
It has been a couple of months since the wedding, the couple went to Korea, Japan, and China for their honeymoon. China was for business and pleasure, Wei Ying decided to join Yixing's company "Changsha Chromosome Entertainment Group." He was going to be the first artist under this company, he was very excited.

"Are you ready to sign under my company?"

"Yes, I feel that working with you would be an honor for one; also I would also allow me to broaden my horizon to the international entertainment industry."

"Awe, thank you; that means a lot."

"Your welcome."

Yixing gives Wei Ying some paper to sign, Wei Ying just signs them without looking at the documents before giving them back to Yixing.

"Glad to work with you CEO Zhang."

"Haha, so how many days are you going to stay in China?"

"We are going to be here for a couple more days."

"What are you going to do here?"

"I was thinking of going to either Sichuan or Chongqing. I want to eat spicy food there."

"Did Lan Wangji agree to this?"

"He agrees with whatever I want."

"You really have him wrapped around your finger."

"Hehe, he can't complain; I give him a good night every night."

"Haha, I see; and here I thought you were innocent."

"Haha, I'm a sheep in wolf's clothing."

"Hey, I'm the sheep here."

"Haha, we can both be sheep."


After having a talk with Yixing, Wei Ying goes back to the hotel.

"Lan Zhan, are you here?"

No one replied to him.

"I guess he went out."

Wei Ying goes to the bed and lays down.

"I can't believe that it's been already a couple of months. Things have been going very well between us, but why do I feel like there is something missing?"

Wei Ying didn't know hat was the feeling that was weighing down his heart. There was a sound of the door unlocking, and Wei Ying turned to see that Lan Zhan was coming in.

"Lan Zhan you are back."


"Where did you go?"

"To get food and wine for you."

"Hm, oh it's already dinner time."


"Let me go wash my hand first."


After washing his hands, and eating the food; Wei Ying wanted to go out for a walk. They decide to go to Nianjia Lake, it would look so beautiful in the fall. As they walked around the lake, Wei Ying couldn't help but wander into his own world.

"Wei Ying, what is wrong?"

"Hm, oh; nothing. I just a little distracted that's all."


They continued to walk, but a kid who was running bumps into Wei Ying. Wei Ying looked down, the child has fallen to the floor. Wei Ying helps the child up and the mother soon came.

"I'm so sorry, Mark; I told you not to run."

"Sorry, mom."

The mother and son apologize once more before leaving. At that moment, Wei Ying realized what it was that was bringing his heart down. He looked around the walkway, seeing so many children with their parents.

"Lan Zhan."


"I want a child."




"But, how? I'm a man; I can't have a child."

"We can adopt."

"Do you not want a child of your own?"

"Any child with you is a child of mine."

Wei Ying wanted to cry, how could he have such a good man. He really doesn't deserve Lan Zhan's love for him.

"Thank you, Lan Zhan, you are really the best husband any person can have."


*time skip*

When they came back to the states, they went to go look for an adoption agency. When they found one, the agency showed them a boy who was around 6 years old. Just like how old Wei Ying was when he lost his parents and became an orphan. When Wei Ying laid his eyes on this child, something in him knew that this was the child for them.

"What is his name?"

"His name is Wen Yuan," said the staff

"What a cute name, does he not have a courtesy name?"

"I'm afraid not," said the staff


Wei Ying turns to Lan Zhan, and Lan Zhan just gives him a nod.

"Can we meet him?"

"Of course, he and the other children should be outside in the playground," said the staff

The staff takes them to the playground, and there were so many children who were there.

"Are all these children orphans?"

"Yes, some of their parents weren't financially stable to take care of them, and some passed away in some accidents."

"How about the child that we are looking into?"

"He's one of the children who's parents died in an accident."

"I see."

"Wen Yuan, come here; there are some people who are here to see you."

A child came over, he was quite skinny; but wasn't rib showing skinny.

"Hello Wen Yuan, I'm Lan Wuxian; and this is my husband Lan Wangji."

"H-hello, are you here to adopt me?"

"Do you want us to adopt you?"

"Mmm, but I want to be with my brother."

"Brother?" Wei Ying asked the staff

"Oh, he doesn't have a brother; he's talking about Jingyi. Ever since Wen Yuan came in, he became attached to Jingyi and he wouldn't leave him. No parents want to adopt to two children at once, so they always end up taking another child."

"Can we see the other child too?"

"Of course, Jingyi; can you come over."

The child didn't look much older than Wen Yuan. When he came over, he took Wen Yuan's hand.

"Are you here to take Wen Yuan?"

"We won't take him if he doesn't want to come."

"Jingyi, I don't want to leave you."

"I know Wen Yuan, but you need to be adopted."

"But I don't want to go without you."

Wen Yuan looked at both Wei Ying and Lan Zhan with tears in his eyes.

"Please don't separate me from my brother," Wen Yuan pleaded

"Lan Zhan, can we adopt both?"

"Mmm, we have enough rooms in the house."



Wei Ying took both boy's hands and pulled them into a hug.

"Guess what, we are gonna adopt both of you."

"Really?" both boys said in unison

"Yes, welcome to the family."

"This is great, isn't this great boys?"


They took the boys with them back into the building, they went to the office to fill out some documents.

"Congratulation boys, you are officially adopted and going home together."

The boys looked so happy. Wei Ying was very happy, he felt like something was lifted in his heart. He took Lan Zhan's hand and squeezed it, he was happy now.

After filling out the document, they went straight to Ikea to buy some furniture for the boys.

"What type of bed do you boys want?"

"I want a bunk bed," says Jingyi

"Me too."

"Okay, let's get a bunk bed, Lan Zhan."


They got all of the other furniture that was needed for the boys. They head to eat lunch, and the boys were so happy when they went to eat. After eating, they went back to their house.

"Boys, welcome to your new home."

The boys go running around the house, they explored the whole house.

"The boys seem excited, Lan Zhan," Wei Ying said while hugging Lan Zhan


Lan Zhan gives Wei Ying a peek on the cheeks.

"I hope they grow up to be like you," Lan Zhan says

"Don't you want to see them grow up to grow up more like you, quiet and polite."

"They can be a mix of us both."

"Yes, I hope that they become like us too."


Wei Ying couldn't be happier with his life, he has a family and a house full of laughter.

"Thank you for everything Lan Zhan."

"I love you."

"I love you too."