Chapter 3



I finally went back home after the dinner and slumped down my bed.

I don't know why it was tiring, maybe it's because of the emotional and mental shock both Dad and Yoongi's father gave us.

I sighed and was slowly drifting off to sleep without even changing my dress when I heard a notification from my phone. I picked it up only to see it was a message from an unknown number.

From: Unknown

Hey, Soo-Eun. It's me, Min Yoongi. I'm sorry to suddenly break it to you but, we will be having a conference tomorrow and I was wondering if you're prepared to come and answer some questions. If not you can still come with us, since the boys wanted to meet you. You do know BTS right?

I was confused and flustered at Yoongi's messaged for me when I realized Dad gave him my number on the way home.

To: Min Yoongi

I would love to come though answering some questions is out of the choices. I'm still shocked with the situation and felt that this isn't real so I'm not really ready to be bombarded with questions. Thank you for the offer though, goodluck for tomorrow, I'll be watching.

From: Min Yoongi

Thanks, here's the address:


After receiving the message, I went to Dad and rant him about giving Yoongi my number.

He's arranging articles as well about our marriage and collaborating with Bighit so that our story would match.

"By the way, the place where you and Yoongi will be staying is already prepared." Dad suddenly said still busy from his work.

I looked at him in disbelief.

"How long have you really been planning to do this arranged marriage?" I asked him quite disappointed, and I know he heard it from the tone of my voice.

"Uh... Haha... about that..." He cleared his throat, "About a month?"

"A month!?" I asked shocked and disappointed.

"I'm sorry my baby! Don't be mad at Dad! Don't tell your Mom please!" He begged, though I know Mom probably knew about the situation anyway.

"I was hesitating to accept his offer too and tried anything else to rise our company to the brink of bankruptcy but it only failed so I went to the last resort and arranged you a marriage." He explained still on a pleading gesture.

I sighed, "I was just disappointed Dad, since you didn't even asked for my help before deciding the arrange marriage thing... I could probably help you you know."

"Well, I don't want to disturb you that time with your studies. You seem pretty stressed." He said which made me soften my look at him.

"Oh Dad." I hugged him with a smile.

"I'll be packing my stuff now then, and I'll be coming to Yoongi's conference tomorrow... Though I won't be there to answer questions." I told him as I walked towards the stairs.

"Well, Good luck then." He smiled before going back to work.



The next morning, we finally arrived the hall where the conference will be held.

Based from the noise outside the stage, it seems that there are so many people.

I breathed in and out to calm my nerves and tried to remember the story made up by the companies and Bighit.

So far, there are no arrange marriage and we happened to be a 7 year old relationship. It may have been exaggerated but it'll be more believable they said. The articles both my Father's company and Mr. Nam's are just said stating their side about the news acting like they didn't know a thing.

It'll be like we met at one of the comapanies' gala events and got closer along the way, mostly via social media since we're avoiding being exposed. Is what they came up with.

"Are you ready Yoongs?" Jin-hyung asked behind me.

I just got finished being prepared by the make-up artist, I muttered a 'thanks' after she said that it was done.

"Yeah, I'm done." I replied to Hyung.

We were about to get out of the backstage when I heard a voice.

"Um... Where's Yoongi?" Soo-Eun asked one of the staffs.

I walked towards her while the boys just watched.

"Oh Hey... I'm sorry I was late. I slept late because I was packing my stuffs." She said with an apologetic smile.

"No it's fine... I'm glad you came. I was getting kind of nervous... this is more nerve wrecking than our concerts." I chuckled and so did she.

"Should I come with you? I-I know the story anyway." She asked and looked away with a blush.

I just patted her head and she looked at me, "No, it's fine... I can do this, I have the boys by my side as well."

"Well, we'll be going now." I bid to her as I walked towards the boys leaving.

"You're fiancè's really cute." Jimin said while hitting me playfully with his elbow.

"Shut it." He just chuckled at my reaction.

We all sat down on our chairs as a host for our conference made an order.

"We will be tackling about Min Yoongi's sudden engagement, please stand up to the mic for your questions." The host instructed pointing to the mic in the middle in front of us.

I looked to the side and noticed Soo-Eun looking at me worried, so I smiled at her which she returned back.

"Where is your fiancè Mr. Min?"

"Her identity is being protected and so we will not expose her to the media, if so she's exposed please respect the privacy of my fiancè." I answered thinking how that word is quite foreign to my tongue.

"Will your group still continue? or will you disband?"

"Our group will last as long as we all want to, and so we will still continue to be BTS." Namjoon answered.

"What will you do about the fans reacting differently about this engagement?"

"We will sue all the threatening posts reported to our company. And by the way, they aren't even considered fans if they can't even support their idols being happy." I answered quite stern.



The conference finished smoothly, at first I thought it wouldn't be a great idea to expose about the engagement so early but then, it'll be bad as well if we held it much longer.

"You're all great." I greeted with a smile as the boys went back stage.

"Namjoon-hyung and Yoongi-hyung mostly answered them all though." Taehyung chuckled.

"But still being there to support him is still great." I complimented with a smile.

"Bro, is she a goddess or what?" Jungkook asked Hoseok.

"What?" He only asked dazed.

"Yah. You're all making her uncomfortable." Yoongi said and stood beside me.

"No it's fine, I like being acquainted." I corrected calmly, though deep inside I'm probably screaming.

"She's really nice and gentle." Namjoon complimented.

"Thank you." I replied with composure.

But shit, Kim Namjoon just fucking complimented me.

"It was nice meeting you all but I'm afraid me and Yoongi need to leave." I said while looking at my phone.

"Where are you going Hyung?" Taehyung asked.

"We'll be unpacking our things at our Apartment, y'all can visit if you want. It's not that far from the building." Yoongi answered while we left the place.

"We will!" Jimin shouted at him with a smile as I waved goodbye.