Chapter 17

1 week later

The army's reacted well for the most part even though they were dissapointed a little bit because Jungkook is off the market completely now because not only is he in a relationship but he's epecting a baby. Most comments are sweet and cute and a little funny like "Awww he's gonna be a dad! His child will be so cute and he will make an amazing dad! Y/n is a lucky girl and I hope she takes care of him and dosen't break his heart. I wish I could've been his girl but I wish him and y/n happiness!*purple heart emoji*." I'm officaly 1 month prego today so I'm having my first checkup! I wonder if Jungkook wants to go? I walk into our room since where he had just finished getting dressed. I back hug him and he wraps his arms around mine.

Jungkook: Morning baby! (in english)

Y/n: Morning (in english)

(The following convo is in Korean)

Y/n: I have my first checkup for the baby today and I was wondering if you wanted to come?

Jumgkook: Of course I do! *he turns around kisses my forehead then smiles*

Y/n: Okay I have to be there at 8AM!

Jungkook: Okay no problem!

Jungkook: By the way I want to tell BangPD and the boys that our relationship is real now is that okay?

Y/n: I'm okay with it as long as you are!

Jungkook:*kisses Y/n's forehead* Great I can't wait!

**Time skip to doctor**

Nurse: Miss Y/n Collins your next

Me and Jungkook walk into the doctor's room with huge smiles on our faces. I can tell he's gonna be a great dad and it makes me so happy that he's staying by my side instead of forcing me to abord it or have it and leave him to raise it so he can focous on his career.

Doctor: Okay miss y/n lets get started! I'm gonna step out why you change into that gown on the table

Y/n: Okay

The doctor leaves then I get onto the table and wait for the doctor to come in

Doctor:*knocks on door*

Y/n and Jungkook: Come in!

The doctor enters the room and gets on her rolling chair putting on a pair of gloves.

Doctor: Okay Y/n lets get your first ultra sound! *smiles*

Doctor: Since you aren't that far along yet we have to do a inner ultra sound

I lay down and place my feet in the strips. The doctor gtes out the tool needed to do the ultra sound

Jungkook: Woah Y/n why are you positoned like that and You *points at doctor* why do you have that dildo looking thing! Don't tell me your gonna stick it inside of my girlfriend!

Y/n: *laughs*

Jungkook: What's so funny?

Doctor: Sir this is what's needed to do the utra sound she can't have the one you typiclly see in movies untill she's farther along

Jungkook: Oh....

The doctor begins the ultrasound

Me and Jungkook look at the monitor

Jungkook: Wow it looks like an alien!

Y/n:*playfully hits Jungkook's arm* Our baby dose not look like an alien he or she is beautiful!


Doctor: It looks all good and healthy! The heartbeat will form in about 2 more weeks you can come back in then to hear it and get more pictures

Y/n: Okay then we'll see you in two weeks

Doctor: Do you guys want pictures of the ultrasound printed off?

Y/n: Yes please can we get 4 one for each of us and one for the grandparents?

Doctor: Sure!

We leave the doctor and go to the car

Jungkook: Can I post a picture of the ultra sound on twitter and weverse?

Y/n: Sure!

Jungkook posted the photo and then we go to deliver a picture to his parents

We pull in the driveway and then get out and knock on the door

Mrs.Jeon: *opens door and smiles* Jungkook Y/n what a plesant supprise!

Jungkook: Hi mom *kisses her cheek* We came to drop of a picture of the ultrasound to you and dad

Mrs.Jeon:*eyes light up with joy* Oh well please come in and have some tea!

We chat with Jungkook's parents for a while and then have dinner together before going home. I mail the picture to my mom along with a letter before going to sleep.