Chemistry teacher

"What are you doing here? The teacher must be coming soon…" Nice says

"Oh please, which teacher in his right senses will walk into class at this time? We have 15minutes free time before classes resume" she replied

"Alright…" Nice responds taking out her books from her bag

"Could you please lend me the notes of last week…I need to start copying before the teacher walks in" Nice request taking out her pens and ruler.

"Sure…but that'll be a waste of time because you won't get anywhere before classes begin"

"At least I could cover half a page that is equivalent to 188words which is not small to carry over with"

"Suit yourself" Abigale mentions going to her sit to grip her books then come backhanding it to Nice who receives it gratefully.

"I can't believe people still choose the first sit after so many comfortable sits at the back" Abigale teases and Nice giggles knowing she was mentioning to her in particular.

"You don't have to bend your words…Just ask me why I prefer here than anywhere else"

"Ok. Why?"

"Why what?" Nice pretends as though she doesn't know what Abigale is talking about.

"Why. do you. prefer. sitting. in front?" Abigale lets out differentiating every word.

"Now you're talking. Well, I have several reasons for taking the front. One of which relates to my sights. I have shortsightedness and won't be able to see clearly from behind. Another reason is that I concentrate more when sited here and more to that close to the window, it gives me another reason to live"

Abigale stares at Nice after she mentioned that before continuing "Again, I ask a lot of questions so, I don't want the teacher giving the excuse that I'm sited in front that's why I don't understand. Moreover, I love being challenged so when I am asked a question and I can't respond, it'll make me study harder. I just become very conscious when sitting in front" Nice concludes.

"Wow! I wish I could say the same in my case"

"That's ok. Everyone has his or her preferences" Nice mentions

Suddenly a teacher walks in and everyone gets on their feet as he heads in front of the class.

Abigale rolls her eyes, gives Nice a faint grind before striding to her sit.

"Wait…" Nice calls but that only brings the teacher's attention towards her as he narrows his eyes.

When Nice notices the look the teacher gives her, she looks down twisting her mouth.

"You must be new" the teacher lets out and everyone brings his/her attention towards her while she yacks her head at him blankly for a second before nodding.

"Oh you're dumb!" the teacher exclaims and the class giggles

"No I'm not…sorry I meant yes…I'm new" Nice apologizes for a little nervous.

"No need. Just hope you're smart in my class" the teacher says bringing his complete attention to the entire class before gesturing for them to have their seats.

"Aisha, come wipe the board" the teacher orders for a girl at the back seat and she wakes up sluggishly before heading for it.

"You could have wasted one more second of my time and see how I'll crumble your entire semester just like that face of yours" the teacher provokes and someone laughs out amongst the giggles catching the teacher's regard.

"Miguel, I want you to tell your friends where we ended last class" the teacher utters approaches the laughing student and he slowly lowers his pitch widening his eyes evolving complete silence in the room.

No one dares to make a sound as Miguel slowly stands while Aisha does her job as though nothing was happening behind her.

"Uh…I can't remember" he let out quick

"You can't remember!! What gods! But you got trash to 'ha-ha' when you have nothing in the head"

Nice slightly rolls her head, peeping teens suppressing their cockles before looking ahead scared not to get caught. Aisha finishes what she was sent to do and walks respecting her seat silently.

"Sit your damn ass down before I suck the leftover air in your skull"

Miguel does rapidly in unsettlement.

"Every time I get into this class, there must be some set pipe heads who nerve my whole day. That's exactly why I prefer taking you guys during my last periods! Shit!"

Everyone brought their gazes to him when he mentioned the last word.

"Language Sir" someone muttered

The teacher shrugged for a moment "Who said that?" he questioned

No one responded but Nice knew who it was. The individual sited right behind her.

"No ones' owning upright?"

"Ok…" the teacher shoved his hands in his pockets while Nice made a silent prayer hoping he doesn't question her, but he instantly lands his gaze on her as though he knew what was running through her mind.

"What's your name?" the teacher askes

She stands up nervously then replies "Nice…" the teacher raises his brows waiting for her to complete her words "Umm…Nice Daigle"

"Could you please tell me who made that cricket sound?" the teacher questions studying her expression while the guy looks up at the back of her then at the teacher who is currently communicating with his eyes towards the trembling Nice.

"Tell me. Don't be afraid" he assures.

Why does it seem like he knows who did it but chooses to test me? Nice interrogates within her

"I…do not know who it was" she lets out

The teacher squints his eyes "You're sure?" he persists

"Yes I am"

"If you say so…" he backs down picking up a book from his table then settling on his seat.

What did he mean by that? Nice, search for his thoughts before settling.

"Last class we were talking about S-block elements and we said they are elements found in the d-subshell which are divided into S1 and S2 blocks i.e. group1 and group2 respectfully. Again, we understood that these elements are non-metals starting from Helium (He), Lithium (Li), Sodium (Na), Magnesium (Mg), and so on…" the class went on as their chemistry teacher started lecturing from where the ended.

Thirty minutes later…

There is complete stillness in class as though the room is vacant, due to this, Nice rolls her head to her side and spots her next neighbor on the second column, second-row sleep writing.

She presses her lips into a thin line trying to control herself from howling but fails when she gazes at other siestas including her roommates Ada and Syrah with Jessica who is currently chewing gum and tapping her pen on her book.

"Miss Nice!" the teacher calls snapping students from their slumber including Nice who raises her brows realizing she was caught giggling.

"Sir" she responds

"Are you taking down my dictations?"


"Read the last sentence you wrote" the teacher commands and she stares down at her book doubting if the teacher mentioned something else after she got distracted.

"Characteristics of S-block elements and their uses," she says


Nice gets confused and scared because she has no continuation of what she had just read.

She starts calculating what to tell the teacher then guesses "Uh…but Sir you didn't add anything to this…" she asks more than she acknowledges.

"That's right. I wanted to test if we're on the same page" he says and she breaths out in relief.

Thank God for God! She praises

I'm beginning to hate the idea of sitting in front. I've been called several times for just a single period. I don't even know why time seems stagnant…it feels like he's been here for ages. Nice grumbles within her staring at her watch.

The class returns to its silence but Jessica doesn't stop teasing with her pen.

"Could you quit the noise already Jessica!!" the teacher yells and she hisses still not backing down.

"Jessica!!" the teacher roars causing her to roll her eyes followed by "What? Do you want my mom's number?" she provokes and the class hums in amusement while Nice just opens her eyes wide.

���Why ask, do you want a little brother?" the teacher says confidently with a slight smirk on his face and the whole class exclaims including Nice looking at Jessica who is currently clenching her jaws quitting her action.

"And get that fucking gum out of your mouth into the trash can!"

Jessica swallows the gum immediately bossing herself before the teacher and students

"It's good you found the best garbage"

"OOOOOHHHH!!" students let out in shock

Jessica becomes self-conscious as she uneasily moves her eyeballs to her feet.

"As we were saying a while ago before Lucifer's right hand interrupted…" the teacher went on with the class.

To be continued…