Two Day Set-Up

People ran by Justin and Jen's room scrambling for supplies. No one really knows when the predators get released; it's different every year. As the serum gets stronger it takes more time to take action. Just by hearing the conversations, it seems like the participants will have 2 days to get ready; which isn't much time at all.

After grabbing all the useful clothes Noah and Mathew come in. Noah had metal pips and some tools while Mathew had food and gallons of water. They all started to go over the math on how long the food and water will last. Instead of counting for four people, they counted for five since Jen was most likely going to be hungrier than the rest of them. They had enough food for 2 weeks and enough water to last them the whole month if they rationed.

The sun began to set and the mansion got darker and darker. Every pact has its' own room far apart from the rest. Justin spent most of his time making the closet a comfortable sleeping place, he organized the coats and other clothing to make it as close to a bed as possible. Meanwhile, Noah was making weapons to fight off the predators and Mathew was making a mini pantry for the food. Jen went out to see if anyone wanted to become allies with them.

Darkness swallowed the mansion, the moon was one of the only light sources. Jen came back safely with some goodies; 3 larger candles and a pot. The four sat themselves down to two cans of spaghettiOs and small glasses of water. Noah took off his shirt and set it aside, everyone stared at him.

"What?" he wiped his head with said shirt, "It's hot-"

     Justin looked at the older man's chest and pointed at a heart shaped tattoo with rainbow inside.  It caught everyone's eyes right away once pointed out, this made Noah go red.

"Look- look- don't judge it okay? Got it right after my folks kicked me out," he looked down ashamed "I guess y'all don't like that stuff. Say something! Please!"

"I accept you." Justin looked at him in the eyes which made him cry

     The three hugged him and bonded. They wanted to make sure Noah felt welcomed and wanted. Thank god the predators weren't released or else they would be goners.

     The gang made their way to the closet and managed to fit inside. Mathew was on guard with a homemade axe. Justin was in the corner with Jen leaning on his shoulders, this made him uncomfortable. She fell asleep easily leaving him stressing about doing the wrong thing and maybe hurting her. He leaned on the wall and managed to put his mind at ease then fall asleep.

     The sun came up slowly and light filled the mansion. Mathew woke everyone up since the light couldn't reach behind the closed door. Justin was the first up, then Noah, lastly Jen. The two older men went out to gather the left overs from yesterday's gathering session. The teens shared a chat and started to eat canned raviolis for breakfast.

     After awhile a scream came from the kitchen. Noah and Mathew ran into the room and closed the door quietly. The redhead pushed the teens into the closet and shushed them.

The predators have been released

     The men got their homemade weapons and stood watch over the room. Justin held his female counterpart close and calmed her down.

     A body slammed on the door and screamed. The sound of tearing limbs and the teeth tearing into flesh forced everyone around into a silence. The screaming didn't stop it kept going, the person begged for it to stop, but it didn't stop. Another limb was torn and the screaming stopped; the sound of chewing now filled the air. The eating of some poor person's body was horrible. Crunching and chomping of flesh and bone made Justin cringe.

      Sounds of the predator grew further and further away until it was silent. Everyone around was shaken up from the first two deaths. One in the kitchen and one at their very door. Justin didn't know how to feel, what if it was someone he saw? Or what if they had a family? All these question got to him and had him panicking. Jen stroked his arm and calmed him down.

       The hard month had already begun, and it was going to be a hard month.