Jiang Cheng didn't know what to do, what happened 20 minutes ago was still on his mind. He didn't know who to talk to about this, his sister is already busy with Jin Ling. So he decided to call Wei Wu Xian, he is the only one who knows what is going on. After a couple of minutes of ringing, the call connected.

"Hey Jiang Cheng, what's up?"

"Nothing just wanted to chat."

"Hm, so what do you want to talk about?"

"Um... Lan Xi Chen."

"Ooo, what happened?"

"I think I hurt his feelings."

"Oh, what did you do?"

"I might have unintentionally rejected him."

"How could you have rejected him if he didn't even ask you out?"

"He looked so sad when I told him that we are student and teacher and that we shouldn't talk outside of school."

"Omg, Jiang Cheng. What am I ever going to do with you?"

"What should I do? What if he ignores me from now on?"

"It will be fine Jiang Cheng, I'm sure he will get over it. Also, I have been wondering, is it just me, or do they look like brothers?"

"I don't know, they might be related. But they might just have the same last name."

"I'll ask him tomorrow morning. He is already asleep, who sleeps at 9 pm?"

"How do you know he's asleep already?"

"I might have called him."

"Wow Wei Wu Xian, you making the move."

"Shut up Jiang Cheng, I'm going to sleep."

"Haha, goodnight."


The night went by with some twists and turns for Wei Wu Xian. He couldn't fall asleep, it was too late to call anyone. So he just got up, took his phone and left his room to take a walk around the hall. He walked to the lounge, he sat down and took out his phone.

"What should I do?"

He didn't know what to do, he couldn't fall asleep, and he couldn't go outside the dorms. Maybe he'll just go to the practice hall, he should get some more practice in. He walked to the closest practice room, he carefully walked into the room. The room is soundproof so he didn't need to worry about waking the other people.

"Wen di sheng du chou chang

yun shen ye wei yang

Shi yu fei dou guo wang

xing lai le

Zen neng dang meng yi chang

Hong chen zhong

hui yu de shi ru he qu liang

Xiao xiao xue re dao feng liang

Shan gao shui yuan

you wen qin xiang

Chen qing wei jue

wo di hua yue ru shuang

Zhu yi hu sheng si bei

huan ji shao nian lang

Ming yue yi jiu

he lai chang wang

Bu ru xiao xiao sa sa

li bian feng he lang

Tian ya yi qu gong you yang

After singing this part, Wei Wu Xian remembered that Lan Wang Ji was crying when he was listening to him singing. Was his singing that good? Wei Wu Xian knows that this song is a sad song, the first time he heard the song; the lyrics and the melody pulled at his heartstring.

"Sigh, concentrate Wei Ying. You have to win the audition."

Chuan wan shui guo qian shan

lu jin ren mang mang

Shi yu fei dou guo wang

xing lai le

Jiu dang ta meng yi chang

Hong chen zhong

hui yu de shi ru he qu liang

Xiao xiao xue re dao feng liang

Shan gao shui yuan

you wen qin xiang

Chen qing wei jue

xiao shi shi duo wu chang

Zhu yi hu sheng si bei

huan ji shao nian lang

Ming yue yi jiu he lai chang wang

Bu ru tan tan dang dang

li bian feng he lang

Tian ya yi qu gong you yang

Zhu yi hu sheng si bei

huan ji shao nian lang

Ming yue yi jiu he lai chang wang

Bu ru tan tan dang dang

li bian feng he lang

Tian ya yi qu gong you yang

Tian ya yi qu gong you yang"

Wei Wu Xian let out a sigh, hoping that he will win the audition and will be able to see Lan Zhan again. After practicing, he felt more relieved and he went back to his room to sleep. When he hit the pillow, it was lights out.