
The plan was simple. Justin went out to get cloth for masks; rotting corpses smell, and then Noah and Matthew went out looking for bones. Jen did feel quite left out, but it was for her own good.

Justin took a deep breath, then went out. The smell hit him hard, he didn't seem to notice it before, but now it was bad. He tip toed down the halls and peeped his head into rooms. Going through all the halls on the first floor, and having no luck, he went to the basement. Many didn't know there was a basement so supplies were rich and all over. Justin looked high and low then found a pile of shirts. This was great! His next goal was the kitchen to find a knife or scissors to cut the cloth with. The boy barely made a creek as he made his way up the old stairs.

The kitchen was huge, and knives were thrown everywhere. Justin look a large watermelon knife, a bread knife, and a pairing knife. He put the knives inside the shirts creating a bag like Jen did with the coat all those days ago. Then heavy foot steps stomped through the hall. Bam bam bam. Justin opened the large cabinet under the sink he stuffed his body in there then grabbed the shirt bag. He closed the cabinet doors slowly and slowed his breathing. A predator was near the kitchen, stomping around and sniffing; like animals. Justin closed his eyes tight and slowed his breathing even more. He held his breath for 30 seconds at a time then let out a tiny breath.

Scratch scratch scratch. The long nails on the wood makes the boy cringe. It was similar to nails scratching a black board. Praying. It was the only thing Justin could do. So that's what he did; he was never a super religious person, but he felt the need to pray. The predator sniffed the cracks of each cabinet looking for its next meal. Justin held his breath and hugged his shirt bag.

It sniffed some more then... left. The footsteps slowly got quieter and quieter as the monster went looking for its next victim. Justin took a deep breath and made his way out of the cabinet. He made his way back to his base rather quickly. The boy opened the door and made his way in. His team was waiting eagerly for him and they wanted to help make the masks. They were pretty simple to make, Justin measured Noah and Matthew's faces from ear to ear and cut the fabric accordingly. Then the boy will take ear measurements and but ear holes in the fabric. Jen was in charge of cutting the seems on one end so the shirt could open up.

     In the end it worked rather well. Yes the two older gentleman did look stupid, but at least they don't have to smell rotting corpses. Justin described the type of bones they should take; long a thick. Just like that, the boys were gone, leaving Justin and Jen with nothing to do. So, They started to write in Lumna for fun. It's almost like they forgot about the language! The team had been talking to other people a lot so they had to write in English. Both teens agreed to use lumna to make plans instead of whispering. It was more efficient anyways.

     20 minutes passed and the boy returned to the base. They had 4 shoulder blades, 4 femurs, 2 humerus, 5 collar bones, and a full set of ribs. The bones were bloody and some had meat on them. Justin wanted to vomit, he thought he was going to work with clean bones. Jen wasn't fazed, she took the bread knife and bones, she then cut off any meat that was left. She looked at the boys with the bones in hand,

"How much water do we need to save? I want to wash the bones off, but I need to save some water for us." She whispered

Matthew looked in the bag at their gallons. "Well. I'm guessing we can always have more."

     Justin volunteered to go out and get a bigger container since they didn't have any. They, reluctantly, let him go out again. The teen made his way to the second floor; a place be never explored. He opened a door and almost screamed. A child's decapitated body was slumped over in the corner. It was bloody and the chest was open; intestines hanging out and other organs. Justin was shaken to his core, he closed the door and moved on. After what seemed like forever he found a decent sized container. It could hold a good amount of water. The boy mad his way back to the base, still shaken.

     Everyone at the base was egger to see him again, so they can get back to weapon making. When Justin came, he looked disturbed and the three were confused. They didn't know what he had seen, but the boy didn't want to talk about it. He handed Jen the container then sat on the bed. Jen filled the container up with water and put it in the corner of the room. She then use the remaining water to wash the bones.

     After a while of waiting, all the bones were clean and ready to shape. Jen called her male counterpart to help everything with shaping the bones. Justin look the paring knife and got to work; showing everyone how to shape it. He took a collar bone and started to shape the top into a spike. He then took the watermelon knife, a humerus, and a pillow; and placed the bone on top. Then he struck the bone and the top lump came off. Justin sharped the new flat end just a little, and aligned it with the sharpened bone. He made a sword, but needed something to hold it together... duct tape. He asked the older gentlemen for duct tape; they didn't have any. Noah offered to go out and look for some, since he knew a pact that had.

     Before long Noah was out getting the tape, and the three left were carving bones. They had some unique weapons in mind. Jen thought of a shield with spikes, while Matthew stuck to the traditional sword. Justin's weapon would have four spikes attached to a bone and it would slip on his hand. Noah came back after everyone had carved their weapon. He had 2 rolls of duct tape. Matthew insisted that the two teens use the rolls first. After a while that ended up being the case.

They were all done! Everyone's bone weapons! They looked beautiful next to the others! Pride filled the room, the team was proud of the work that they had produced.

Justin looked out the window and it was already dark. The pact ate canned soup that night, like the night before, it wasn't too bad but not a favorite.

As promised, the group used their language to communicate. Boy, did they miss the feeling of being secretive and hiding missions. It's the feeling you get when your doing something bad and knowing it. The feeling of being sneaky. It gave them an adrenaline rush. After a while it did have to come to an end. As the sky got darker and darker, the team went off to sleep. This night was special; it was too quiet. Usually they would hear tiny creeks or the stomping of a predator, but there was nothing to be hear. It was so quiet that Justin's ear created noise for him to hear. Nonetheless, it was a very peaceful night, it allowed for everyone to sleep like a baby.