Rumors are always true

After breakfast, they continued into another hall for a general assembly. Since resuming was yesterday, the were no preps this morning.

The general assembly contained both girls and boys through senior high were differentiated from junior high.

They were five columns two for Senior high and three for Junior high since they were many compared to senior high.

Everyone went for their site as well as Nice and Abigale. Once Nice was sited, she rapidly sported Evans squatting across the second column on the seventh role.

Without notification, she rose walking away from her sit and Abigale who was giving her a confused look towards Evan who was presently launching with a guy by his side.

As soon as she arrived at his sit, he locked gazes with her keeping a stern face causing her to become nervous "Hey can… I sit for a moment?" she asked and he gestured with his head in approval.

Without hesitation, she did avoiding to be the center of attention since she was positioned awkwardly.

After settling, she noticed she was so close to him so much so that their bodies were connected with every emotion they developed at the moment.

Gulping, she shrugged for a moment before slightly giving a gap which was still not enough as her heart kept beating and he noticed yet kept his head straight.

Why the hell does my heart malfunctions whenever I'm close to him? Ok…I got this. she condones herself before clearing her throat.

"Uhh…I'm still down for my unanswered questions" she lets out with her head straight up.

"Now is not the time" he replies firmly causing her to roll her head towards him who isn't looking in return.

She notices how extremely attractive, well-proportioned, and striking he was. His features were perfectly formed with his straight nose, cute full toasted almond lips, extended eyelashes, all together position on a square face. His skin was without blemish as it dyed the entire hall alongside his signature grease fragrance which dominates every other scent in the room. He was well endowed in body build. Not so huge, or slim but rather a perfect fit with his elevated height.

He didn't seem like a gentleman due to how un-kept his polished black hair represented though it was sexy in every girl's view.

At night his eyes look like bright honey while during the day, it appears cognac.

Because she has been quiet and still for some time, Evan had to glimpse if she's still breathing.

With his eyes penetrating hers, she flinches out of her thoughts and he narrows his eyes at her causing her to stare away embarrassed.

"Alright…so, I'll meet you some other time though I don't know when you'll be free" she finally replies.

"I'm free before lunch," he tells and she looks back at him who had his eyes positioned on hers.

Though his expression portrayed no emotions, his eyes said a lot with how he studied her.

Her eyes darted to his fitting uniform then lips unintentionally and back to his eyes which now has raised brows.

Suddenly, Jessica appeared from nowhere standing in front of Nice who hasn't gotten her eyes off Evan.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Jessica askes coldly gaining Nice's attention.

Thinking she and Evan were couples, Nice instantly rises to look at Evans who has his gaze on Jessica before walking away disappointed and wounded.

Still not acknowledging the looks more than half of the entire were giving her, she moves to her sit and embraces her position silently.

"What in the world did you just do?" Abigale questioned with wide eyes.

Nice crumbled her brows at Abigale before re-questioning "Do what?"

"Sorry…I forgot you're new but girl, you just sat with the superior of handsomeness in this school. Not just that…his parents are really wealthy. I mean who gods to get close to him just like that. Not that he is arrogant but because he once made an announcement telling girls to keep away from him due to a problem he had with his brother Johns"

"Johns the prefect is his brother?"

"Yeah, girl. Though they are of different wombs." Abigale reports.

"Look…I don't know what it was both of you were talking about but you got to be careful. Evans is not into girls and not into boys either. He's just himself. If not ladies would definitely choose him over his bro a million times."

"Why though? And what about Jessica?"

"Jessica is bitching herself like a hypnotized puppy but nothing is happening between them. And as for why Evans is like that, it responds to the reason he and Johns don't align. Years back when Evans and Johns came to this institute, many girls tried bonding with Evans but he was interested in this particular girl called Koryn. They were so in love and made a perfect connection but Johns who felt less superior added upon the fact that his dad loved Evan's mom more than his mum, he decided to revenge by sleeping with the girl his brother had slept with which is so weird for siblings to do. When Evans found out, things got messed up with both of them so he decided to break up with Koryn not because he wanted to but because he chooses to mend things with Johns. Even after announced Koryn was drunk before Johns took advantage of her, rumor had it she was subconscious when doing the act which propelled her to live this collage into another. It's been 3years now"

"At least we all know rumors are never true" Nice concludes

"Not at all! Trust me in this school… rumors are always true"

Nice became dumbfounded and Abigale proceeded "That's why I got amazed because Evans has never sat with another girl and discussed the way he did with you other than Koryn."

"What do you mean? He is currently talking with Jessica"

"That's because Jessica, Johns, and Evans have been long time friends and their parents are very close as well. Not that he doesn't talk with girls if he has to but it's nothing eye-catching like he did with you" Abigale said whispering her last words looking ahead like nothing was pronounced.

"I have no idea what you mean by that but we were just discussing-" Nice paused realizing she isn't supposed to expose what happened last night.

Shutting her slighting open mouth, Abigale just stares at her with twisted brows before a sound is heard from Mrs. Jana causing Abigale to completely ignore and swallow whatsoever she had to utter, pouring out her full attention while Nice breaths out in relief before following her.

After announcements were passed, the assembly was closed and students matched into their various classrooms.

When Nice arrived in her classroom alongside Abigale, she took her to sit on the front desk, the third column closer to the window.

Abigale walked towards her seat and settled herself beside her.

To be continued…