Mission Possible

At Phineas' House...

"You will be a helping an old woman unpack boxes in East Westsyte." Sarah explained to them.

"We're leaving the country to unpack boxes for some old woman, Oh God!" David sighed.

"She's not some woman, she's my grandmother, you will treat her with respect." Sarah commanded.

"Hopefully, she'll have some good food." Vincent moaned.

"Hey, don't disrespect my cooking!" Phineas shouted.

The boys began to fight again, arguing about the quality of food, until Sarah stopped it.

They went outside to the Phineas' small but neat back garden.

"Hatred has been teaching you Auri, hasn't he Phineas?" Sarah asked.

"Yes, I'm getting the hang of it now!" Phineas laughed.

"Time to show us your training then." David said.

"OK, Dragon of The Clouds: Crossaire, Appear!" David commanded.

The clouds above them started to form a tornado, and the bottom of the tornado placed in Phineas' garden.

"What the hell is this?" Jeremy asked.

"Just wait for a minute" Sarah sighed.

A dragon made of clouds appeared from within the smoke and it wasn't that big.

"What is this?" David laughed.

The dragon was incredibly small.

"I'm still practicing" Phineas sighed.

"Sure you are" Vincent laughed.

"We've got to hop on now, I can only keep Crossaire active for so long," Phineas explained.

So they all hopped on and flew through the skies and Phineas thought he could hear the clouds, Crossaire looked at him and smiled. Phineas looked shocked as if they were having the same thoughts as each other. Jeremy noticed this, he took note of this. Sarah seemed concerned and suspicious of Jeremy. Vincent was sleeping and David was reading a book.

They had arrived in East Westsyte, George Street, the place where she lives.

"I'm going to let you know boys, this place is riddled with crime." Sarah explained.

"Clearly." Vincent said.

Boys were running around stealing from local shops, houses being vandalised and breaking windows. Young boys walking around the street barely clothed. Jeremy felt a sense of nostalgia, he blushed. The dragon disappeared, Phineas and Jeremy fell to a floor riddled with rubbish. Sarah, Jeremy, and David landed on a roughly painted roof. They started walking to the apartment.

"Why does your grandmother live here?" Phineas asked.

"She's been living here for years, she's almost like the leader of Westsyte she just wanted to move back to the city." Sarah explained.

"Look at this place, people are dying right in front of us, It's hopeless." David laughed.

"It wasn't always like this, people were bright, we had some of the best explorers." Sarah explained.

"Like who?" Jeremy asked.

"They lost their licenses and were erased from the Chapter of Legends." Sarah continued.

"For what, stopping the Institute?" Jeremy asked.

"I don't know, Granny won't tell me" Sarah moaned.

They had finally arrived. It was a flat covered in stains from the first floor to the top one. They got inside the apartment, it was surprisingly clean.

"My little Sarah." Her Grandma squealed.

"Granny Harriot!!!" Sarah replied.

"Let's get to the point, where's the food?" Vincent sighed.

Granny Harriot opened the fridge.

"Phineas that's what you call good food!" Vincent sighed.

There was tons of food, different types of food, a bouquet of ice cream.

The boys lifted the heavy things whilst Sarah had some one on one time with her grandmother. Phineas rolled his eyes. Granny split the food between the boys.

"So how are things between you and Wither?" Granny Harriot asked.

Sarah's cheeks turned red as she hid her face under her hair.

"What's going on between you and Wither?" Jeremy asked.

"Sarah's always had a crush on Wither since the day she joined The Senses." Granny Harriot laughed.

"You're not his type." David smirked.

"Shut up!" Sarah blushed.

"Ever since he saved her from a group of George Street bandits she's followed him ever since, even joined The Senses." Granny Harriot explained.

"Wow, you used to be really weak." David said.

"I would've still beat you up back then just like I did two days ago." Sarah replied.

Vincent and Phineas were laughing, Jeremy chuckle and even Granny Harriet was laughing.

Suddenly they heard agonizing screaming from outside.

"Just ignore it we're here to get a job done." David said.

Jeremy agreed with him, Phineas was hesitant to go. Vincent got off his chair in an instance. Phineas grabbed his arm. Vincent gave him a stare. It told him everything he needed to know about Vincent. Phineas got up and ran. They both jumped out the window and went into the dark alleyway, Sarah followed. The dirty boys saw the rage emitting from Vincent, aimed towards them, and they walked right past Vincent.

They said, " Do you really know Jeremy Linux?"

"Hold on, wait." Vincent replied.

Only Vincent heard them the others looked at him very differently.

Jeremy was looking from the window, almost as if he knew them were going after him.

Jeremy looked at the bruised boy as he was being treated by Sarah. The boy looked back whilst he ran away. Who was the boy? Who was beating him? What is going on with Jeremy? These questions needed answers and The four young explorers will soon find them.