Chapter 2



"Fuck! Fuck this!" I shouted as I grabbed my hair out of frustration.

I shouted some more not even minding other people nor minding my own voice.

But after I calmed down a bit I sat down the bench placed at the center of this beautiful garden maybe owned by the restaurant as well... I don't care.

Tears started to stream down my cheeks as my heart hurts as well.

Why did I have to have a father like him? He's a selfish man who only thinks of himself and his company.

And now that he's dying, he's pushing all his problems onto me when he didn't even tried to support me with my passion before.

I don't care no one tried to anyway.

Not my brother nor my mother.

But they were there atleast when I succeeded.

When I finally achieved my dreams.

Only him... He was the only one who didn't cared enough to show up to any of the highlights in my life.

My mother and my brother was sorry that they didn't supported me... But I never heard a word from my father... Even before I became an idol..

"Fuck him." I muttered as I silently cried. Finally calmed down.

"Yoongi?" A woman's voice called out to me.

I looked up and saw that it was my soon-to-be fiancé.

"What are you doing here?" I coldly asked her.

"I just want to comfort you." She answered.

"Then leave... you can't do anything." I only told her.

She didn't said anything and just sat beside me.

After a moment of silence she spoke.

"I'm not trying to compare our situation or anything... I'm just trying to relate to you so... I think I know what you feel." She ranted... But instead of stopping her, I listened to what she's about to say.

I'm mad but not rude.

"I was mad with both of my parents before... My Mom's always busy with her schedules and Dad's always at the company... I'm the only child so I'm always left alone... I also gotten to the point where I thought no one loved me..."

I looked at her and thought 'will she cry?' but she didn't... Which amazed me.

"But after seeing my Father and my Mother come home late with tired eyes and lethargic movements I felt sympathetic... It also hurts me whenever I show them something I'm proud of... They try to show me that they are proud of me despite of being tired... And so after that, instead of being mad at them and being selfish, I tried to understand and help them with whatever I can do... So I hope you too can understand your father as well." She looked at me but then looked away almost immediately.

Maybe she's right... I'm just being selfish too, I never did try to understand my father but only piled up hatred towards him.

Maybe I can do this for him but I can't have myself forgive him right away.

"So will you accept the arrange marriage?" I asked her.

She flinched like a deer caught in the headlights which made me chuckle quietly.

"I-It's fine for me if it's fine for you... I don't want to force you into marrying me... I never agreed to this in the first place as well but my Father needed this." She looks so nervous at first but calmed down with just the mention of his Father.

"Then I'll agree to the arranged marriage." I only said standing up.

"I'll be doing this only because of you and your Father, come on now." I lend my hand to her which she took.

She smiled with red tinted on her cheeks as we walked back inside.



At first I felt kinda down talking about my past with Yoongi but now I think my heart will burst with him holding my hand.

We walked to our Dad's table which is still quiet.

"Papa, Mr. Nam, we will accept your proposal, I'll marry Soo-Eun." Yoongi which made me blush and made them shock.

I think I'll faint.

"Thank you Yoongi." His Father was about to hug him but he backed away.

"I'm not doing this just for you." Yoongi told his Father which made him smile nevertheless.

"Still... Thank you." His Father said while smiling.

My Dad and his Father were talking about the future plans.

But he didn't even noticed that he's still holding my hand.



It may be awkward for me... I accepted my Father's offer to send me to my dorm.

He started the car and drove already.

"Why didn't you chose my brother to this arranged marriage? He's older than me you know?" I asked him... But I do know why, I'm just testing him if he knew anything about his own family.

"He started a company of his own and he don't want to be under anyone's control." He only said.

"Hmm?" I asked shrugging acting like I didn't know a thing.

"Will me and Soo-Eun actually be living together?" I asked him while looking outside which is more interesting.

"Yes... And we already found a place for the both of you." He said which made me look at him in disbelief.

"So you were actually planning to have us live together right from the start huh?" I asked him.

"It's to help the both of you know each other more... It'll be better if this marriage is successful... If it's not then... We can't do anything about that." He explained.

He do have a point though.

If I'll be marrying someone, it'll be better if I'll be happy.

I think I'll be happy with a woman like Soo-Eun.

She seems like a matured person... But a child at the same time.


I smiled quietly to myself.

"Hey we're here." He said which made me snap out of my trance.

"Thanks for the ride." I said without looking at him and got out off the car.

"I love you Yoongi." I heard him said after I closed the car door.

I walked away from the car and watched it drive away.

"Yeah me too." I muttered and went inside.


I opened the door to the dorm and thought the others was already asleep.

But I thought wrong.

"Hyung! You could've killed him! You should have rushed towards him!" Jungkook shouted at Taehyung who's been playing with him.

"Yeah... And let myself be killed so many times like you? No thanks." Taehyung answered back.

"Hyung! You're back!" Jimin cheerfully greeted with a laptop on his lap.

"Why are you all still awake?" I asked them.

"Hey Yoongs, you want something to eat?" Jin-hyung asked as I placed my bag on the sofa.

"We don't have any sched tomorrow so... Yah! Hyung!" Jungkook answered but was distracted again by the game.

Taehyung only laughed as Jungkook playfully punched him.

"Yo Hyung, how's your meet up with your Dad?" Namjoon asked not leaving his eyes off his phone.

"Just some coffee Hyung." I answered Jin-hyung who obliged.

"You want some Hyung?" Hoseok asked from the kitchen counter offering his ramyeon.

I showed him my hand as a sign of a decline.

I fixed myself and my bag, removing all the dirty clothes from it as I talked.

"The meet up? It was a mess. My father put me in an arranged marriage, I talked to my fiancé's Father, I talked to my fiancé, she's quite cute too and then he sai–"

"Y-You what?!" I head Jin-hyung shouted which made me look at him.

I was flustered to see them all looking at me like I said something wrong.

Even Hoseok was chocking.

Jin-hyung snapped out of it and gave Hoseok some water.

Only the videogame Taehyung and Jungkook are playing can be heard.

"What?" I finally asked.

"You're in an arranged marriage Hyung and you're so chill about it." Namjoon cleared like there's something wrong with it.

"Yeah that's what I just told you all." I raised my eyebrow at him.

Everyone stopped what they were doing and sat near me.

Jin-hyung gave me my coffee.

"Hyung, this could give us a huge change... Armys might not accept this, we might you know... Disband..." Jimin said.

"You guys are thinking so negatively... Which is a shock 'cause I'm the pessimist of this group." I chuckled at them.

"I was against this arrange marriage too you know... But I want to help my fiancé and her father... And I believe in Armys... They'll accept it... Others might not... Those others are not armys at all." I shrugged.

"Also... My father and my fiancé's father said that we will be living in one roof so that we'll get to know each other more." I added.

"We should talk all this about with PD-nim and Manager." Namjoon tried to compose himself as he stood up and called their manager.

"Why are you so calm about this Hyung?" Jungkook asked.

"I can't do anything about it right?" I asked as well.

"Also... I don't care about other people's opinions... I'm my own person, I don't even intend to hide this marriage to anyone because it'll be so tiring." I only said and took all my stuff to my room.

I came across Namjoon on the way, "Manager said he'll be here right away."

I nodded my proceeded to do my stuffs.


After taking a shower, Manager finally arrived and I explained everything to him just like I told the guys.

"If you are willing to make this marriage public... Then we need to held a conference as soon as possible... I'll have an article arrange immediately." Manager said as he stood up to leave.

"I'm sorry boys but I think tomorrow won't be free then." Manager said as Namjoon guided him out.

"It's alright Hyung." Namjoon smiled at him as they left.

"Therefore I need to pack." I stood up to go to my room once again.

"You're really leaving us Hyung?" Jimin pouted.

"I could come and visit you know... You should have been mentally ready when this day comes." I chuckled quietly at my Dongsaengs.

"I think you'll be busy with your woman." Jungkook grinned.

"You dirty minded child." I rolled my eyes as I proceeded to leave.

"But I didn't said anything!" Jungkook shouted at me.