Business Week

     The sun came up as usual. It slowly made it's way higher and higher; giving light to the mansion. Justin ruffled his hair to wake himself up. It almost felt like the game wasn't around like it was finally over. But sadly, this feeling was wrong, Justin was still in the mansion with his pact. Everything had stayed the same since yesterday, eight people had been confirmed dead within the span of 5 days. A business week.

     Justin thought it was a funny term, business week, it sounded too formal for 5 days. He just called it a normal week or, if he wanted to be fancy, a school week. He thought that if he did have a job then it would make more sense to called it a business week.

     Matthew had woken up early to keep watch since no one had the night before. He smiled Justin and waved; Justin did the same back. They spoke to one another using Lumna and their special notebook of communication. Justin marked off another day of their month of hell and ate some bread, he handed some to Matthew and they ate together. This was something that did happen alot, Justin never had the chance to bond with Matthew or Noah: just Jen. It was refreshing, Justin felt good about getting to know his pact more.

     Soon enough Noah and Jen woke up, Justin handed them the bread and water. They all began to write in the book; what was today's misson? or was today going to be calm? The team couldn't think of anything to do, maybe today would be normal.


     Matthew wrote down who did you make alliances with? and passed the book to Jen. She made three columns on the page and titled each of them name, country, and pact. The girl filled out each column, the list had at least 10 to 20 names on them. Then she wrote, under the list, i would say 2 of these people are dead, i'm not sure.

Even if some were dead it was still a lot of people; people that could help us. Some of the people on the list were from the same pact, which many or may not help, but only time will tell.

     Once everyone finished eating they started to write about anything that needed to be done, Noah suggested that they go around to the pacts and strengthen relations, but Jen just wanted to relax. this caused a verbal argument; the worse kind. Matthew took the older man's side in the argument, and this meant that Justin was stuck in the middle, he has a hard time picking sides when it comes to arguments. So he watched the madness unfold, the whispering got louder and louder. they would attract the predators. this was bad.. really bad.

     "IM DONE!" Noah snapped. everyone stared at him. he did it.... he yelled

     in an instant everything went silent, the man covered his mouth with wide eyes. the running of all 5 predators grew closer and closer; there was no escape from the room they were located in. Justin frozen in the corner in fear like everyone else. Noah took their new weapons and was ready, Matthew followed and grabbed his weapons. he handed Justin the spike shield and pepper spray. The door cracked open, a predator foaming at the mouth and hungry eyes walked in, followed by the others. In the room, the pact was ready to fight them off.

"Matthew- just cut the shit out of them-" Noah whispered "Justin. What ever you do, don't leave Jen alOnE!" One of the predators jumped up and tried to tackle the man.

Matthew took his bone sword and threw the monster down the stairs. It whimpered as it hit the wall, which angered the rest. Another pushed Matthew to the ground, he was struggling to keep the predator off of him. In a quick motion Justin ran with his spiked shield and stabbed the predator in its back, throwing it off of his friend.

Justin ran back to Jen to protect her, as he was told. The fighting seemed to never end, everyone was tired of doing the same thing. They kept coming a them, only one was down. It would take a miracle for this to end.

"KOMM, HOLE MICH!" (Come get me) someone yelled from one of the exit doors. Soon enough the doors opened and the alarm set off. It was loud and it pierced the ears.

All five predators ran after the sound; they were fast. The team was panting, they locked the door and rested as best as they could. The alarm was still going off, from the window of their room they could see the man outside running towards the fence; the predators not far behind. A faint yell came from him,

"FÜR DEUTSHLAND!" (For germany)

He jumped on the fence and climbed it. The alarms stopped and the predators growled and clawed at the fence. A green light came from the forest, followed by a German flag hologram. Then the voice of the game master

Germany has left the game

With the predators off their backs everyone was suddenly calmer. The calm didn't last long, the predators were herded back inside to continue the month. The exit door was locked once more and the game started again.

     It was a short break but it was something. Justin felt glad that someone escaped, it was another life saved in his book. Everyone put their weapons back into the corner. After 10 minutes of complete silence Noah apologized for yelling and almost getting them killed.

      The pact forgave him for the mistake. Let's face it they have all made mistakes. But you learn and grow from them. There, sadly, will be more arguments but maybe this time it won't lead to yelling.

     In a unanimous vote, the team decided that resting wasn't such a bad idea after all. One day of rest wouldn't kill them, especially after all the crazy shit that happened in 5 days.

     So, a day of rest was another day of survival.