Chapter 7



The boys left the albums on the bed as I instructed them and went downstairs to eat.

"Wah! That looks good!" Jin-hyung said and was about to sit down.

"P-" She cleared her throat, "Please wash your hands first." She said with a smile, but the tint on her cheeks are noticable.

The boys just ignored it and proceeded to wash their hands as soon as they can.

"You're quite good at cooking for a CEO's daughter." I told her as I wait for them to finish.

"I was thought how though I don't think that it'll taste great... so please don't expect too much." She said humbly.

"I'll still eat it whatever it taste... you probably took an effort on making them." I smiled at her and went to wash my hands after the boys are finished.



My face reddened at what he just said.

"Are you sick Noona? You're quite red." Jimin asked worried.

"No.. no, I'm fine. Let's go eat now." I said as Yoongi finished.

We ate deliciously while they kept on complimenting my cooking.

Butterflies in my stomach is making me hard to eat some more, but I was full as well so it wasn't that much of a problem.

To be able to eat in one table with BTS, I hope I won't wake up from this dream.

"I'm sure glad I made portions enough for you're appetites." I said as they kept eating.

"Aren't you having some more Noona?" Taehyung asked which I shook my head.

"I'm already full." I said and stood up.

I took the doughnuts from the living room and placed it at the dining table.

I took a chocolate flavored one as I sat beside Yoongi.

"I thought you're already full." He said looking at me in a smirk.

My face reddened, it always seems when he's with me.

"For sweets there are always a place... only one though." I said and finished it.

I stood up once again and placed the kaws figure—the boys gave us—on the shelves placed under the stairs.

After that I saw them cleaning the table after they were done eating, "No need for you all to clean, I can do that much." I said when I approached them.

"You already cooked Noona, so this is the least we could do." Jungkook said earning sounds of amazement from his Hyungs.

I can't help but fell in love with his gentlemanliness. Well the others are helping too.

But of course, I keep reminding myself that Yoongi is who I'll be marrying and so I'll be loyal to him.

Even though it's so hard to be loyal when it come to BTS, I will do my best.

I walked to the sink and was ready to wash the dishes.

But Yoongi took the plate from me, "Go on and relax, I'll do this."


"You must've been tired so–"

"I'm not I can do this much, you go and hang out with the boys."

"I've been hanging out with them since 11 years ago, you go hang out with them."

"You two go and rest with them if you're going to argue about who's washing the dishes." Jin-oppa said making me back away with a blush.

Yoongi doesn't seem to be fazed so I pulled him by the hand.

We sat on the couch where the others are casually sitting and looking around.

"You're always so red Noona, are you sure you're alright?" Namjoon asked making me shy.

I want to at least scream this feelings out, they're right in front of me, so close.

I was with them earlier this morning too but the conference is making me nervous it was actually distracting me.

I just covered my face with my hands, "They know that you're a fan, so you can let your feelings out with them too."

Yoongi muttered to me since I was just sitting beside him.

I can't help but be conscious since they were all watching my reaction, it's making me shy.

"Please... don't look at me..." I try to say without looking at them.

"I'll excuse myself for now..." I added and went upstairs as fast as possible.



"Well that was cute." Hoseok chuckled after Soo-Eun left.

"I know right? Just like a kid." I said chuckling as well.

"Well is that how you see her?" Namjoon suddenly asked making a tension in the air.

"It's just been three days, give them some time at least..." Jin said from the kitchen.

"You be quiet Hyung." Jungkook said as she might hear them.

"Well, like is a strong word in using to describe my feelings for now... but she's nice..." I just said.

"She's seems not that hard to like Hyung." Jungkook said.

"Why? Do you like Noona already?" Jimin asked with a smirk.

"That's not what I meant!" Jungkook pushed Jimin with a smile.

"What I meant is her personality, she's so gentle, kind, composed and calm... a pure maiden if I were to describe her." He tried to defend.

"You really do like Noona!" Taehyung exclaimed laughing with Jimin while Jungkook is blushing.

"You're so noisy! And Hyung, don't listen to these idiots it's not true... I mean I like Noona but not in a romantic way, more of a sisterly like." He explained to me though I don't really care.

Even if Jungkook likes Soo-Eun, she'll still be ending up with me.

And she doesn't seem to like him that way either... or I don't know, I just always thought she likes me.

But that might be because I'm an idol.

"You seem so deep in thoughts Yoongi." Jin-hyung said snapping me out of them.

"We'll be going now Hyung, thanks for the warm welcome!" Namjoon said as they started to walk out.

"Say thank you to Noona for us!" Taehyung said as they left.

"Take care." I just told them when I saw them off.

I closed the door and locked it, closing the lights as well, leaving the ones on the 2nd floor's hallway.

After that I knocked on Soo-Eun's room, "Hey... are you free to talk?" I asked.

"Y-Yeah..." She said but the door is muffling the sound and so I opened it and went inside.

"You're fine now?" I asked and sat on her bed.

She too was sitting criss-crossed on her bed when she nod her head, a pillow was covering her chest and half of her face.

"I would like to talk more about our relationship."