
Punch and punch thrown at each other, the fight had just begun, Marlon had just had Harrison's fist slammed into his jaw and he tasted a surge of coppery blood. He realized, he was fighting someone who was born to kill. If Slost jumped in he would have to get serious.

"Zing Zang: Poison Ivy!" Marlon screamed.

Marlon covered his fist in poison and threw a fist at Harrison, to increase the passive damage Harrison would take.

"Nice try." Harrison smirked.

Harrison realized this and used Auri channeled through his fist to reduce the effects of poison. Slost was sitting still on the pile of trash with scurrying around his long hair whilst he drank through his juice box. Harrison was being very cryptic with every one of his attacks. He had a motive but Marlon couldn't tell exactly what it was.

"Foreign Zing Zang: Dark Muay Thai!" Harrison exclaimed.

As erratic as Harrison's technique was, it went to a completely different level. He was speeding around breaking the ground around him, circling Marlon. The energy around him was dark, with the intentions unclear. Marlon stuck his tongue using his ability, The Salt of The Earth, causing him to control the oxygen in the air around him for 30 seconds. Harrison's movement became clearer as he had less oxygen to move blood to his brain. Slost stood there still observing the fight unaffected the change in atmosphere and Marlon had no time to take notice of this. Channeling his Puri into his feet. Harrison sprung into the air as he was falling back to the ground. Like he was dancing on air he took another step whilst in the air. Marlon saw he was using the very little air in the atmosphere to survive. Using Salt of The Earth, Marlon inhaled all the air available in the area, and with the very little energy he had, Harrison used a final technique as did Harrison.

"Camelot Hidden Blade!" Harrison screamed.

"Vacuum Blast!" Marlon said as he exhaled all the air in his mouth, aiming it at Harrison.

They had both survived. Although, the air coming out of Marlon's mouth wasn't like the same air leaving it. Marlon had changed the acidity just as Harrison's bloody heel connected with Marlon's face.

"Fall back." Slost whispered.

A panting Marlon looked at Slost in confusion as if Slost realized what he was doing. With Harrison's fighting style becoming more erratic as the fight went on, Harrison put all his power into a decisive punch. Harrison stumbled towards Marlon trying to hit him. Slost ran towards in an instant touched Harrison's shoulder and gave Marlon a message.

"Cursed Power will revolutionize the world, Hitsorugi." Slost explained to Marlon.

They both vanished, Marlon past out.


Marlon woke up back at base with Hatred laid back on the floor, Marco sitting in his chair and Timothy right beside him.

"What happened?" Marco asked.

Marlon explained everything. They were confused.

"So you borrowed Some of my power to draw out, Harrison's true strength?" Timothy asked.

"Yes." Marlon answered.

"Although, he did mention one thing." Marlon asked.

"What is it?" Marco asked eagerly.

"They are planning to obtain Cursed Power and something about Hitsorugi." Marco added.

Hatred had heard of this word before, hatred looked stunned, he recollected his thoughts together.

Hatred said, "The book of Hitsorugi it is an ancient text, banned and cast out the church it gives its wielder an increase in power in exchange for your sanity."

"How do you know this information, Hatred?" Marco asked.

"The church I go to." Hatred answered.

Timothy exploded with laughter. Even with all the pain, Marlon still had a good laugh, even Marco had a grin on his face. Hatred stuttered, his cheeks went red.

"Hey... hey guys it isn't funny." Hatred said.

"You of all people, know the deal with Gods." Timothy laughed.

"When is your church's next service?" Marco asked.

"Sunday." Hatred replied.

"Good, I want you to go there and find more information about the Book of Hitsorugi, bring along Phineas." Marco said

"I was gonna go but I can bring along the kid." Hatred sighed.

"For the rest of you, start training your disciples on Friday, they'll get involved one way or another." Marco said.

At Phineas' House...

"Oh boy, I'm hungry, what's for dinner?" Vincent asked.

With saliva drooling down his lips spilling onto the table.

"Jesus Christ, you're disgusting, but I'm feeling peckish." Jeremy replied.

"Here you go, guys." Phineas answered.

The boys were disappointed, to say the least. Phineas dropped instant rice packets, fresh out of the microwave, onto the table. Phineas' mother had gone out to buy groceries.

"What the frig is this?" Vincent screamed.

"Only the best for my friends." Phineas smiled.

Phineas and Vincent argued about the quality of food whilst Jeremy sat down munching down the meal.

"Now we have completed the exams, what the hell do we do now?",David thought to himself, "We're nowhere strong enough to defeat a massive corporation."

"Well with that attitude, of course we won't beat the Institute." Sarah laughed.

"How the fuck did she hear me, I didn't even say a word!" David thought to himself.

"I can read thoughts, moron" She replied.

"Could've knocked" Jeremy sulked.

Sarah kicked Jeremy's face him leading to him flying through the wall.

Vincent and Phineas stopped fighting.

"Congratulations on passing, You have your first mission assigned." Sarah explained.

"Thank You, when is it?" Phineas responded.

"About... right now," Sarah answered.

Outside the house...

"This would be the first of many adventures these boys, Shojin" Phineas' mother reported.

"Noted, keep an eye on him" Shojin


"Roger that." She replied.