crying again. I rolled my eyes, but stopped when I spotted Pryer at the end if the hallway.

He wore a light blue sweater, light jeans, and dark shoes."Mornin' everyone, mornin' Devie." He said and winked at me.

"Ew did you just wink?" River said disgusted, as he was now fully awake.

"I'm sick of relationships."

"But, yet you've never been in a real relationship." Noah said as he glared at River from his 'small' height.

"That is not true."

"Kindergarten doesn't count idiot."

"I really hate you sometimes."

"Okay, enough we get it, but I have more important news."Leo said as he looked at everyone excitedly. Pryer had squeezed himself in between Voya and I, forcing Voya to give up her spot next to me.

"There's a party this weekend at Fia's house, he wanted me to tell you guys since he'll be too busy faking being sick, so he could prepare for tomorrow night." Leo said proudly and Noah glared at him.

"But it'll be sunday. We all came to school to 'study' remember." Leo looked dumbfounded as he played with his blonde hair as he ran his hands through it."We came over to study?"

"No, but at least we can go to a party tomorrow." I said eagerly and I watched as Pryer smiled brightly."Yeah loosen up Noah." Pryer said and Noah crossed his arms angrily.

"Short people are always so angry." Voya said and Noah glared at her.

"Says you!" Noah yelled back,"You guys are bullies, I'm leaving." Noah said as he turned and made his way down the hallway. River and Leo quickly followed behind him, as if he was worried he would break something.

"I'll go too, I've gotta study for a big test coming up in biology." Voya said as she waved to me. Before I knew it she began to walk away and disappear behind a corner.

"So what should we do Devie?" Pryer said and looked down at me smugly."We should work on our project, the deadline's close." I said as I began to walk ahead of him. He began to whine and groan until we got to the library.

"Devie, let's do something fun." Pryer said, for what seemed like the 100th time since we've been in the library.

"Pryer we have to finish this project, then we can have fun." I said as I flipped through a text book.

"But we need to fun, it's our new beginning together as a you and me." He said and looked at me sadly."We can do that later."

"But how long is later? I don't have time for a later." He said and I rolled my eyes." I'm sure you're not in a rush for anything."

"Actually, Devie."

I looked uo at him as soon as the pitch in his voice had changed."What's wrong?"

"My Dad wants me to take over the company as soon as school is finished." I stared at him with concern in my eyes. He looked to the side awkwardly,"So that's why we need to have fun now." He looked at me hopefulness in his.

I shook my head," I know I really don't have a say in this, but Pryer we're practically adults, and other adults cannot tell us what to do anymore. We're not kids. Meaning we can do what ever we want. We don't have to do what anyone else wants, because now and forever we have control." He smiled slightly before leaning towards me and briefly kissing my forehead.

"I guess you're right, but it doesn't change the fact that he's an a-hole." He said and I laughed."It'll be okay, he cant do anything anyway."

He can't do anything anyway.