Chapter 5



After eating lunch, we proceeded on our way to buy some groceries.

"Let's scan the place thoroughly so that we can't forget anything." Yoongi instructed and got a cart for us.

"Okiiee..." I sang as we walked to the dairy products section first.

"Do you want me to make something sweet Yoongi?" I asked him as I picked a chiffon cake without any icing.

"You can buy them if ever you have nothing to do, but it's not practical right now." He said and I agreed.

"Just a butter then, It's still an ingredient." I said picking up the said product.

Grocery shopping went on pretty smoothly and we bought easy to eat snacks up to hygiene products.

I looked at the lettuces and compared each other, I don't really know what's fresh between these two.

"The right one is fresher." Yoongi said from my shoulder startling me.

My cheeks tinted pink at how close he is.

"I didn't really know how to look if they're fresh or not." I chuckled and put the vegetable in our cart.

I never noticed it but he's pretty taller than me.

"It's fine, you'll learn. The boys messaged me by the way asking if they can visit." Yoongi said putting his phone back his pocket.

"But we haven't unpacked yet, I don't want them to see the house unprepared." I told him worried.

"Okay okay, I'll tell them don't worry." He patted my head making me feel fuzzy and giddy.

"Tomorrow is fine, we can finish unpacking by tonight." I smiled at him.

"Yeah, so let's go buy us some babies." He said referring to our pets.

We had the groceries checked out and was in a pickle when we didn't realized we have too many bags to bring.

Luckily the grocery staff said to just leave it to them and get it back later which we replied with a 'thank you'.

After that, we proceeded on our way to adopt a pet. They were all so cute.

But there's this Persian white kitten who's been crying and looks like they've been bathed with dust.

"Aww... let's get this kitten Yoongi." I told him pointing to it.

"We would like to take it." He told the pet pound owner.

We didn't really like to buy some, as these pets from the pound need our help than any other.

Looking around some more I saw a golden retriever puppy all skinny and got skin rashes.

"Oh you poor baby." I awed at it and looked at Yoongi.

"We'll take that too." He immediately told the man.

After that, we signed papers, donated some money and bought some food for the two.

"Let's go home for now and get the groceries back by car later." I told him as I hold the pets' box and he's carrying their bags of foods.

He nodded as he looked at me, "What are you going to name them?"

"Hm... King and Duchess, the puppy is a boy and of course the kitten is a girl." I told him which made him think.

"Then why isn't she a queen?" He asked curious.

"Queens are spoiled, I don't want to spoil them too much."

"But Kings are spoiled too." He chuckled.

"Yeah but their nice."

"There are tyrant kings you know." He said making me roll my eyes.

"Okay you're just doing this on purpose now." Both of us chuckled.

"I'm going to take them to the vet tomorrow, do you want to come?" I asked him as we arrived our home and unlock the door.

"The boys will be coming tomorrow though, I'll just check what time they'll be coming." He said and placed the pet foods at the kitchen.

I carefully placed the pets' box on the floor and let them out.

"Welcome home. King, Duchess." I smiled at them fondly.

"Here." Yoongi placed the container for their foods that we bought earlier.

"Aww, they looked so hungry." I cooed while they ate.

"Soo-Eun, can I borrow the car keys? I'm getting the groceries." He asked which I lent him.

"I'll start unpacking then." I told him as he left.

I gazed at my box and realized this was the perfect opportunity to hide those merch and albums I accidentally brought.

My face just redden with the thought of Yoongi finding this out.

It's so embarrassing and I think he'll just tease me more because of that.

I immediately brought my things to the black room, since his things aren't there.

The first thing I did was to hide them, but I don't know where.

Without giving it too much thought, I just placed them neatly under the bed since the closet is too small for them.

I mean the closet is big, but my clothes, shoes and accessories will be filling it up.

After my mind is finally at peace, I proceeded on unpacking all my things neatly, forgetting about what I just hid under the bed.

I was in the middle of fixing my closet, it was taking my time the longest since I have so many things.

I heard the door opened and I stopped what I was doing to see to it.

It was Yoongi struggling a bit to carry the groceries.

"You should've just asked me for help." I told him as I walked down the stairs.

He passed by me and went to the kitchen.

"A kiss would be enough." He said making me red.

"What the heck was that even?" I muttered but loud enough for him to hear.

He placed the groceries on the counter and walked back to me.

He showed me his gummy smile as he chuckled, "We're engaged what's wrong with that?"

"We just met a few days for goodness sake." I said while the tint on my cheeks didn't left.

"I know, I know, I just wanted to see your reaction." He said, the chuckling didn't stopped while he went out again to take the groceries off the car.

I puffed angrily but I didn't really mean it.

"Are there anything else for me to carry?" I asked and went outside as well to look at the car.

"Pretty much many more." He said while I gave him a way since he's carrying too much again.

I took bags to myself too but I didn't pushed myself to carry as much as possible.

"You know that you could just take it easy and carry a little bit right?" I asked him while I went inside to put the groceries on the counter.

King and Duchess are sleeping sound asleep together on the bed meant only for King.

'We bought two for goodness sake.' I looked at the fondly.

"It's much of a hassle to go back and forth so many times." Yoongi whined and went out again.

He's such a child.