

*Thud! *Thud! *Thud

The sound of continuous beating could be heard, it was getting faster and faster, seemingly every beat is like a banging loud noise, white steam coming out of Tanaka's body. (Reference with to King's Engine from one punch man, though without the steam)

Tanaka could feel his strength getting stronger, he then disappeared from his position and reappeared behind Taliktan, Tanaka raised his fist and punched Taliktan who was not able to react and was sent flying.


Taliktan fell from the roof, "Follow him," Tanaka commanded and jumped down, the others followed and also jumped down.

*Boom! *Boom!

Loud explosions could be heard happening on the battle ground, the soldiers who were fighting the mobs could even feel the earthquake from the ground.

Tanaka and the others faced Taliktan together due to its strength stronger than the others, it also had an AoE skill that almost killed the others, and Tanaka can't use strong spells in this place due to the limited space.

"Hos Dodge rate is getting higher and higher!" yelled Akatsuki.

"Fall asleep and choose adventurers!" Taliktan chanted again and his form started to change, his size became bigger and he became four arms.


Tanaka and Taliktan collided with each other but none of them was sent flying, "I always thought I'm the most OP here, but I guess, I still can't solo a raid rank," Tanaka said as he exchanged punches with Taliktan.

*Boom! *Boom!

The shockwaves of their attack destroyed everything around them, both of their hp were getting drained in a very fast speed, the others didn't watch and also started taking chances to attack Taliktan, it didn't take long for his hp to drop by 30%.

Taliktan suddenly backed away and put his arms on the ground, violet glowed from the ground and his form started changing once again, his body became rooted on the ground and he now looked like an alien from horror movies.

Taliktan had tons of hands surrounding him and four sharp arms in him, then another glow started coming out from it.

"AoE attack is coming!" yelled Sora.

"Block it!"


Tanaka took this chance and dashed forward, he had a barrier covering him, Taliktan extended his multiple hands and tried to stop Tanaka from getting close to him, but then Tanaka pulled something out of thin air which was his Naginata.

*Swish! *Swish!

All of the hands that were coming to Tanaka were getting cut off, "Thorn Bind Hostage!" Shiroe and Cj7 both casted their spells, thorns spurted from the ground and covered Taliktan, disabling him from moving.

The other attackers also charged forward and started cutting the thorns, every thorn cut will double the damage of the attack, every time a thorn gets cut, Taliktan will lose 2% of his hp, and there were 14 thorns strangling Taliktan.

*Boom! *Boom!

"Fall Asleep! Everything will fall asleep!" Taliktan continued his dialogues.

Tanaka appeared in front of Taliktan with only 1 thorn on his body, his sharp claws and hands had all been cut off, there was nothing he could do anymore, Tanaka raised his palm forward and aimed it at Taliktan,

[Truck-Skill- Truckai] (Ref: Hakai from DB)

A light started to envelope Taliktan's body, he roared as he slowly disappeared from the game.


Taliktan popped and turned into multi-colored bubbles, tons of treasures fell from his body and created a hill of gold coins and treasures.

The world again turned back to normal, the blood red moon turned into a normal room and everyone who had fallen asleep started waking up.

"We won? Did we really win?"

"Yes! We won!"


Everyone started cheering on top of their lungs, the main group gathered together and started talking with each other.

Just then they received a notification from the system.


[Main Quest: Defeat Taliktan/Genius of Summoning(Completed)

[Rewards has been sent to your inventory]

[Remaining stay- 1 day]

"So, it's finally done huh?" Tanaka said.

"Yeah, I enjoyed my stay in this world," Bang commented.

"That's good, do what you have to for today," Tanaka said, then dismissed everyone, he then called for Shiroe.

"What is it Tanaka?" Shiroe asked.

"We will be leaving, so I'm going to give you the position of guild leader," Tanaka said.

"W-What? Why so suddenly?" Shiroe asked in a surprised tone.

"Because we have to, so I want you to take care of the guild," Tanaka said.

"B-but I don't know if I.."

"You can, why do you think I'm giving you the position? Or are you saying my decisions are wrong?" Tanaka asked.

"N-No," Shiroe said.

"That's good, Shiroe I will leave everything to you, we will leave tomorrow, so let's celebrate today!" Tanaka cheered, then put his arms on Shiroe's shoulder and went towards the guild.


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