The light shone so bright on Wei Wuxian's face, he didn't want to get up but his alarm was going off like crazy.

"Ugh, what time is it?"

"It's 9 am, Wei-Xiong."

"WHAT, shit I have classes. Why didn't you wake me up Nie-Xiong?"

"I tried, you were sleeping like a log."

Wei Wuxian got up off the bed and went to the bathroom to clean up. Wei Wuxian didn't want to go to class, he felt so tired. But if he doesn't go to class, he just knows that Jiang Cheng is going to find him and give him a good beating. He finished getting dressed and went down to the dining hall. He quickly grabbed something to go and ran to his first class of the day.

"Your late again Wei Wuxian," said Professor Jin (this is not Jin Zixuan, it's Jin Guangshan)

Jin Guangshan just so happens to be A-Jie's father in law.

"I don't like this class at all, just like his son; Jin Guangshan is a peacock." thought Wei Wuxian

"Sorry, Professor Jin; I overslept."

"If you continue to be late, I'm going to call your parents."

"Okay, okay."

Wei Wuxian was adopted into the Jiang family when he was just 6. Jiang Cheng's dad found him in the streets pale and skinny. He feels ever in debt to them, he doesn't want to worry them more.

40 minutes of the class went by, Wei Wuxian barely even paying attention to class. But when the professor called on him to answer a question, he still knew the answer. People at school called him a genius but he was just lucky.

Why couldn't the day go faster? Wei Wuxian wanted to go back to the dorm and sleep. As he was walking down the hall, he sees Jiang Cheng looking all gloomy.


Jiang Cheng was startled, he looked so depressed.

"Jiang Cheng, what's wrong? Did Lan Xichen really ignore you today?"

"Even worse, he didn't show up to work."

"Oh, that bad huh?"

Jiang Cheng wanted to cry, why did this have to happen? Now he will never see Lan Xichen ever again.

"Jiang Cheng, it's fine. I'm sure Lan Xichen is just sick."


"Come on Jiang Cheng, let's eat."

"Wei Wuxian, why is it that you are always talking about eating?"

"Um, because I'm always hungry."

Jiang Cheng sighs.

They walk to the dining hall, it wasn't crowded. They went to get some macaroni and cheese, and some bunny shaped chicken nuggets. (Don't ask about y everything is bunny related.) They went to get seats, they ate in silence. Both not knowing what to say, they were both kinda in a sad mood. Wei Wuxian because he is tired, and Jiang Cheng because he is heartbroken.

"Hey Jiang Cheng, did you try calling him?"

"No, I don't have the right to call him."

"What do you mean? Aren't you worried about him?"

"Yeah, but I'm scared to call him."

"Oh, Jiang Cheng; you are such a child. Do you still have the napkin?"

"I threw it out after I saved his contact."

"Wow, you saved his contact."

"What was I supposed to do, throw out the napkin and pretend it never happened?"

"I don't know, whatever give me your phone. If you won't call him, I'll call for you."

"What, no way am I giving you my phone. Use your phone to call him."

Sigh, Wei Wuxian takes out his phone. He turned on his phone, he saw a notification for Instagram. It was a picture of Lan Zhan wearing traditional clothing. The robe was snowy white and his headband was blue with a cloud on it. What made the picture more alluring was that Lan Zhan had shoulder-length hair. From what he knew about the show. It was about a man who travels to the future after losing the love of his life.

"Wei Wuxian!"

"Ahh, what?"

"Aren't you going to call Lan Xichen?"

"Oh right, I was looking at Lan Wangji's posts."

"Of course, why don't you go marry him or something?"

Wei Wuxian blushes, Jiang Cheng facepalms himself.

Jiang Cheng tells Wei Wuxian the number and the phone starts to ring. After the first ring, the phone connected.

"Who is this?" asked Lan Xichen

"This is Wei Wuxian, Jiang Cheng's friend."

"What can I do for you Wei Wuxian?"

"I'm calling because Jiang Cheng is worried about you."

"Oh, I see," voice a little bit, "tell Jiang Cheng that I'm fine. I'm just taking a day off to hang out with my younger brother."

Wei Wuxian hears on the other line.

"Xi Chen-Ge Ge, who are you talking to."

"Just a student from my school, Wang Ji what do you want to eat for lunch?"

Wait, did he hear right? Did Lan Xichen just say Wang Ji as in Lan Wangji? As in the guy who asked him to call the other Lan Zhan?

"Lan Xichen, did you just say Wang Ji? Your younger brother is Lan Wangji?"

"Yes, do you know him?"

"I met him yesterday at a restaurant."

"Wang Ji, this student says that he met you yesterday at a restaurant."

Wang Ji just looked at his brother, Lan Xichen knew that his brother was thinking. Only Lan Xichen can understand his younger brother's expressions. When his ears started to grow red, Lan Xichen knew that the boy on the other line was someone special to Lan Wangji.

"Wang Ji, do you want to talk to Wei Wuxian."

Wang Ji glared at his brother, Xi Chen gives his brother the phone.

"Hello, Wei Ying."

"Wei Ying? How special is this boy to my brother?" thought Lan Xichen

"Hi, Lan Zhan."

"Lan Zhan? Is Wei Wuxian talking to Lan Wangji? Those two are definitely going to marry each other." thought Jiang Cheng with a smirk

"Lan Zhan, what are you doing right now?"

"Going to go eat with my brother."

"Hm, where are you going to eat?"

"Gusu Buffet."

"Omg, can I come too!"



"You are not wanted."

"Lan Zhan, please." Wei Wuxian pleaded

"Wang Ji, what is Wei Wuxian saying?"

"He wants to come to Gusu Buffet with us."

"Let him come, tell him that he can bring Jiang Cheng too."

"But, brother."

"It's fine, the more the merrier."

"Wei Ying, brother says you and Jiang Cheng can come."

"Really! Tell your brother thanks you. What time should we be there?" Wei Wuxian said while jumping up and down

"Come at 12:30 pm, I still have things to do."

"Okay, see you then."


They both hang up the phone at the same time.

Wei Wuxian kept on jumping around, Jiang Cheng thought he was crazy.

"Wei Wuxian, stop jumping around. It's embarrassing to watch you."

"Come on Jiang Cheng, let go to Gusu Buffet."

"But we just ate."

"You get to see Lan Xichen. Come on Jiang Cheng, it's so rare to hang out with 2 handsome people."

"I guess, but I don't have anything nice to wear."

"You can borrow some of my clothes."

"Okay, how do we get there?"

"By train, the buffet is 20 minutes away in the Gusu district."

"We still have 1hr and 20 minutes, let's go to your room to find me something to wear."

"Ooo someone is excited."

"Shut up."

The boys walk to Wei Wuxian's room, the room was a mess. There could be a dead body and no one would find it.