Moving Day

     The sun came up like always; it didn't have its glow like it used to. The clouds were full of rain that poured through the morning, it didn't seem like it would clear up anytime soon. The storage room had a gray tint to it instead of a pinkish-orange. The slight pitter patter of the rain added to the calming gray. It was soothing to the eyes and ears, making it almost impossible to do anything besides rest.

Justin was the first one up, per usual, but sat in his spot till the others woke. He had heard one person being teared apart last night and couldn't sleep much after that. Surprisingly, whoever died didn't scream. Normally the group would hear blood curdling screams coming from the victims. The boy knew that if he were to lose his life to a predator he would scream. Though the thought of losing his life had not crossed his mind much, he only knew that he would most definitely scream.

Mathew cracked open the closet door for his checks and smiled at Justin. The boy smiled back, then going back to cradling his younger partner. The door closed again to let everyone sleep for a little longer. Justin could wait like this all day, he never had a problem with waiting. He was a very patient person and normally waited for people to make the first move. He played with Jen's hair lightly knowing that it made her feel relaxed. Making other people feel better was his specialty and he used it for good; never wanted anything out of anyone.

     Slowly but surely the other two started to wake from their slumber. Noah pushed open the door to let fresh air inside. Everyone took a good breath and stood up, the day finally came where they could move.

     Canned beans was the common breakfast, it would taste better on toasted bread but no one had a toaster. So just beans will have to do. Once everyone had their fill it was time for packing. There wasn't much that needed to be packed, only the clothes, the pot, and the candles. Jen looked for the biggest coat, then packed everything in there. She tied the sleeves together then pulled the hood and the bottom opening up to form a bag. The other three picked up the weapons and other bags. Noah opened the door slightly and looked out; he signaled to his pact that the coast was clear. They moved quickly and quietly with Justin leading the way to the door.

     Growling and heavy footsteps could be heard from around the corner. They were getting closer and closer to them. Justin froze and panicked, he couldn't move. He felt his heart beating faster and faster as he began to shake. The boy looked back and his pact was gone. He shook more as the foot steps grew closer and closer, the end felt near. He started to cry softly wondering if anyone was going to save him. A strong arm grabbed him and pulled him into a large office space. The door closed behind them immediately, the footsteps of a predator could be heard, the sniffing and growling were very apparent. Justin was still shaking and crying, other people in the room looked confused.

"zashto plachesh?" (Why are you crying) a female whispered from the corner of the room. "Zenith, zashto momcheto plache?" (Zenith, why is the boy crying?)  she whispered

"ya ne znayu" (I don't know) the bigger man whispered back. "pochemu ty plachesh'?" (Why are you crying)

     Justin had no idea what they were saying, they could be judging him for all that he knows. the two people in the room didn't speak English. His panicking only got worse and he couldn't distract himself from it. The two people grew even more confused and didn't know what to do. The predator was long gone by now so there was no root cause for the panic. Another person walked into the room. He was tall and pale, he looked cold with his hazel eyes and light brown hair. He wore a white scarf with a blue line down the middle. The man looked at Justin once and his face filled with pity. The man hugged Justin and sat him down.

     The boy didn't know what to make of it, someone came to help him. Someone he didn't know. Justin hugged the man and felt calmer and calmer as the man told him that everything would be okay. He said that the world wasn't going to end and this will only last 10 minutes. Whatever he was doing, it worked. Justin slowly stopped crying and shaking, he could breathe normally, he could move. He stayed attached to the stranger for a while after calming down. The man whispered something to the others and they seemed to understand the situation. They offered to let the boy stay with them until he could find his pact. Justin thanked them for saving him but declined to stay for more than he had to.

     Within minutes he was out the door. The people were kind to him so it was only right to not be a drag. Justin walked slowly but quietly; you could barely hear him. In no time he was at the door with the little tag. He opened it walked a few steps and closed the door behind him. He made his way up the stairs are into the "luxury" space. Justin saw the pact's bags on the ground along with the coat, but there were no people. The room was untouched besides the desk chair being slightly pushed out. It was like no one was there at all; everything seems so out of the ordinary. The room looked exactly the same but the vibe was just off. Justin was expecting to surprise everyone by not dying, but no was could be seen. They couldn't have died, everyone would have heard the screams.

     What if... what if they escaped?