Chapter 18

** 4 months later **

(one again thoughts of y/n are in english and speaking to people is in korean)

Me and Jungkook are going to the hosptital today to find out the gender of the baby! I want a girl and he wants a boy but we will love it no matter what gender we are having.

Jungkook: Are you excited to find out the gender?

Y/n: Yes I can't wait! *smiles*

Jungkook: Me either then we can finally give him a name *smiles*

Y/n: Or her *chuckles*

Jungkook: Or her *chuckles*

**Time skip to doctors office**

Dr: Ms.Y/n?

Y/n: Here!

We walk back to the room and I hop on the examination table pulling my shirt up to my chest.

Dr: Everything looks good would like to find out the sex?

Y/n & Jungkook: Yes please!

Jungkook: *squeezes Y/n's hand gently with a smile on his face*

Y/n: *looks at him and smiles then looks back at the monitor*

Dr: You are having a.... Girl!

Y/n: *tears up with tears of joy*

Jungkook: Did you hear that Y/n we are having a girl! *hugs her*

Y/n: *hugs him back and whispers* I told you so!

Jungkook & Y/n: *giggle*

Jungkook: Shall we take a selfie?

Y/n: Sure!

He come closer and hugs me so the camera shows both of us and the monitor. After he takes he picture he writes "It's a girl" in korean with the text option and puts a circle of pink hearts around it.

Dr: Okay I'll see you back in 2 months for anther routine checkup!

Y/n: Okay see you then

Jungkook:*hold y/n's hand and smiles brightly* I'm so happy!

Y/n: *smiles* Me too!

Jungkook has been extremly supportive throughout the whole pregnancy he gose to everyone f the appointments and makes sure I'm eating healthy and getting enough rest. He's really sweet and I couldn't ask for anyone else by my side! Every day with him is amazing and I cherish everyday we have together! I can't wait to see what our future holds and to see our baby girl grow up!

We get in the car and Jungkook desides to take me to his speacial place. We drive an a long road that has beautiful plants and rocks that look like they are from a river. I look out the window and see a black SUV with tinted windows that's been behind us for a while now.

Y/n: Jungkook I think that car is following us it's been behind us since we left the doctor!

Jungkook: Okay hang on! Get into the glove box and get the tiny black box out. It contains a pair ofearings that have trackers in them. I bought them incase Sasaeng comes after us or targets you! Put them on and tighten your seatbelt!

I do as he says and try to remain calm

Jungkook: Siri call BangPD!

BangPD: Hello? Jungkook?

Jungkook: We have a black SUV following us I have the ring with the tracker you gave me on and Y/n is wearing the earings I'm going to try to get us to saftey but I'm gonna need to stay on call incase something happens!

*Just then the SUV slams into the car and causes it to crash into the field and hit a huge rock*


???: Finally got you y/n! *ties her up and puts her into the SUV's trunk*

** 1 hour later **

Jungkook POV

I wake up with my head throbbing and remember what happened

Jungkook: Y/N!!

I look over and she isn't there

Jungkook: SHIT! *kicks inside of the car*

I get out of the car and I'm barely able to stand but I need to see if Y/n is around the car somewhere or if someone kidnapped her. I look around but I can't see her! Just then I hear sirens and 2 ambulences, 4 cop cars, and a white SUV. BangPD and the police and ambulence drivers come rushing forward!

BangPD: JUNGKOOK! Jungkook are you okay?!

Jungkook: N-need to f-find Y/n! *passes out*

BangPD: JUNGKOOK! Hurry get him to the hospital!