Against Tanaka

Ains and the others looked at the puppets of Tanaka and felt intimidated, "What a body," Kanami said in surprise as she covered her mouth.

"Well, they really look out of this world," Bang also commented.

"Actually I have another proposal," Tanaka said.

"What is it?" Maou asked.

"All of you will be going against my puppets," Tanaka said.

"Why?" Ains asked.

"I want to see the limit of this puppets, you may not know but this puppets are already on the highest item grade which is the sacrament-class," Tanaka explained

"Sacrament Class?" Shiroe asked.

"Yeah, the highest level above fantasy-class, from my speculations it was added when the apocalypse happened," Tanaka said.

"Then I will agree, I want to see to what extent the sacrament class is, maybe I could create mine too later," Bang said as he joined the field, the others also nodded and was curious on how strong these puppets are.

"This place is too small for us, let's go to another field," Tanaka said, everyone nodded and went into a much opened place, after a while everyone faced Tanaka on a vast field which they could destroy all they want.

"Just to make the rules clear, You will have to defeat me and the three puppets, time limit is 2 hours," Tanaka said.

'Yosh!" Aiza was getting pumped as she was part of the group who created this puppet and saw its absurd stats that could even rival Tanaka, well if the 3 puppets are together though, after creating them, Tanaka took over so she doesn't know much anymore.

"The match will start once this coin landed on the ground," Tanaka said, everyone nodded, he then threw it high in the air and when it landed on the ground, everyone was immediately blasted away from their positions as one of the puppets appeared behind them.


Everyone's formation became a mess but as the strongest guild in the game they immediately coordinated and repositioned themselves, but it was not easy as another puppet arrived and roared.


Everyone got Debuffs just from the roar, "How strong are these puppets?" Sora cursed as he charged towards Tanaka who was standing, 'He is controlling 3 puppets while fighting against top rank players, I'm sure that if he loses his focus, he will lose control over the puppets,' Sora thought.

As he was about to get close to him, Sora saw a towering figure in front of him appear, it raised its gigantic arms and swung it towards him, "Shit!" Sora cursed, as the attack was about to hit him, a figure also appeared in front of him and blocked the attack.


Naotsugu who blocked the attack was sent flying from the strength of the attack, "What the hell is this power!?" he complained as he crashed towards a tree and destroyed it.

Sora was still in front of the puppet as it looked down on him, "Sora, let me take this," Bang appeared beside him as the figure of a blazing phoenix formed behind him.

Sora nodded and immediately jumped away from the fight that was going to happen, Bang and the puppet faced each other, the puppet raised its hands and attacked Bang.

"Fist of the flowing water – Tidal Phoenix!"

Flames covered Bang's body, he raised his hands and collided with the incoming punch of the Puppet.


Bang stumbled backwards as he was very surprised by the power of the attack, but he saw the puppet was not done yet, it turned its body and sent a kick towards him, Bang crossed his arms as the blazing phoenix behind him changed into a black tortoise.

"Black Guard!"


A huge crater appeared beneath Bang as it still extended further, "Bang, let me help you!" Maou arrived and swung his sword towards the puppet, the puppet didn't back down and collided with the sword.


Everyone was having a hard time fighting the puppets, they didn't expect it to be so powerful, they were part of the world rank for god sake, what kind of broken shit had Tanaka created!? Sora gripped his dagger tightly as he saw the 3 puppets were occupied and wouldn't be able to defend Tanaka.

He also saw Akatsuki was already on her way towards Tanaka, Sora immediately charged towards Tanaka and activated his buff skill, his speed greatly sped up as he charged towards Tanaka.

Tanaka, who had not moved since earlier, took out his cube and changed it into a book, Akatsuki and Sora noticed this, "Is he going to start casting spells!? Isn't he taking this too seriously? He had over 200 skills!" Sora complained.

But he still kept charging towards Tanaka, he noticed that Tanaka was doing anything, not even casting a spell, "Is he waiting for the right moment?" Sora thought, he then used a skill to blink in front of Tanaka.

"You won't be able to cast a spell in this distance!" Sora yelled as he raised his dagger and swung it towards Tanaka.

"I won't need to," Tanaka said as his hands started to move.


Tanaka slammed the book towards Sora's face and sent him flying.