Chapter 6



After we finished loading off the car with our groceries, Soo-Eun insist that she'll be the one to arrange the groceries so that I can start unpacking my things.

I went to my room past Soo-Eun's and started unpacking my things. It was pretty easy since I don't own that much things, just my clothes, shoes, accessories and a few producing tools I use for my music.

A few good hours was spent, only with my accessories, since I like rings and earings so much.

Out of curiosity I went to Soo-Eun's room. It wasn't perverted if you're sneaking into your fiancè's room, right?

In the first place we should be sleeping in one room. But we're arranged so that wasn't a natural thing to do.

I looked at the cute display of a cat placed on her bedside table.

I picked it up to take a look more closely when it slipped my hand and went under the bed.

Thankfully the floors are carpeted or I would in trouble for entering and breaking, though this is my house as well and we're engaged.

I crouched down to take the cat but that wasn't the only thing I saw.

It was a complete unsigned albums.

It got me thinking why they are under there when it hit my mind.

She's hiding the fact that she's an Army. Did she even arranged this marriage? Am I being lied to?

Why is she hiding them there?

I placed the cat beside her bed table and took the albums in my hand.

Walked out of her room and went to the kitchen where she seems to be cooking.

"Soo-Eun... what's this doing under your bed?" I asked quite mad, raising the albums in my hand.

I feel played by the people around me.

She looked away from the pan and to me, her face suddenly reddened.

I was expecting her to be mortified and nervous, not embarrassed.


"Are you lying to me? Did you arranged this whole marriage thing?" I asked placing the albums on the counter to approach her while she back away.

"What!? No! I didn't have any idea either that I'll be marrying you!" She defended still with blush across her face.

"Then why were you hiding them!?"

"Because I was embarrassed! I'm not the type to fangirl and show my excitement... people see me as a composed woman that it made me embarrassed to show them my other emotions..." She confessed making me calm down and look at her sympathetically.

"I'm not very fond of people too so I don't like being in a lot of crowds. Reason I don't go to your concerts. I didn't had them signed as well because of the same reason... I'm sorry if you felt deceived... I actually wasn't planning to bring them here but I realized it a little late." She apologized.

"No... I'm sorry I got mad... Fans these days becomes so aggressive lately so I was being cautious, and yeah... I felt deceived. But no worries, you can be yourself with me... no need to compose yourself as always... that must be tiring." I told her while patting her head.

"I've gotten used to it." She chuckled and looked away.

"And so... I'm confiscating the albums." I told her and ran away with them upstairs.



"W-What!!? You can't do that! That's mine!" I shouted and closed the stove before running after him.

He went to his room and locked the door.

"Yoongi! Give them back to me! I saved those from my own money!" I whined.

"How much is your income?" He asked and I can feel the smirk on his face.

"Uh..." I just muttered and remembered one thing.

I went to my room silently and opened the door connecting our rooms.

"Give them back!" I puffed while pointing a finger at him.

"Give what back?" He asked while laying on his bed with a smile.

I approached him and searched for my albums but they're not with him.

"Where did you hid them?" I asked quite mad.

"I hid them so that you won't find them. And no I didn't placed it under my bed." He said while I looked under my bed.

My face reddened from anger and embarrassment, while he just chuckled at me.

"Look at you getting angry. It's cute. I'll give your album back... but not now." He said and sat up.

He took my hand and pulled me to sit in front of him.

"Tell me more about you being an Army." He said with a smile while playing with my finger.

The red plastered on my face isn't because of anger anymore, because of fluster.

"I just remembered I was cooking..." I took my hand away and stood up.

"I'll tell them some time but please let me calm down for a while, you're bad for my heart." I said and walked out of his room.



A smile crept on my face when she said that.

It maybe impossible to like someone in a span of 3 days, but maybe I just did. I'm still not sure, since I was gonna end this marriage thing if she was lying to me.

The smile was easily replaced with a straight face.

'We need to talk about such things if we wanted this relationship to last.'

I thought to myself as I drifted off to sleep.

A little while later, I didn't realized that I fell asleep not until I was woken up and shook by Soo-Eun.

"Hey... Um... the boys are here to visit." She said delicately like if she talked loudly I'll break.

"Is it tomorrow already?" I asked looking at my phone and saw that it was just 6 in the evening.

"They told me they've been calling you but you're not answering so they just went ahead and visit... thankfully we finished unpacking before they came." She chuckled softly while I stood up.

"Come on, come on... I'll talk to them." I said and took her hand while we walked out of my room.

"Why do you need to hold my hand though?" She asked and I looked at her from behind.

Her cheeks are tinted pink, "I just like your reaction." I chuckled, my voice is still a bit husky since I just woke up.

At the bottom of the stairs I saw the boys looking around the house.

"Hyung! You're awake... thank god you're not grumpy." Taehyung said with a smile, I removed my grasp on Soo-Eun's hand and walked to the couch.

"I am grumpy, I told you to just visit tomorrow." I told them stern.

"It's not honeymoon yet Hyung." Hoseok laughed.

"Yah! Respect to Soo-Eun... uhhh... Noona?" Namjoon asked since he didn't know her age.

"Yes... I'm the same age as Yoongi." She answered with a soft smile.

"So why are you here again?" I asked and sat down the couch with a sigh.

"To visit of course, we've been calling you like ages and you're not answering... you said you'll go to the vet for these babies... What are their names Noona?" Jimin was easily distracted with King and Duchess eating.

They seem to eat so much, they must've like the food.

"The dog is King and the cat is Duchess." She said crouching down with Jimin on the floor like a kid.

"Well we've brought you gifts so accept us already." Jin chuckled and put a kaws black and white figurine on the center table.

"Well, thanks... even though we just saw each other earlier this morning." I said looking at the figurine.

"And doughnuts. We've brought doughnuts." Taehyung put them on the center table too, even though he already placed them at the kitchen counter.

"No eating them before dinner though... It'll ruin your appetite." Soo-Eun said looking stern but she was easily embarrassed when she caught on that they were looking at her.

And then I remembered something.

"Soo-Eun, please prepare the table for us... I'm just gonna show them the rooms." I told her.

"I'll help her..." Jin-hyung said ruining my plan.

"No, she can handle it. I want to show you something." I said and stood up.

"I can do it just fine Oppa." She smiled at Jin making him agree.

And so I took them to my room.

"What are you showing us anyway?" Jin asked slumping down my bed.

Jungkook immediately slumped down on Jin, Jimin followed suit and then Taehyung.

"Argh! Get off!!" The others just laughed.

I took the albums from my closet and showed it to them.

"Our albums?" Namjoon asked taking them from me.

"They're Soo-Eun's albums, I want them signed." I said and gave everyone a marker.

"How sweet Hyung!" Jimin said and all started signing.

"So did Noona arranged your marriage?" Namjoon asked and passed the album for the others to sign.

"Nah, she's just too much of an introvert to go to crowded events like our concert and fanmeets... but yeah at first I was skeptical. But she said she didn't know as well that she'll be marrying me." I said and joined the signing chain.

"Now I remembered, she did asked me too if I was okay with marrying her, and I said I'm fine if it's to help her... So I was really guilty of accusing her." I ended and I notice them staring at me.

"Hyung is in love already." Hoseok dramatically cried.

"No I'm not." I said looking away, but I can feel the blush creeping on my face.

"Yeah you're not." Namjoon said with a smirk obviously a sarcastic remark.

"The dinner's ready!" Soo-Eun called and thankfully we already finished signing.

"I almost signed one album twice." Jimin chuckled.