Fighting Taliktan

As the army marched outside, only their footsteps could be heard, they had to be careful on their way as many players and people of the land were lying on the ground sleeping,, they have sleeping status so no need to ask, your welcome.

There are some groups of moths flying in the sky sprinkling some sleeping dust as they flap their wings. They don't know the location of their targets so they sent assassins to patrol and locate the boss monster, they met some monsters on the way and easily killed them.

The number of monsters were overwhelming as they tried to surround the army, it was getting harder and harder as they moved towards an abandoned city, the assassins came back a little while later and reported they found an old man standing on top of a skyscraper.

"That's our target, let's move out!" Tanaka commanded everyone.

They marched towards the place they found the old man and as they moved closer and closer the stronger and overwhelming became their numbers, this is not a fight without casualties, many players had already fallen on the way, but they have been revived by the healers a little while later.

With Tanaka's command and the help of the genius strategist's the fight became organized and everyone was listening to the orders, slowly but steadily they progressed towards the building, it took them a few hours to reach the building.

"Everyone take a rest, we will go after 20 minutes," Bang reminded everyone, they sighed in relief and each took seats on the ground and ate to replenish their stamina.

Tanaka and the other leaders and strategists all gathered around and started making plans.

"First, send assassins to look around the place, there is a chance that there will be unexpected things to happen," Crusty said.

"Okay, go send some," Tanaka said, he then took out a paper which had the layout of the building, everyone gathered around and started talking about their strategies, Tanaka and the main members of Fortissimus guild are in charge of fighting the boss.

While the others will take care of the mobs and support the main group, after everything was fine and the scout group had returned and reported their findings, there was nothing that they found, everything is now good to go.

The army immediately prepared then they all went to their designated positions, after briefing what they would do, they entered inside, there were many egg-like things inside. The tanks took the front and enchanters behind them, the mages at the back, the tanks immediately used their skill taunt and then used their life saving skill which was the castle of stone which will turn them into a golden stone.


Many mobs immediately charged towards them and attacked, their strategy was very organized and it easily took care of the mobs, while the soldiers were taking care of the mobs, the main theme had already charged their way to the top.

Tanaka was leading the front and charging through the mobs blocking them in front, he was holding his naginata and swinging it around destroying everything that's in the path, the others also didn't hold back and killed everything in front of them.

It didn't take long before they reached the top, there they saw an old man with a very pale skin color, white hair and beard, and he was holding a staff, "So you're here, adventurers?" Taliktan said.

Then the eggs covered in webs started to hatch and moths started coming out of it, their size was very big and it was pretty gross,

[Taliktan – The Genius of Summoning]

[Rank Raid- Level 86.]

"All will fall asleep!" Taliktan yelled.

"Why!?" Shiroe asked.

"All will fall asleep!" Taliktan yelled again and raised his staff.

"Everyone, be ready!" Ains yelled, barriers appeared in front of everyone.


A red thunder came out of Taliktan's staff and attacked them, the others who were out of range immediately charged towards them, Akatsuki disappeared from her position and reappeared on top of Taliktan, she brandished her dagger and Taliktan blocked it with ease and pushed her away.

Just then another figure appeared beside him and sent a punch.


Taliktan staggered a little bit but he was able to cast a spell and was able to push away the figure.

Bang jumped away and landed on his feet, just then a red light appeared out of Taliktan's staff and he raised it on the air.

"All will fall asleep. All will fall asleep, Fall asleep!" Taliktan chanted, the light extended towards the sky and an overwhelming power dawned to everyone.

"What are we going to do!?" yelled Reigen as he backed away.

"If we don't do something, we will get wiped out!" Kasukabe yelled.

[Truck Embodiment Second Gear]


Ahhhh this felt like it's been ages, sorry for dying for a few days, I'm back, you don't need to mourn anymore, so please stop sending flowers to my house.

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Hope you like the chapter or not