Chapter 34

"Why are you sighing Lan Zhan, is there something worrying you?" asked Wei Ying


"Are you hiding something from me again?"


"Well, just know that you can always tell me.


The food eventually comes, Wei Ying of course orders some wine. He asked the waiter if they had any spicy condiments, but all they had was pepper.


"Sorry," said Lan Zhan

"Don't be sorry, I said it was okay to come here."

They continued to eat.

"Lan Zhan, do you know when you will be finishing with shooting?"

"In a couple of months."

"Oh, can't wait to watch the show."


"Are you going to go back home, when you finish shooting?"



"Uncle not happy."

Wei Ying remembered what happened between Lan Zhan and his uncle.

"Right, I'm sorry."

"It's okay, I'll go to my brothers."

"Hm, okay."

Wei Ying felt bad for Lan Zhan, just because he and Lan Zhan are dating; Lan Zhan's relationship with his uncle is strained.

They finish eating, Wei Ying was so stuffed that he couldn't even get up.

"Ugh, I ate too much food."

"Want to go for a walk?"


"Where do you want to go for a walk?"

"Um, how about the High Line, I haven't been there before."


"This is my chance, I will propose to him there." Lan Zhan internally said to himself

They get into Lan Zhan's car and drive to 34 st, they had a tough time finding a parking spot.

When they finally manage to get out of the car and onto the walkway, there weren't many people walking around.

"So, Lan Zhan, how is filming going?" (yes, we are talking about it again.)

"It's going okay, we are filming episode 30 right now."

"Ooo, can't wait for it to air so that I can watch it. What is it about again, I forgot."

"It's about a prominent man who fell in love with a commoner. They had many good years together but one day the commoner left the world after being rejected by society. 3 years after the commoner's death, the prominent man wakes up in a new world; he soon comes to realize that his confidant is still alive in this world. He does his best, to be able to gain the trust of the man who he has loved for 8 years."

"Wow, Lan Zhan; that is probably the most words I ever heard you say."


"I can't believe that I'm going to be graduating in a couple of months."


"I will hopefully have a good job and many different opportunities."


They were walking past candle lite fences, it was making the walkway warm and romantic.

"Lan Zhan, I can't wait for us to get married."

Lan Zhan wide eyes, looking at Wei Ying

"Wei Ying... close your eyes."

"This is my chance." (is this okay, or is it too early?"

"Hm, why?"



Wei Ying covers his eyes, and Lan Zhan gets on one knee. There were many people who were pausing and watching.


Wei Ying opens his eyes, to see Lan Zhan with a ring.

"Wei Wuxian, will you marry me?"

Wei Ying looked like he was about to start crying, he bent down and hugged Lan Zhan.

"Of course I will."

"Woooo," can be heard from the bystander

Lan Zhan puts the ring on Wei Ying, it was black and red.

"How long have you had this for?"

"A couple of weeks now."

"Wow, it is so pretty; even if it is very simple."

They get up off the floor, and Wei Ying gives Lan Zhan a kiss.

"I love you, my fiance."

"Love you too Wei Ying."

To those who have been reading this story since the beginning, thank you for continuing to read this messy story. This story is soon to be coming to end with only maybe one or two more chapters left. Once again thank you, if you like; you can always read some of the other stories that I have written.