Warning, this chapter is all over the place. Please bare with me :(

When Wei Ying and Xiao Xingchen walked into the studio, they were greeted by many staff members.

"Ah, so you are here."

The boys turned to look and it was the record producer.

"Hello, Mr. Mathew." Said Xiao Xingchen (Mr. Mathew is a made-up name)

"Oh, nice to see you again Xiao Xingchen."

"You too."

"You must be Wei Wuxian."

"Yes, nice to meet you, Mr. Mathew."


Mr. Mathew took them both into a studio, it was so big. There was equipment everywhere, the recording room, of course, had mics and headphones.

"Are you boy ready for your first recording of the song," asked Mr. Mathew

"YES SIR!" said the boys

"Okay, so for today; we are just going to go over the song. Make sure that you guys are comfortable with the song, and I hope we can do some practice recordings."

The boys were given the lyric sheet and were told to sit at a table and go over the song a couple of times. To the studio's surprise, the boy's voices were very compatible; they were able to harmonize with ease.

After a couple of hours of practicing at the table, Mr. Mathew told them to go into the booth. The boys got settle down and started to get ready to record.

"We are going to do a soundcheck." Mr. Mathew said over the mic

The sound engineer told them to make some sound into the mic to make sure that they were working. When the audio engineer gave an okay, the boys were excited.

"Okay, boys we are first just going to start off with practices."

"Okay." the boys said in unison

The boys put the lyric sheet on the stand and adjusted the mic.

"Okay, you can start," said the producer

"Wen di sheng du chou chang

yun shen ye wei yang (Xiao Xingchen)

Shi yu fei dou guo wang

xing lai le

Zen neng dang meng yi chang (Wei Wuxian)

Hong chen zhong

hui yu de shi ru he qu liang (Xiao Xingchen)

Xiao xiao xue re dao feng liang (Together)

Shan gao shui yuan (Xiao Xingchen)

you wen qin xiang (Wei Wuxian)

Chen qing wei jue

wo di hua yue ru shuang (Together)

Zhu yi hu sheng si bei

huan ji shao nian lang

Ming yue yi jiu he lai chang wang (Xiao Xingchen)

Bu ru xiao xiao sa sa

li bian feng he lang (Wei Wuxian)

Tian ya yi qu gong you yang (Together)

Chuan wan shui guo qian shan

lu jin ren mang mang (Wei Wuxian)

Shi yu fei dou guo wang

xing lai le

Jiu dang ta meng yi chang (Xiao Xingchen)

Hong chen zhong

hui yu de shi ru he qu liang (Wei Wuxian)

Xiao xiao xue re dao feng liang (Together)

Shan gao shui yuan

you wen qin xiang (Wei Wuxian)

Chen qing wei jue

xiao shi shi duo wu chang (Together)

Zhu yi hu sheng si bei

huan ji shao nian lang

Ming yue yi jiu he lai chang wang (Wei Wuxian)

Bu ru tan tan dang dang

li bian feng he lang (Xiao Xingchen)

Tian ya yi qu gong you yang (Together)

Zhu yi hu sheng si bei

huan ji shao nian lang

Ming yue yi jiu he lai chang wang (Wei Wuxian)

Bu ru tan tan dang dang

li bian feng he lang (Xiao Xingchen)

Tian ya yi qu gong you yang..

Tian ya yi qu gong you yang..." (Together)

When the boys finished singing, they looked at the producer on the other side of the window.

"Hm, Wei Wuxian you are doing fine. But when it comes to the part where you have to sing together with Xiao Xingchen you start to sing too fast. Don't just listen to the music coming from the headphones, try listening to Xiao Xingchen's voice."


"Xiao Xingchen, can you try lowering your voice a little."


They kept on practicing until they got the parts that Mr. Mathew pointed out.

"Okay, I think that you guys are doing pretty good."

"Thank you very much."

They took a break, Wei Ying and Xiao Xingchen left the room to go and drink some water.

"Wow, we attempted 5 times already," said Wei Ying

"I know right, at least Mr. Mathew is saying that we have improved from the first attempt."

"Hopefully, we can finally do the final recording."


When they walk back to the recording studio, they saw Mr. Mathew and the other staff in the room talking. Mr. Mathew turned to look at them and started to walk over.

"What's wrong?" asked Xiao Xingchen

"Oh, you guys are back."

The boys gave Mr. Mathew a concerned look.

"Sorry, but we are going to have to do the final recording next week; the equipment just fried."


"Yeah, sorry guys."

"Isn't there another recording room?" asked Wei Ying

"There are only 2 other rooms, and they are all booked," said Mr. Mathew

"Oh," said Wei Ying

Xiao Xingchen placed a hand on Wei Ying's shoulder.

"It will be okay Wei Wuxian, we can do the final recording next week."

"Yeah, let me look at my schedule."

Wei Ying went to get his phone, he looked at his schedule.

"Um, I'll be free next Friday after classes, is that good for you Xiao Xingchen?" asked Wei Ying

Xiao Xingchen didn't look happy.

"What's wrong Xiao Xingchen?"

"That Friday, I have to stay at school longer."

"Is that so, then how about Saturday?"

"Ah, I think that would be a good day."

They decided to do Saturday, they left the studio after saying goodbye to all the other staff.

"Well, I guess I'll see you next Saturday Xiao Xingchen."

"Yeah, I can't wait for this song to be finished. I can't wait to watch the drama too, there is an actor in the drama that I like."

"Oh, really; who is it?"

"Xue Yang."

"Oh, I never heard of him."

"Yeah, he just started his acting career. But he is still so good, I wish I could meet him one day."

"Maybe you can."

I'm going to head home. How about you Wei Wuxian?"

"I'm going to head back to school, since I dorm there."

"Hm, okay. Well, see you next Saturday."

They both went there separate way. Both excited for the day that they can finally do the final recording.