New Puppets

The group stayed at the forest for a while slowly getting used to their new bodies, their proficiency is also always on the top, right now, a battle between members is going to happen, everyone cleared a free space for these two who will be fighting.

In the middle of the forest, Akatsuki and Reigen were standing on the middle, yes, it's going to be a fight between them, Reigen was carefree as he stood on his position, Akatsuki getting ready, this will be her first time fighting Reigen and she doesn't know much about his skills except for his accuracy being at 1000% never missing a shot since he started playing the game.

"The Match Starts Now!" Kanami yelled cheerfully.

Once Akatsuki heard the start, she immediately used her skill to hide herself, she hid on top of the trees blending with it, she peeked a little bit from the tree to see that Reigen hadn't moved from his position, Reigen suddenly raised his gun and pointed it in her direction.

*Bang! *Bang!

Reigen fired two times, Akatsuki who was hiding behind the tree was surprised, she immediately sticked closer to the tree wanting to use it to block the attack, but to her surprise, like the bullet had its own life, it suddenly turned and dodged the tree, it flew straight forward and turned around, it charged towards her.

"What!?" Akatsuki was very surprised, she immediately raised her dagger and with her fast reflexes she was able to deflect the bullets.

*Clang *Clang

Sparks came out from the collision of the bullet and the dagger, Akatsuki immediately jumped away from the tree expecting that Reigen would attack her again but to her surprise, he was only standing there looking at her.

"That's not bad for blocking my attack," Reigen said.

Akatsuki landed on a nearby tree and immediately disappeared from sight, Reigen sighed seeing how serious Akatsuki was, with the Mark Mark Skill, who the hell could hide from him? He thought, he then raised his guns and pointed it towards the dark forest.

*Bang! *Bang!

He fired two times, it immediately charged to the forest a little while later, Akatsuki could be seen jumping from trees to trees as she ran away from the bullets chasing after her, but alas she is not fast as the bullet, Akatsuki twisted her body while in the air and deflected the incoming bullets.

*Clang *Clang

The strength of the bullet sent recoiled Akatsuki's little body as she was sent away flying and crashed into one of the trees, she could feel pain at her back, and she saw her hp decreased a little.

"That's Enough! The winner is Reigen!" Kanami announced.

Reigen rolled the gun on his hands and then raised it on his face, he then blew the smoking barrel of the gun, then made a big smile, "Alright," Reigen said.

Akatsuki came out of the forest and sighed, top rankers are in a different league, she thought, then the next match started, it was Naotsugu against Bang, the fight may look unfair but Naotsugu had been training with Bang since earlier.

Bang and Naotsugu stood in the middle of the field, "Old man go easy on me," Naotsugu jokes.

"Don't worry I will go easy on you," Bang said as he put up a stance.

"Match starts now!" Kanami yelled.


An avatar of a humanoid tiger with long claws appeared behind Bang as he activated his skill, Naotsugu felt intimidated with it, he raised his shield and embraced himself for the upcoming slaughter.

"Here I come!" Bang said and disappeared from his position and reappeared in front of Naotsugu.

"Fist of The Flowing Water – Great Tsunami of The Raging Tiger!" Bang said, as multiple attacks in just a milliseconds bombarded Naotsugu.

Naotsugu braced himself as the attacks could not be seen in naked eye, 'The old man is fierce!' he said as he casted a buff spell to himself to raise his defenses.

After a few more seconds of being bombarded by attacks, Naotsugu finally couldn't take it and lost his balance falling into the ground.

"I announce Bang is the winner!" Kanami announced.

Naotsugu sighed as he was helped by Bang to stand up.

"That is a good match Naotsugu, you did great," Bang said

"Hehe," Naotsugu laughed a little as he glanced at his hp, there was only 40% left, and that match only lasted for 5 seconds, he sighed, then the next match would be starting, it's going to be a 3 vs 1 fight.

Ains, Kasukabe, and Maou against Tanaka, what an overkill right? But no, Tanaka's skills and stats are the overkill ones, his puppets had been upgraded into an unbelievable level, and his skills had already spanned over 200 different kinds of spells, what a god's favorite guy.

Tanaka and the other 3 stood in the middle and the field was much larger than the last one. Tanaka took out 3 small puppets from his pocket, instead of the figure of golems, the puppets had the figure of some kind of character.

"Activate," the puppets started to glow as it turned into a tall humanoid figures, after a few moments three figures appeared in the field, their appearance of a tall, very well-built men, one had long, dark, wavy hair, the other one had A dark painted or tattooed X mark spans his face, joined at the bridge of his nose, touching the middle of his forehead and jaw, also wears a nose ring in his right nostril, and great, thick hoop earrings.

The last one has painted or tattooed on his face the thick outline of an equilateral square; crossing his face just under the bridge of his nose; upwards through the middle of each eye.

"Match will start now!" Kanami yelled.

[Hello there guys its been awhile, but if you want to see the pictures of the three golems join my discord you won't regret it]

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