When Lan Wang Ji got back to his hotel he contemplated whether to delete the contact. It wasn't like he was going to see that man ever again. But, for some reason; he didn't want to delete the number either. Something about that boy was special. His phone vibrated, startling Lan Wangji. He looked at the phone and saw that it was a message from Wei Ying.

'Hey, had a great time chatting with you.' - Wei Wu Xian

Wei Wu Xian waited a while before there was a response.

'Mmm.' - Lan Wang Ji

Wei Wu Xian chuckled.

'Come on, we are texting. Can't you say something else besides "mmm"'? -Wei Wu Xian

'Pathetic.' - Lan Wang Ji

Wei Wu Xian face palmed himself. What was he expecting him to say?

'Very funny, what are you doing right now?' - Wei Wu Xian

He waited another couple of minutes before getting a response

'Reading my lines.' - Lan Wang Ji

'Oh okay, I'll let you get back to it.' - Wei Wu Xian

Lan Wang Ji put down his phone, took out his script, and decided to memorize his lines. The lines were for the 3rd episode of the show that he was shooting for.

"Get out, you may not enter. Wait till 7 am tomorrow."

"There is no alcohol is prohibited in the Cloud Recesses."

"All rules are listed on the Wall of Discipline, go see for yourself."

After an hour of script reading, his phone rang. Surprisingly, it was Wei Wu Xian.

"Why is he calling?" Lan Wang Ji thought.

Lan Wang Ji picked up the call.

"What do you want?"

"Hi, Wang Ji- Xiong. I'm bored, want to listen to me sing?"

There was no sound on the other end.

"Hello, anyone there?"


"So is that a yes to hearing me sing?"


"Hurray, let me start the song."

Wei Wu Xian goes to the speaker and turns on his song. He grabbed his phone and clicked to FaceTime the celebrity.

"Hey, Wang Ji- Xiong, answer the FaceTime."


Soon enough, their FaceTime connects and now they can see each other's faces.

"Hey there."

Lan Wang Ji just nods.

"Wen di sheng du chou chang

yun shen ye wei yang

Shi yu fei dou guo wang

xing lai le

Zen neng dang meng yi chang

Hong chen zhong

hui yu de shi ru he qu liang

Xiao xiao xue re dao feng liang

Shan gao shui yuan

you wen qin xiang

Chen qing wei jue

wo di hua yue ru shuang

Lan Wang Ji could see how lost in the song Wei Wuxian was. As he was listening to him sing, he could imagine how the song would go with the scene he was working on.

Zhu yi hu sheng si bei

huan ji shao nian lang

Ming yue yi jiu he lai chang wang

Bu ru xiao xiao sa sa

li bian feng he lang

Tian ya yi qu gong you yang

Wei Wu Xian looked at his phone and saw that Lan Wang Ji had tears streaming down his face. Lan Wang Ji was crying silently, which was not something Wei Wu Xian expected to see.

"Lan Wang Ji, why are you crying?"

"... I'm not crying."

"... Then what is that thing rolling down your cheeks?"

Lan Wang Ji used his hand to wipe his face and saw that he was actually crying. That was odd, he never really cries.

"Are you feeling okay," asked Wei Wu Xian

"Mmm, I'm going to be right back."

Lan Wang Ji walked away from the camera and came back 15 minutes later. He came back face slightly wet and with a change of clothes. Lan Wang Ji was now wearing a tight fit shirt and joggers. Wei Wu Xian could see the outline of Lan Wang Ji's abs. Wei Wu Xian couldn't help but stare.

"Wang Ji- Xiong, you have such a nice looking body." Wei Wu Xian said teasingly

Lan Wang Ji's ear starts to grow red, hinting that he was embarrassed.


"How was my singing?"


Hearing a compliment from Lan Wang Ji made Wei Wu Xian happy.

"Do you think I will be able to win the audition?"




"I think I'll win it too."

Lan Wang Ji looked at the time, it was almost 9 pm.

"Time to go to sleep," said Lan Wang Ji

"Already, why are you going to sleep so early?"


"Hm, okay. Goodnight Wang Ji-Xiong."

"Call me Lan Zhan."

"Why am I telling him to call me Lan Zhan?" thought Lan Zhan

To allow this boy to call him by his first name was something that he didn't expect to happen. But for some reason, Lan Zhan just knew that it was alright for Wei Ying to call him Lan Zhan.

"Ugh okay, goodnight Lan Zhan."

Wei Wu Xian hung up the phone. Why did Lan Wang Ji want him to call him Lan Zhan?

"Maybe that his first name?" Wei Wu Xian thought

Wei Wu Xian looked at the time, it was 9:10. He still had to eat dinner, he texted Jiang Cheng and asked if he wanted to go eat. They agreed to meet at Fanxing's food court.

"Jiang Cheng, over here." Wei Wu Xian said waving his hand

Jiang Cheng walks over.

"Hey jerk," says Jiang Cheng.

"Hey bitch," says Wei Wu Xian

"How was the date with your boyfriend?"

"It wasn't a date... you left me alone with him."

"Uh-huh whatever you say, lover boy."

"Shut up, I've seen you hanging out with that tempt teacher Lan Xi Chen. What's going on there?"



"We're just friends okay."

"Uh-huh, keep telling yourself that."

Jiang Cheng facepalmed, himself, he wonders why he is friend with Wei Wu Xian.

"So what did you guys talk about," asked Jiang Cheng.

"Nothing much, just guy talk."

"Hm, did anything good happen?"

"I got his number."

"What, how did you get his number?"

"I asked for his phone."

"Really he gave you his phone that easily."

"Yup, he's so cute."

"So you think he's cute?"

"Why do I keep digging my own grave?" thought Wei Wu Xian

"Let's order some food, I'm getting hungry." Said Wei Wu Xian trying to change the topic

Jiang Cheng smirked and decided to leave the topic behind.

"What what do you want to eat Wei Ying?"

"I'm going to get some chicken teriyaki and 2 chicken sticks, how about you?"

"I'm going to get a bento box."

"That's it, you have to eat more."

"I'm broke okay."

"Sigh, want me to pay for you?"

"No, I don't need to be indebted to you."

"Okay, whatever you say."

The boys went their way to the stalls that sell the foods that they want. Jiang Cheng walked to the bento booth and noticed that the cashier looks quite familiar. It was Lan Xi Chen, the guy that Wei Wu Xian brought up.

"Hey there Lan Xi Chen."

"Oh hey there Jiang Cheng, what can I get you?"

Hearing his name being called by Lan Xi Chen made him feel all jittery. Jiang Cheng didn't understand why. It wasn't as if Lan Xi Chen hadn't said his name before, so why was it that this time it felt different?

"I'll get a Cheesy Chicken bento."

"Wow, that's a fat meal."

"... hey, don't be calling me out on being fat."

"I'm not, your food will be ready in 15 minutes."

"Okay, how much is it?"

"It's on the house."

"No, you don't have to do that."

"But I want to."

"Um okay, thanks, Lan Xi Chen."

Lan Xi Chen gave a genuine smile, no wonder every girl in their school liked him. Jiang Cheng walked back to the table, Wei Wu Xian was already gobbling up the food. He looks as if he hadn't eaten in years. Wei Wu Xian looks up with chicken sticking out of his mouth

"What did you end up ordering?"

"I ordered a Cheesy Chicken Bento, it's currently being made; also don't talk with your mouth full. Did you know that Lan Xi Chen works at the bento booth?"

"Ooo, did something happen?" said after swallowing his food.

"He said that my food is on the house."

"Cool, free food."

"Of course, what was I expecting him to say? Stupid Wei Wu Xian only cares for his singing career, food and wine." thought Jiang Cheng

"So did you and Lan Huan says anything."

"Lan Huan, who is that?"

"Your boyfriend duh, don't tell me you didn't know his first name?"

"How the heck would I know, he didn't tell me; also he's not my boyfriend."

"What am I going to do with you Jiang Cheng?" Wei Wu Xian said while shaking his head.

"Order number 520 Cheesy Chicken Bento, your order is ready." (520 in Chinese means I love you)

"Go get 'em, tiger." Wei Wu Xian said teasingly

"Shut up."

Jiang Cheng walked back to the booth, his food was at the counter. When he got to the counter, Lan Xi Chen turned around.

"Here's your order Jiang Cheng."

"Thanks, Lan Xi Chen, for the food and for paying for the food."

"Your welcome." Lan Xi Chen says with a gentle smile.

"Omg, that smile is killing me, how can someone have such a killer smile?" thought Jiang Cheng

Jiang Cheng nods his head and walks back to the table. Wei Wu Xian had already finished his food, Jiang Cheng doesn't understand where all that food goes. Wei Wu Xian is skinny as hell, not bad skinny but skinny.

"You're finally back, enjoy talking to your man."

"Shut up!"

Wei Wu Xian couldn't stop laughing, it is always fun to tease Jiang Cheng.

"Hey Jiang Cheng, can I get a napkin?"


Jiang Cheng gives Wei Wu Xian a napkin, Wei Wu Xian takes it. He notices that there was something written on the napkin. It was a phone number and a name.

"Aww, Jiang Cheng I think your boyfriend wants to get your number."


Wei Wu Xian shows the napkin to Jiang Cheng, Jiang Cheng's eyes go wide. On the napkin was Lan Xi Chen's name and what he was guessing was his phone number.

"Damn, you move fast."

"What, I didn't ask for his number."

"Doesn't matter, all that matters is that there is something between the two of you. Whether you want to admit it or not."

Jiang Cheng lays his head on the table, he didn't know what to do. He always thought of Xi Chen as his friend.

"Look at the time, I have to get back to the dorms before they close."

"Yeah, I need to get home too; don't want my sister worrying."

Wei Wu Xian left the food court, heading back to school. Leaving Jiang Cheng at the table eating and thinking about what to do the next time he sees Lan Xi Chen.

"Jiang Cheng?"

Jiang Cheng turns around, there stood the man who was now all the later can think about.

"L-lan Xi Chen, what are you doing here?"

"I just got off my shift."

"Oh, right."

"I see you got my number."

"Yes, why did you give me your phone number?"

"So I can talk to you more, is that a problem?"

"We talk at school."

"I want to talk to you even when we are not being a student or teacher."


"Because I like you. I want us to go out, please be my boyfriend."

"No, we can't date, it's against the rules. besides, you are a teacher, and I'm a student. No matter how close we are, I don't think we should be contacting each other outside school."

"I see, well I guess I shouldn't be talking to you right now then since we're in public and all. Have a good night Jiang WanYin."

Lan Xi Chen walked away with a pained expression, what has Jiang Cheng done. Lan Xi Chen never calls him by his birth name, now Jiang Cheng felt guilty.

"What am I going to do now?"

Jiang Cheng finishes his food and leaves to go home too. Back at the dorm, Wei Wu Xian getting ready to go to sleep. His phone began to ring, it was Jiang Cheng.