21 Questions.

They left with the book and went back to base. Waiting for them was Marco. Marco saw Wither's torn up body. Hatred dumped him on the floor. He saw the dirt on Vincent, covered in dirt and rubble. On the other side was Phineas, unscathed, and clean as a whistle. Hatred and Marco looked at each other they were thinking the same thing.

"Phineas, what happened in Aliasi?" Marco asked.

"I don't really remember?" Phineas responded.

"Ok, how about you Vincent, see anything, hear anything?" Marco asked.

He looked at Phineas like he had seen the face of a monster. He replied to the question.

"Yes, Phineas convinced the enemy to give us the scripture. It was like some crazy use of Muri!" Vincent exclaimed.

Phineas looked concerned. He brushed it off and smirked.

"Looks like I'm even stronger than you!" Phineas laughed.

The two boys started fighting.

"Phineas, you just used a crazy amount of Muri, are you okay?" Marco asked.

Phineas, whilst play-fighting with Vincent, nodded to the question.

Hatred said, "I wasn't too concerned that he'd always had that potential, but he healed himself immediately."

"Yeah, we haven't seen that ability in years." Marco sighed.

Hatred stopped the scuffle between the 2 boys. They opened the book of 3rd John. Phineas, Vincent, and Hatred couldn't see anything.

"Marco, what does it say?" Hatred asked.

Marco turned to Hatred, with an expression known too well.

"The Prophecy of Revolution," Marco asked.

"What's the Prophecy of Revolution?" Vincent asked.

"The destruction of the Explorer Institute, nearly everybody who found out about the prophecy wants to be the Hero in it. John prophesied the revolution millions of years ago." Hatred explained.

"A forgiving man running with his friend and his army holding a sword will take the man in green," Phineas added, "it obsessed my brother with the prophecy."

There was a moment of silence before Marco interrupted with a theory linking up the card group to The Exploring Institute.

"The group wants power, this book only explains more details about the revolution, it's a cover-up the group wants this book and its second half to stop the revolution," Marco explained.

"Where's Jeremy and Marlon?" Hatred asked.

"Underground Continent," Marco replied.

The boys asked Hatred what Underground Continent is. He told them that they would find out from Jeremy and he'd tell them.

Millions of feet underground, Marlon and Jeremy land in a blank, endless void. Jeremy seemed suspicious. He knows what the continent looks like, and it's not this void.

"Boss knows," Marlon said.

Jeremy calmed down before answering.

"I don't know what you're talking about." He replied.

"Winston Linux, how's he holding up?" Marlon laughed.

Jeremy clenched his fist, realising they had caught him out. But for what?

He threw his fist at Marlon, disappeared into the void's darkness above Jeremy.

"You're not good at being a double agent. Everyone, except the boys, knew what you were doing before we met you, even David suspected you." Marlon said.

They stared at each other. Silence.