Chapter 35

After the date, Lan Zhan sent Wei Ying back to school. They were both reluctant to part with each other but Wei Ying had school the next day and Lan Zhan had work.

"Wei-Xiong, you are back."


"Well, goodnight Wei-Xiong."


Wei Ying couldn't fall asleep, he was ecstatic about what happened. He couldn't believe that Lan Zhan proposed to him, he knew that it would come eventually but he didn't think that it would be coming so soon.

He looked at the ring, it was so shiny and new.

"I love you, Lan Zhan," he whispers

With that, he falls asleep with a big smile on his face.

-The Next Day-

Wei Ying wakes up, feeling like he is more awake than ever.

"Let's do this."

He was oddly feeling very optimistic about the day.

He does his regular morning routine, and head down to breakfast. He sees Jiang Cheng with some of their other friends.

"Why are you so happy today Wei Wuxian?" asked Jiang Cheng

"Nothing much."

"When you are happy, I always get a bad feeling."

"Hey, that's rude."

"So tell us why you are happy today," says Lin Yanjun

Wei Ying shows the ring on his left ring finger. A lot of people were confused, the only one who wasn't confused was Jiang Cheng.

"So, you guys finally did it."

"Yup, I'm so excited about after graduation now."

"Wait, what do you mean; what does the ring mean." asked You Zhangjing

"I am engaged."

"WHAT, REALLY?" asked You Zhangjing


"Who is this sad fellow who is going to marry you?" asked Lin Yanjun

"Hey, for your information; my man is more handsome and richer than you."

"Ooo, so a sugar daddy."

"Shut up Yanjun."

"WHO IS IT?" asked You Zhangjing

"Actor Lan Wangji."

"WHAT, NO WAY." said You Zhangjing

"You are joking right, how can you get the attention of the famous Lan Wangji," said Lin Yanjun

Wei Ying takes out his phone and shows pictures and texts between him and Lan Zhan.

"..." no one spoke

"You better invite me to your wedding." was the only thing that Lin Yanjun said

"Of course."

"How did you get him to fall for you?" asked Lin Yanjun

"I don't even know, it just happened. But I am glad that it had happened, I feel like I was able to find my confidant."


"Have you guy talked about when you are getting married?" asked Jiang Cheng

"No, not yet. Probably after he finished filming his current drama."


"So, Jiang Cheng; when are you and Lan Xichen going to get married?"

Jiang Cheng punches Wei Ying in the arm.


"We are not at that stage yet for your information."

"Ooo, so you are thinking about it though."

"I hate you Wei Wuxian."

"Don't say that, or else I might not make you my best man."

"If you don't make me your best man, who else are you going to ask?"

"There is always Nie-Xiong."

"Ha… as if you would replace me with him."

"Haha, don't worry Jiang Cheng; I would never do that to you."

Soon enough, it was time for classes. Jiang Cheng and I walked to the class that we had together.

"Congratulation, Wei Wuxian."

"Thanks, Jiang Cheng."

The go into class, the class for once felt like it went by fast by Wei Ying. After that class, he went to all his other classes.

"Wow, today seems to have gone by very fast," said Wei Ying when he was back in his dorm with Nie-Xiong

"Eh, it was so exhausting; I almost fell asleep like 2 times in the same class."

"Of course you did, I don't know; today just seems so much happier."

"Did something good happen to you?"

"I am going to get married after I graduate.��


"I'm getting married."

"I heard you the first time, don't you think that it is too early for you get married."

"I feel like my partner is my confidant when I am with him; I feel so at ease."

"Who is it?"

"Didn't I tell you before? Whatever, it's Lan Wangji; the actor that I am always looking at."


"Why is it so surprising?"

"What do you mean, of course, it is surprising; you are marrying someone famous for one and two you are marrying LAN WANGJI."

"Haha, I guess; even I can't believe that I am marrying him."

"It feels like a dream, like at any moment that I can wake up and he won't be there."

"It's okay, it is very real. I hope that I can find someone eventually."

"You still have a long way to go before you find your other half."

"Yah, Wei-Xiong; that's mean."

"I'm kidding Nie-Xiong, or am I."


The day soon came to an end, and it was soon Saturday. The day that he and Xingchen will finally record the final recording for the show.

They met up at a close Starbucks near the studio.

"Why are we always meeting at Starbucks?" asked Xingchen

"Why not?"

"I don't know."

They walked to the studio making some small talk. That is when Wei Ying remembered the autograph from Xue Yang.

"Hey, I got a surprise for you."

"What is it?"

Wei Ying went through his bag, and took out a paper and handed it to Xingchen. Xingchen was beaming, he was so happy.

"Omg, thank you so much."

"No problem."

"What do you mean no problem, you got me an autograph by Xue Yang."

"You asked me to though."

"Still, thank you so much. How can I ever repay you?"

"You can always buy me food later when are finished recording."

"Of course."

They go in, greet the workers, and get to recording. It took an hour to complete the recording. They thanked the workers and left the studio.

"We finally did it, now I'm so hungry," said Wei Ying

"Okay, let's go eat. Where do you want to go to eat?"

"Um, I'm in the mood for spicy. I had to restrain myself so that I don't get a sore throat."

"Lol, okay."

They go to a restaurant called "Spice Thai".

They walked in, the place was pretty crowded; thankfully they didn't need to wait too long for there to be a seat for them.

"So, how are things between you and Lan Wangji?"

"We are getting married."

"That was quick, don't you think you guys are going to fast."

"Why does everyone say that?"

"How long have you guys been dating?"

"A couple of months now."

"That is fast."

"I guess, but when I am with him; it feels like I have been with him for years."


"I heard from him, that we have met when we were younger; but I don't have any memories of the past. I wasn't in a good place at the time, but for him to still care for me for so many years how can I not want to marry him."

"What if he is just toying with you."

"I have a motto to my life, 'no matter what is wrong or right, I want to live without regret.'"

"If you say so."

They order their food and make small talk. The food came pretty quick making Wei Ying wonder if the food was just microwaved. But when he tasted it, it tasted pretty good.

"Wow, this place is pretty good. The food came quick so I was wondering if they just had it microwaved."

"Yeah, I have never really tried Thai food before but this is pretty good. I'll have to come here more often."


They ate their food and started to head back home.

"It was nice working with you, Wei Ying."

"Same, I hope that in the future we will be able to sing or just hang out more in the future."

"Yes, let's do that."

They said their goodbyes and took their individual train back home. Wei Ying was so hyped, he finally did his first song and he can't wait to watch the show with the song.

"Let's do this!" he said to himself