Extra Xicheng

It's been a couple of months after the wedding of Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji. Everything was going smoothly for the Xicheng couple. Lan Huan has become an official professor at Julliard. Jiang Cheng has started to do bigger gigs at other weddings and many companies are looking to scout him. He couldn't wait to let the whole world hear him play.

Currently, the couple were together at Jiang Cheng's house. His mother wasn't home at the time which was a good thing, Jiang Cheng wasn't sure if he was ready to have a face-to-face with his mother yet.

"Jiang Cheng, what are you thinking about right now?" asked Lan Huan

"I'm thinking about whether it is finally time to have a talk with my mom."

"Jiang Cheng, it is fine to take your time with this."

"I know, but it's been a couple of months since Wei Wuxian's wedding and she didn't even come. I heard from father that she said stuff like disowning Wei Wuxian."

"That would indeed be an issue..." Lan Huan was interrupted by the sound of Jiang Cheng's mother coming back

"Shit, my mom is back."

"Jiang Cheng, do we have a visitor?" Madam Yu says from the first floor

"We should go down there, Jiang Cheng."

"But, what if she says rude things to you?"

"It is fine, I will be able to handle whatever she says to me."

"You really are the best."

Jiang Cheng hugs Lan Huan before they both walked downstairs. Madam Yu was in the kitchen, putting away food that she had just bought from the market. When she sees them walking towards her, she stops what she is doing.

"So, you were with this man?"

"He is my boyfriend, mother. You have to come to understand that."


"Nice to see you again Madam."


Madam Yu started to walk away, but with all Jiang Cheng's courage and an encouraging hand squeeze from Lan Huan; Jiang Cheng pulled her back.

"What are you doing Jiang Cheng, let me go."

Madam Yu tried to pull away from her son, but she came to realize that he was stronger than her.

"Mother, we need to talk."

"What is there to talk about?"

"You know what it is that we need to talk about. I understand that you are concerned for my well-being, and my future. But I'm an adult now, you don't need to worry about me anymore."

"How can I not worry about you, you are my son. My son has now turned into someone I don't even recognize anymore. I mean look at you, you are with a man. Your former professor at that, what do you think that others will say when they hear that you are with a man."

"Mother, I don't care what people say about me. Can you not see that I love Lan Huan."

"Why, just why Jiang Cheng. I raised you to be better than Wei Wuxian, but in the end, you are exactly like him. No matter what you do, you will never be better than him."

"Madam Yu, you should not say something like that to your own son."

"Don't tell me what I can and can't say to my son."

"You know what, mother. You are right, I will never be better than Wei Wuxian. But I always try my best with everything that I do. But I am never appreciated, Wei Wuxian always excels in everything that he doesn't even get the praise that he deserves. All you ever do is ridicule him for playing around and for being the son of father's former friend. Sometimes I wish you weren't my mother."

"Fine, if you don't want me to be your mother. You are free to leave this house. Look where Wei Wuxian is now, he's married to a stupid actor that he was always obsessed about."

"I don't care who you talk about Madam Yu, but don't even say that my brother is stupid. He is anything but stupid, he is hardworking and has a very big heart. My brother has gone through so much pain to get to where he is now. So don't even dare look down on my brother.

Jiang Cheng looked at Lan Huan with surprise, it was his first time seeing Lan Huan all worked up about something. At the same time, he was proud that this man was the one that his heart has given into.

"Why can't you see Wei Wuxian's achievements, he's not only married to the entertainments most wanted man, but he is also a singer under Chromosome Entertainment which is owned by China's most popular man Zhang Yixing. Why do you ever only see the bad side to him?"

"Why, you're asking me why I treat him the way I do. Is that correct?"

"Yes, I really want to know."

"Of course it's because I'm scared for you. You are my child, my flesh and blood. He is a nobody, but all I ever hear about is Wei Wuxian this, Wei Wuxian that."

"He isn't a nobody, he is my brother and my best friend. I will not stand by and let you look down on him."

"Fine!" Madam Yu yelled before storming out of the kitchen

Jiang Cheng gave a deep sigh, he put his hand to his forehead trying to rub away the stress,

"I didn't mean for that to happen. Now my relationship with my mother is even worse than it was before."

"It's fine, you stood your ground, and she will have to come to understand what it is that you want from her. A mother will never hate their own child."

"I hope you are right Lan Huan."

"I hope so too."

Lan Huan gave Jiang Cheng a big hug, lately, Jiang Cheng has become more comfortable with getting hugs from other people.

"Let's go for a walk, Jiang Cheng."


They went back to Jiang Cheng's room to get their stuff before heading out the door. Jiang Cheng glances back once with a frown on his face. He really hopes that his mother will come to understand his feeling and support him.

They decided to go for a walk around the closest park. There were many kids playing on the playground. This made Jiang Cheng think of his nephews, Jing Ling has turned like 5 years old now. His other nephews are 6 and 7 years old, he couldn't wait for them to come and visit so that Jing Ling will have friends.

"Lan Huan, do you want kids?"

Lan Huan almost tripped on himself when he hears Jiang Cheng ask him that question.

"W-why the sudden question?"

"I don't know, our brothers are already married and they already have 2 kids. I was just wondering if you want to be the same as them."

"Of course I would love to have a kid or kids. But I can wait until you are ready, I am in rush to become a father."

"I see, I definitely know that you will be a great father. Your kindness and your big heart will definitely raise them well."

"You will be a good father to Jiang Cheng, I just know it."

"Thank you for having faith in me."

They continue on their walk, leaving the park and just walking around the neighborhood. Suddenly Jiang Cheng's phone starts to go off. He reaches into his pocket to take out his phone.

"JIANG CHENG!" the caller screams into the phone making Jiang Cheng move his phone away from his ear

"WEI WUXIAN!" Jiang Cheng yelled back

"Haha, sorry Jiang Cheng. What are you doing right now?"

"I'm on a walk with Lan Huan."

"Awwww, how cute."

"What do you want?"

"Does there have to be a reason why I call my favorite brother?"

"Ha, I'm your only brother."

"Not anymore, Lan Huan is now my brother too."


"That is true, Lan Huan is technically family now. Would it be appropriate for us to be dating? I mean, we aren't related or anything like that."

"Jiang Cheng? Are you still there?"

"Y-yeah, sorry I was lost in my own thoughts."

"Hmmm, anyway; my boys want to come and see you guys. We've told them about Jin Ling and they are both excited to see him."

"I see, I will have to talk to sis about this. She would definitely be excited to meet Lan Yuan and Lan Yun (I made up Jingyi's Birth Name)."

"When should we come?"

"It would probably be best to come on a weekend."

"Okay, we'll come over next Saturday."


Jiang Cheng hung up the phone.

"Why did Wei Ying call?"

"He said that he's bringing over his kids to see Jin Ling next Saturday."

"Awe, that's nice. Are you excited to meet your nephews?"

"Of course, I hope when they grow up; they turn out to be more like your brother rather than my brother."

"Nothing is wrong with being playful and childish from time to time."

"I know, I was more talking about wanting to be disciplined."

"My brother was brought up tougher than I was, but I'm sure with him now being around Wei Ying; my brother will now be able to relax and do what he wants. As his brother, I will be beside him watching him."

"Those two really are a match made in heaven, aren't they. To think that they met when they were young and then met again 16 years later. It seems like something that you would watch in a drama."

"Yeah, I haven't seen my brother happy in years."

They continued to walk, hand in hand. Soon enough, they've walked back to Jiang Cheng's house.

"It should be about time I head home."

"Okay, have fun at work tomorrow."

"Thank you, you should have fun at your interview tomorrow."

They stand in front of the house a while before Jiang Cheng went up to Lan Huan and gave him a quick peck on the check.

"Talk to you later, Lan Huan."


After that day, Jiang Cheng went to do interviews with different orchestra companies. Jiang Cheng always knew that he wanted to be in an orchestra ever since he and his family went when he was young. The idea of playing in a big group with many different other instrument players just made him feel all excited.

"Mr. Jiang, why do you want to become an orchestra pianist?"

"I've always wanted to experience the excitement of being on stage with 20 other musicians."

"You know that there are many other places that pianist can play right?"

"Yes, I know but my passion will always be symphony orchestra."

"Okay, well you may play a piece for this audition."


Jiang Cheng walked over to the piano in the room, he sat down in the chair and lifted the cover. once he was comfortable, he started to play, the song which he chose was Chopin's Fantaisie Impromptu. The song was harmonic and fast. Once he was done, he stood up and gave a bow.

"Thank you very much Mr.Jiang, we will discuss our decision outside. So please wait a few minutes."

The judges went out into the hallway to discuss, after finishing they came back and sat back down in the chair.

"Mr.Jiang, we've come to a decision of letting you join our orchestra company. Congratulation, Mr.Jiang."

"Really, thank you so much; I will make sure to work hard."

"Yes, work hard and let the world hear your piano."

With that, he left the building. He couldn't wait to tell Lan Huan about the good news. A couple of days after the interview, he started to go to work. He started to practice with other musician in thee company. He started to become friends with a violin player called Henry Lau (😀). Henry helped him become more in tune with the music that they play.

"Hey Jiang Cheng, are you free this weekend?"

"No, sorry. Why?"

"Oh a couple of the guys want to go out and get a drink."

"Oh, sorry; maybe next time."

"Yeah, next time."

Soon enough, Saturday came and it was time for Wei Ying and Lan Zhan to come to visit with their sons.

"When are they coming, Uncle?" asked Jin Ling

"They'll be here in 10 minutes, be patient," replied Jiang Cheng

"I want to show them all my toys that daddy bought me."

"that's nice of you Jin Ling," said Yanli hugging him


Aftere the 10 minutes, the couple soon came with their two sons. Sizhui was hiding behind Lan Zhan's legs while JIng Yi was stand proud next to him.

"Welcome home, A-Xian, Wangji, and welcome Sizhui, Jingyi" said Yan Li

"I've missed you sis."

Wei Ying went to hug her.

"Hello, Auntie." they said

"Where's Jin Ling?" asked Jingyi