When Wei Ying looked into the box, he was kind of disappointed. It wasn't the thing that he was expecting. It was a red bracelet that said 'WangXian Forever' in white ink. Wei Ying smiled, he put the bracelet on. He took out his phone and took a picture of the bracelet and sent it to Lan Zhan.
'I love it!' -Wei Ying
'Mmm.' - Lan Zhan
Lan Zhan sent a photo. It was him wearing the same bracelet but it was white, the words were written in red ink color.
'We have matching bracelets.' - Lan Zhan
'Hurray'- Wei Ying
Wei Ying looked at his bracelet again and was very happy.
'I love you Lan Zhan' -Wei Ying
'I love you too Wei Ying' - Lan Zhan
Wei Ying put down his phone, it was already almost 11. He still had to go and take a shower. He took off the bracelet and placed it next to his phone. He quickly grabbed a couple of clothes and went to take a shower. When he came out, he felt so much more refreshed.
"Today has been a day." thought Wei Ying
He sent an alarm for tomorrow, he had to go to class and work.
"Omg, I'm so nervous about work tomorrow. I don't want to hold anyone back."
He looked at himself in front of the mirror, he splashed so water on his face to clear his mind.
"Especially my singing partner. What was his name again? Um, Xiao Xingchen?"
Wei Ying walked over to his table and picked up his phone. He searched for Xiao Xingchen. What he found was very interesting. Xiao Xingchen was actually younger than him. Xiao Xingchen has already started his singing career when he was 12.
"Damn, Xiao Xingchen is younger than me. But he acts so maturely, at least more than me."
"Shhh, Wei-Xiong quiet down."
That startled Wei Ying, he looked over and Nie-Xiong was shifting in his bed.
Wei Ying turned off his phone and went to sleep. With Nie-Xiong's snoring, it's a miracle that Wei Ying fell asleep.
When Wei Ying woke up, it was 6:30 am. For once he wasn't late to class. He went to go take a shower and went downstairs to get some breakfast.
While he was waiting, he saw Jiang Cheng. He waved him over, Jiang Cheng took notice and walked over to him.
"Hey, Jiang Cheng."
"Hey, dumbass."
"Wow, you've hurt my feeling."
"What feelings?"
Wei Ying pretended to be shocked. Jiang Cheng looked at Wei Ying's hand and saw the bracelet that Lan Zhan bought for him.
"Hey, where did you get that bracelet."
Wei Ying smiled.
"Lan Zhan bought it for me, doesn't it look nice."
"Yeah, the colors suit you. You like the color red don't you?"
"Yeah, I'm was surprised that he knew that I liked red."
"Hm, anyway; when do you start work?"
"Really, good luck."
"Thanks, I'm worried that I will hold Xiao Xingchen back."
"Xiao Xingchen?"
"Oh, that's who my partner is. I searched him up last night and found that he started singing when he was 12."
"Also, he is younger than me."
"Damn, he really is something."
When they got their food, they walked over to a table. They sat down and ate their food while chatting.
"Hey, Jiang Cheng."
The boys looked up to see Lan Xichen with a plate in his hand.
"Hey, Mr. Lan," said Jiang Cheng
Lan Xichen was surprised.
"Why are you calling me that?"
"Don't want people suspecting anything."
"Ah, okay."
Lan Xichen turned to look at Wei Ying.
"Hey, Wei Wuxian,"
"Hey, Mr. Lan. Haven't seen you eat in the dining hall before."
"Yeah, didn't have anything to make at home."
"So, are you ready for your first singing job?"
"Omg, I'm so nervous."
"You'll do fine, Wei Ying."
"Thanks, Lan Xichen."
"Hey, Wei Ying. It's almost time to get to classes," said Jiang Cheng
The bell rang, telling the students to go to class. The boys said their goodbyes to Lan Xichen and walked to class. As usual, Wei Wuxian didn't pay attention to class. The professor kept on yelling at him to pay attention. But the only thing on Wei Ying's mind was Lan Zhan and his job later.
It was his first job, it was an important job. That can get him future jobs in the future.
It was time to lunch, Wei Ying met up with Nie Huaisang and Jiang Cheng.
"Hey guys, why does class have to be so boring," said Nie- Xiong
"Tell me about it Nie- Xiong."
"If you paid attention in class. Maybe you will think it is more interesting," said Jiang Cheng
"Easy for you to say, you enjoy going to class," said Wei Ying
"It is fun, being able to learn new things and doing the thing that I enjoy doing. You are here to learn to become a singer. You should take your other classes serious too, not just your singing class." Jiang Cheng
Jiang Cheng looked over to Nie Huaisang.
"And you, you really need to take your classes seriously. You are here to become an actor, that is something serious."
"I know, don't need you telling me Jiang Cheng."
Jiang Cheng let out a sigh.
"If you keep sighing, you are going to become old."
Jiang Cheng looked up, to see You Zhangjing (a Malaysian singer.)
"Shut up Zhangjing"
"Rude, that's why you don't have a girlfriend."
"... Shut Up."
"He can do one better, he has a boyfriend," said Wei Ying
"Hm, really. Who is it?"
"I'm not telling you anything," said Jiang Cheng blushing
"Ooo, is it with that professor that you always hang out with. I knew that there was something going on there."
Jiang Cheng didn't know what to say. He didn't want Lan Xichen to get in trouble because of him.
"Don't tell anyone."
"Don't worry, I promise that I won't tell anyone about your forbidden love."
They did a pinky promise as if they were still kids.
"Okay, good."
The four of them talked a bit more before the bell rang again. It was almost time for Wei Ying to go to his job. He just had one more class to attend, before he had to get to work.
The last class was the only class that Wei Ying had an interest in besides his singing class. It was home economic, he enjoyed cooking. Everyone in his class was scared of his cooking. They keep saying that his cooking is too spicy. But Wei Ying never thought of it being too spicy.
"Oh no, it's Wei Wuxian." said one of the other students
"Please don't make any more spicy food." said another student
"It made us have a stomach ache after." said another student
"What do you mean?" asked Wei Ying
"Sorry, Wei Wuxian. But for the safety of our stomach, I have gotten rid of any spicy ingredients." said the teacher
"WHAT!? You can't do that."
"Yes, I can. I'm the teacher of this class."
"Okay, class. Today, we will be making curry pork chop rice."
"Ooos." can be heard from many of the other students
They had to make everything from scratch, which Wei Ying didn't mind. The teacher said that they could form a group but no one wanted to pair with Wei Ying because of his scary cooking.
"I don't think my cooking is that spicy. Besides spicy is good for the body." Wei Ying said to himself
When each of the students finished making their curry pork chop rice, they were told to go around and try each of the different types. When some of the students went over to Wei Ying's table. They were wary at first, but one of the boys in his class take a bite of the rice.
"Wow, this is actually really decent." said the boy
"Really?" questioned another boy
"Let me try." said one of the boy
Another boy tried Wei Ying's curry pork chop rice. He took another spoonful when he was done with the first.
"Wow, this is actually really good. For once, I feel like I'm going to live." said the boy
Even the teacher was happy with Wei Ying's food.
The class finally came to an end, everyone went their separate way. Wei Ying said his goodbye to his friends, Jiang Cheng walked him to the station.
"Don't mess up, loser," said Jiang Cheng
"Don't need to tell me that jerk."
Jiang Cheng slapped Wei Ying's back, before leaving.
Wei Ying rode the train for 30 mins. He had earbuds in. The song that was playing was one of his favorites. It was called, "two huai nian de" (What I Miss). It was by the singer Stefanie Sun (Xiao Zhan's favorite singer)
"wo wen wei shen me na nǚ hai chuan jian xun gei wo
I ask you, why is that girl is texting me
er ni wei shen me bu jie shi di zhe tou chen mo
Yet why, at the same time, lowering your head you silently offer no explanation
wo gai xiang xin ni hen ai wo
Should I believe that you love me very much
bu yuan yi fu yan wo
And don't want to be perfunctory with me
hai shi ming bai ni yi bu xiang wan hui shen me
Or understand that you don't want to redeem anything
xiang wen wei shen me wo bu zai shi ni de kuai le
I want to ask why I'm not your happiness anymore
ke shi wei shen me que ku xiao shuo wo dou dong le
But why do I instead smile bitterly and claim that I understand everything
zi zun chang chang jiang ren tuo zhe
Pride often pulls a person behind it
ba ai dou zou qu zhe
Creating a twisted path for love
jia zhuang liao jie shi pa zhen shi tai chi luo luo
I pretend to understand for fear that facts would leave us too exposed
lang bei bi shi qu nan shou
Painful awkwardness is even harder to bear than loss
wo huai nian de shi wu hua bu shuo wo huai nian de shi yi qi zuo meng
What I miss is not saying a word, what I miss is dreaming together
wo huai nian de shi zheng chao yi hou hai shi xiang yao ai ni de chong dong
What I miss is even after quarreling I still want the impulsiveness of loving you
wo ji de na nian sheng ri ye ji de na yi shou ge
I remember that year's birthday as well as that song
ji de na pian xing kong zui jin de you shou zui nuan de xiong kou
Remember that expanse of starry sky, the tightest right hand, the warmest chest
shui ji de shui wang le...
Who remembers? Who forgot?..."
The song was interrupted by someone tapping Wei Ying's shoulder. Wei Ying took out his earbuds and looked up. It was Xiao Xingchen, he was dressed in sweats and a hoodie.
"Hey, Xiao Xingchen correct."
"Yup, it's such a coincidence to meet you on the same train."
"Yeah, I just finished with class."
"Really, me too."
"What school do you go to?"
"I go to the Manhattan School of Music." (made up)
"Hm, I've heard of that school."
"Hey, is your music still playing?" asked Xiao Xingchen
Wei Ying looked at his earbuds and realized that his music was still playing. He quickly went to turn it off.
"Sorry," said Wei Ying
"What song were you listening to?"
"Wo Huai Nian De, by Stefanie Sun."
"Wow, I like that song too. Would it be okay if I listen to the song too?"
"Um, sure."
Xiao Xingchen sat down next to Wei Ying, Wei Ying handed him of the earbuds. Xiao Xingchen put in the earbud, and the music starts to play again.
"xiang wen wei shen me wo bu zai shi ni de kuai le
I want to ask why I'm not your happiness anymore
ke shi wei shen me que ku xiao shuo wo dou dong le
But why do I instead smile bitterly and claim that I understand everything
zi zun chang chang jiang ren tuo zhe
Pride often pulls a person behind it
ba ai dou zou qu zhe
Creating a twisted path for love
jia zhuang liao jie shi pa zhen shi tai chi luo luo
I pretend to understand for fear that facts would leave us too exposed
lang bei bi shi qu nan shou
Painful awkwardness is ever harder to bear than loss
wo huai nian de shi wu hua bu shuo wo huai nian de shi yi qi zuo meng
What I miss is not saying a word, what I miss is dreaming together
wo huai nian de shi zheng chao yi hou hai shi xiang yao ai ni de chong dong
What I miss is even after quarreling I still want the impulsiveness of loving you
wo ji de na nian sheng ri ye ji de na yi shou ge
I remember that year's birthday as well as that song
ji de na pian xing kong zui jin de you shou zui nuan de xiong kou
Remember that expanse of starry sky, the tightest right hand, the warmest chest
shui wang le
Who forgot?
wo huai nian de shi wu yan gan dong wo huai nian de shi jue dui chi re
What I miss is being speechlessly moved, what I miss is unquestionable passion
wo huai nian de shi ni hen ji dong qiu wo yuan liang bao de wo dou tong
What I miss is you, so frantic, begging me to forgive you, hugging me so much it hurts
wo ji de ni zai bei hou ye ji de wo chan dou zhe
I remember you were behind me and I was trembling
ji de gan jue xiong yong zui mei de yan huo zui chang de xiang yong
Remember that emotions were torrential, the most beautiful fireworks, the longest embrace
shui ai de tai zi you shui guo tou tai yuan le
Who loved too freely? Who strayed too far past the boundaries?
shui yao zou wo de xin shui wang le na jiu shi cheng nuo
Who took away my heart and forgot that that, in itself, is a vow?
shui zi gu zi di zhou shui wang le kan zhe wo
Who walked only for themselves? Who forgot to watch over me?
shui rang ai bian chen zhong shui wang le yao gei ni wen rou
Who let love turn heavy? Who forgot to give you gentleness?
wo huai nian de~
What I miss...
wo hai shi xiang yao ai ni de chong dong
I still want the impulsiveness of loving you
wo ji de na nian sheng ri ye ji de na yi shou ge
I remember that year's birthday as well as that song
ji de na pian xing kong zui jin de you shou zui nuan de xiong kou
Remember that expanse of starry sky, the tightest right hand, the warmest chest
wo fang shou wo rang zuo
I let go, I give up my seat
jia sa tuo shui dong wo duo mo bu she de
Faking effortlessness. Who can understand how much I can't stand it?
tai ai le suo yi wo
I love you too much, that's why
mei you ku mei you shuo
I Didn't cry, didn't speak"
"Wow, no matter how many times I listen to this song. It makes me really want to sing along," said Xiao Xingchen
"I know right, I like many of her songs."
"She really is a good singer. Have you heard the song Encounter?"
"Omg, yes. I have that song on my playlist too."
Wei Ying was going to put the song when the loudspeaker went off, saying that the stop that they needed to get off was coming up.
"Um, maybe we can listen to it when we finished recording today," said Wei Ying
"Yeah sure, I would love to," said Xiao Xingchen
When their stop came, they got off the train. Left the station and walked to the studio. They talked on the way there about the things that they like to do and the songs that they like to listen to. Wei Ying felt like they would be able to get along. He hoped that the recording will go well. They walked into the studio to be greeted by many people.
The recording of the song "Wuji" (Aka Unrestrained) will soon start, how will Wei Ying and Xiao Xingchen do. Find out in Chapter 18 (MWAHAHA, more cliffy).