Pacts Unite

Another day another marking on the calendar, six days down, only 25 more to go. Justin sat there staring at the piece of paper. Everyone else was asleep; he was put on guard duty since Matthew was beyond exhausted.

There was a strange knock at the door, no one had ever knocked so calmly before. The body slowly made his way to the door, listening for anything that would be suspicious. He finally got the courage to open the door and the man standing there almost made him scream. Justin flinched a little and looked the man in the eyes. He was about six feet tall and had a green beanie, under the beanie was an afro. the man was dark and had a glare in his eyes, he was big and buff and it scared Justin a little. The man motioned his head to the side and up as to say 'can we come in?'. Justin moved to the side and let him in, a small man with dyed green hair followed after along with two girls. Justin closed the door and told them to stay extra quiet since the three others were sleeping.

     They were all very different from one another from what Justin would see. The smaller man was pail and frail with freckles. he had a gray shirt with a red flannel and gave off a lumberjack feel. Next to him was a petite woman, she was tan and curvy with curly hair. She had a green crop top that said 7 up, referring to the soda, and a matching green mini skirt. The final member of their group was an average sized woman with straight black hair and light skin. She had a black shirt and black shorts with fish nets. Her spiked choker gave her a punk look.

     Justin sat them all at the bottom of the stairs and gave them a cup of water each. He sat down with them and began to whisper.

"Why are you here?"

The man from before spoke, "we want to be allies per say. We heard what happened yesterday and figured you needed a close companion" he had a deep yet calming voice that matched his body.

"Oh that's fine. We would love to have more allies. What are your names?" Just pulled out his notebook and went to the page where Jen had put her columns.

"I'm Devin. This is my boyfriend Jack," he wrapped his arm around the smaller man, "And our friends Victoria," he pointed to the punk girl, "and Brianna." He motioned his hand towards the last girl.

Justin wrote everything down. "What's your pact name?"

"Sodas. It's an inside joke."

Justin kept writing "and what about the countries you are from?"

"I'm from Cuba. Jack is from Ukraine. Victoria is from Brunei and Brianna is from the Dominican Republic"

Justin wrote all their information down and closed the book. He thanked them for their time and invited them to stay for breakfast; which they happily excepted. Justin kept them at the bottom of the stairs while he opened 2 cans of soup for them. He came back down and handed them the cans, which they split between the four of them.

After a few minutes Noah and Matthew woke up, they panicked when Justin wasn't in their sight but when they looked down they saw him. The two made their way down the stairs to sit with Justin and the strangers. The teen took a moment to explain the whole situation; to his surprise they both were happy about the decision. All seven of them got to know one another, just little facts here and there. Like how Devon and Jack met at Coachella, and how Briana and Victoria were close online friends. It was a good conversation, it was the only real good thing that has happened. Justin had a feeling that these would be their closet allies.

     About an hour later Jen woke up. She made her way down stairs and was stared at by the new comers. The girl knew it was because of her baby bump so she shrugged it off and minded her own business. She sat next to Justin and listened to the conversation; Justin introduced her to everyone else and vice versa.

The conversation seemed to last about an hour and then the other's had to leave. They shook hands and said their goodbyes, soon enough pact Sodas had left and it was just the elite four again. Justin went to get Jen some breakfast; canned soup was all they had. Upon return he found the team trying to come up with something to do. He handed Jen the soup and joined in the conversation.

"We did all the main things. Unless something comes up where we would need get something. I think we should take it a bit easy." Matthew remarked

He did make sense. The group had done all the main things, but there had to be something to do. Maybe there wasn't, maybe they had done everything they needed, or maybe they needed more. So many maybes and what ifs were swirling in Justin's head. He had a feeling that hey were forgetting something; it was a very big feeling. The boy grabbed his note book and started to write. He wrote down everything he could think of that a baby needed. Sure they had enough supplies for them but they had none for Jen's baby. Justin made sure to include everything down to the small stuff he knew they couldn't get. In the end, he had a huge list, he then started to cross out things they couldn't find, in the end they had the bare necessities for the baby. The list included things like cloth for diapers, clothing, blankets, ext. He handed Noah the list of things and he saw his face light up. The older man had been itching to do something, he even offered to go get the items right that instant. Justin calmed him down and said he could wait ten to fifteen minutes.

Noah waited for what he felt like ten minutes was, then he moseyed himself on out of there. No one had a great fear that something would happen to him, he was better than all of them at sneaking around. While he went out to find things everyone else relaxed and waited for him. It was nice to know that the stress would sort of go down from here. But the predators are always in the back of your mind.