Chapter 4



"You can put your things in the trunk." I instructed as I opened the trunk switch inside the car.

"I didn't know you drive." He said while putting his things inside.

"We just made yesterday." I chuckled which made him too.

I got in the car and so did Yoongi, then closed the trunk for us to be good to go.

"Well this might be reversed but, let's get to know each other then." He said as I started the car.

I chuckled once again, "Sure, let's start off with some music. You can connect your spotify to the car if you want."

He connected it with bluetooth as I instructed while driving and the first thing that played was 'Die for You by The Weeknd'.

"OMG! I like that song!" I exclaimed chuckling while I sang a little.

He sang as well but it was a little off making me laugh.

The drive to the Apartment was unnoticeably fast because we're enjoying music and vibing with the tunes.



"It looks like we're here." Hydra parked and turned off the car.

I took my things off the trunk and after that she locked the car.

"Do you want me to help carrying that?" She asked looking at me carrying a shoulder bag, a box and a rolling baggage.

"Nah, it's fine." I replied even though it's actually not.

"Well then I'll take this for you." She said and took my rolling baggage and went ahead inside the our apartment without even waiting for me to reply.

I just chuckled at her helping nature.

I walked inside as well seeing Soo-Eun just admiring the place.

"It's just the way I like it. A modern styled black and white interior. Dad surely knew me." She smiled at me.

"Do you like it too? I-I heard you liked black as well." She looked away as if embarrassed.

"It suits me, so I like it as well." I answered with a small smile as well.

"Are you hungry? We haven't had lunch yet... did you had breaskfast?" Soo-Eun asked as she placed my baggage beside the large L-shaped couch.

"I can cook for you while you unpack your things. I can unpack mine later, so go ahead and pick your room." She said and went to the kitchen.

She really seems like a wife now.

I was amazed and in my trance when she went back from the kitchen again blushing, embarrassed.

"It seems like we need to buy groceries for now... Let's just eat lunch outside." She chuckled at her mistake.

"Sure. I'll just go change to a more casual clothing." I told her as I carried all my things upstairs.

I opened the first one and it seems to have more black than white, and it has a door connecting to the other room, which is more white than black.

I'll just pick white then, 'cause she seems to like black more than white.



I waited for Yoongi at the living room and looked at my things that are boxed placed at the corner. I suddenly regret bringing those with me. Why didn't I just left them at home?

Oh... this is my home now. A home with Min Yoongi.

I blushed at the thought.

"Hey, I'm done. Why are you staring at your things? Do you want to unpack already? I can buy grocery for us instead." Yoongi said making me look at him walking downstairs on a black hoodie and jeans.

And he looked handsome with just casual clothing.

"N-No... We can buy grocery first, after all we're having lunch right?" I stuttered at first because of fluster but saved it with a smile while I stood up and walked to him.

"We can just walk in the area, it's pretty near the building so I know the place." Yoongi said as we walked out of the Apartment, locking it as well.

"So what do you want to eat? My treat." Yoongi said which made me shocked.

"No. no. no. I can pay for myself, but I am craving for samgyup right now." I told him while we walk at the silent street.

It is a working day, so many people aren't out at this time.

"Okay then, I know a good place." He said and took us there.

"Wow. This place is great, do you eat here often with the boys?" I asked while I followed him.

"Go ahead and get a seat for us, I'll go and order." He said and I obliged.

'He really seem like a husband when he said that.' I thought while blushing.

After ordering, he went to our seat and took his phone out since it's been springing with notifications.

"Idol life is so noisy sometimes." He just said and put his phone back to his pocket.

"But you like it."

"Yeah, I like it."

"By the way Yoongi, I always wanted a pet but my mother was allergic to them... Can we get some?" I asked while the lady put the side dishes on our table.

We muttered a 'thank you' which she smiled at.

"I don't see why not, what do you want have?" He asked and eating some side dishes.

"Hey, wait for the lady to finish her work." I slapped his hand with a pout on my lips.

He just chuckled at me, "You act like a wife."

My face reddened and looked away, "Well you act like a husband too."

"Hm?? I'm just the same though." He shrugged.

The lady came back completing our order, we said our 'thanks' again and blessed the food.

"Getting back to the pets, I would want to have a cat." I said putting some meat on the pan.

"Let me do that." Yoongi said and took the tongs.

"We could adopt some later when we buy groceries." He said making my eyes sparkle.

"For reals!? Yey!! Let's buy a puppy too." I smiled at him as I ate some kimchi.

"Aren't they going to fight?" He chuckled at me.

"I think not." I smiled.

"Ah." Yoongi offered me a wrap of samgyup which I ate like it was a natural thing to do.

And it embarrassed me when I realized what I have done.

"We're such a natural at this married couple thing." Yoongi smiled fondly at me.

"We're not even married yet." I muttered and ate a side dish.