Mystery Girl

The focus was now on the little girl. They couldn't keep her for more than a night or two. The child shivered and looked at them with puppy eyes. Justin picked himself up, and gave her the blanket he had. He went to get their notebook, and once he did the boy wrote,

What's your name?

Justin handed the girl the item while the other three were watching. She look his pen and wrote her name slowly,


She handed the older boy his things and pointed to her necklace, it was a pearl necklace with a charm of the Puerto Rican flag. Justin tilted his head in confusion, but then it clicked, she represented Puerto Rico. He nodded and set his things aside, then he motioned for Matthew to help her more. Justin was never good with kids. He watched his older counterpart comfort the child. Noah sat down with Jen and Justin, the man grabbed a pillow and a coat, then went to bed early. He was so tired and drained, the people in the room could get that feeling from him. The two teenagers leaned on one another for comfort; it made them feel protected.

     Matthew never left the child's sight, he didn't want to scare her. He asked her some questions to see what she needs. The little girl didn't know if her whole pact had been killed, but they most likely have. Their next best bet was to find a team that will take care of her. That would be tomorrow's task; it's to dangerous to go outside now.

Maria held onto her blanket tight and suckled on it. That was her only way of coping with the loss of her friends. She knew the rest were trying to help, but she had never seen anything like that. All the blood and screaming... the organs being ripped out, it made her want to vomit. The child leaned in Matthew and drifted off to sleep suckling on her blanket. It was an adorable sight; it almost made up for the tragedy that happened only minutes ago. Those people were like family to her, they took her in when no one else would. Now they were gone... forever.

     Everything was quiet now. Matthew was taking care of the sleeping child, Noah was asleep, and the two teenagers were cuddling. They cuddled to comfort one another, and it worked amazingly. Justin used it to calm his anxiety and Jen used it to keep calm for the baby. No one really asked too much questions about the baby, it was kept to speculation. Even with all the questions unanswered, it didn't change Jen as a person, so I didn't matter much.

     The moon was fully shining through the window while the stars danced around it. It was late into the night and the teenagers were beginning to feel tired. One fell asleep and then the other. The night was as silent as the day; nothing much has changed.

It was peaceful, maybe the only peaceful night they would ever have. The night only lasted a few hours, then the sun awakened from its slumber. Ever so slowly rising up over the mansion. Noah woke up first, then Matthew, the teens, and lastly Maria.

Their goal for today was finding a pact that could take care of her. The group sat around the candle fire and ate their breakfast. This time it was caned soup and bread. Noah and Matthew went to remove the desk from the door, and the rest started to pack their things. Once everyone received their weapons it was time to initiate the mission. The older boys went out first to check the area, Justin was in charge of keeping Maria and Jen safe. Keeping anyone safe have him anxiety, but he pushed through it. The group moved quickly and quietly through the halls in search of a team. They tapped on every door to see if there was an answer.

Finally, a door opened. A man opened the door. He had darker skin with waves on his head, he carried himself like a gentleman and was very well spoken. He had a brown sweater with black tights, he motioned the team to come inside with him; so they did. He sat them down and began to whisper.

"Welcome. The rest of my pact is currently looking for more water. Is there something I can help you with?"

Noah piped up for the rest of them, "we saved this little girl from an attack. The rest of her pact is dead, and unfortunately, we can't keep her. Is your pact willing to?"

"Well of course," the man whisper yelled, "I'm sure we all would love to have her. What's her name?"

"Maria." The child spoke.

After having things sorted out the team parted ways with the child and headed out. The four of them walked back to their residence and settled in. Until hearing more screams... but they've gotten used to them. The loud, horrific, blood curdling screams; It made the hairs on Justin's back stand up. No matter how many times they hear the screams, it makes them shiver. No matter how desensitized they are, it still strikes fear into them.

    The screams continued. They weren't close; the screams were echoey. It seemed like a quick kill for the predator, maybe a child or tween. Either way, the screaming stopped within a few minutes and the feast was fast.

     The pact had nothing much to do after dropping off Maria. They thought it was going to take much longer than it did. So, they had to think of something else to do, time is everything. Everyone in the room was thinking of something, whether it was a plan or it was them day dreaming. Matthew picked up the note book, wrote something down quickly, and handed it to Jen.

      When are you due?

     She stared at the paper in confusion for a bit, then it clicked. She wrote down her answer and handed it back to Matthew.

     I don't know

     The older man was in disbelief. He didn't understand how she couldn't know. Then, he remembered, she doesn't have access to professional doctors. It's not her fault that she doesn't know. He closed the notebook and tried to think of something else they could do. Something that would keep them occupied for a while.

     "Bones" whispered Justin

     Everyone stared at him with confusion, what good can bones do? No one had a clue was he was going to say.

     "Use them to make stronger weapons... especially the thigh bone. To break a thigh bone you need about 907 kilos of force. Which, for Noah, is 2000 pounds of force."

     Needless to say, everyone was shocked, but it was a good plan. They can't go wrong with metal and bone. So that was their next mission. To collect bone.