Snake Infested Waters

Jeremy quivered in the endless void, he was nervous. Nervous for his life, nervous for his relationships, nervous for his ideals. He sighed, Marlon approached the nervous Jeremy.

"Let me explain." Jeremy sighed.

Marlon crept up to Jeremy like a tiger preying on an ant. Quick but not reckless. Powerful but precise. Scary but gentle.

"Save it, who are the leaders of your group" Marlon replied.

Marlon looked so disappointed, it almost felt like a regular routine to him. He knew this dance too well, where to place his left foot, what time to spin around. Jeremy was surprised by Marlon's calm and collected reaction.

"I'm sorry, for everything, although I can't reveal the rest of the group to you" Jeremy responded.

"Don't let it end like this" Marlon responded, "I can plead your case to the boss"

"I'm willing to die for this cause, if it comes down to that then that's it" , Jeremy replied, " I'll never forget what they did for me."

Years ago, in a land which was miles and seas far away. The area was covered in rubble. A young Jeremy struggle to stand up, surround by destruction and his people failing to breathe struggling to hold on to life, as if it was their last tango. He didn't understand why ,he alone, was able to breathe he turn his head to the old frail man struggling to speak.

The man coughed out, "War, son. War" . The man finished his slow dance, smiled and left. Jeremy saw the death of this man and screamed out. Jeremy had witnessed the death of his parents, years back. He didn't know why they died but they did. A blood-thirsty soldier was about to pierce his blade through a malnourished Jeremy's spine. As his blade came, it dawned on Jeremy the soldier was killed. A cloaked figure riding on a horse picked up Jeremy and travelled away through the rubble. The figures reassured a frightened Jeremy. Jeremy felt safe.

In the present, Jeremy slammed his fist into the stomach of Marlon. It was no longer playtime. This was serious.

Marlon spat the blood at Jeremy's face.

"Jeremy, I tried." , Marlon smiled.

Marlon removed the hand from his stomach. Marlon threw his fist at Jeremy's chin, it was literally set ablaze. Jeremy seemed not to be affected by his burning jaw. He didn't flinch.

Marlon wasn't surprised by his reaction. The void closed in on Jeremy,he had less space to move.

"Void Compressor " , Marlon announced.

The void closed in on him even quicker. The distance between the walls of the void and Jeremy very short. Jeremy stuck his hand out and proceeded to blast the void open. Marlon was shocked.

"I'm not the same boy you met at the Assassination Arena" ,Jeremy said, "If you won't fight me with all your strength how could you take the Exploration Association"

Marlon broke eye contact with Jeremy. He didn't feel guilt but he didn't feel pride. He was confused. He still looked at Jeremy like that brother he never had. Marlon's aura quickened and surrounded the area, He created a void of his own energy. Jeremy ran at him, he threw a handful of attacks at Marlon. Marlon saw the attacks coming, he swiftly dodged them all. He hesitated before punching Jeremy in the face. Jeremy went flying, as Jeremy landed on the floor, Marlon slammed his leg into Jeremy's spine. Jeremy coughed up litres of blood. Marlon saw a pitiful Jeremy . Marlon couldn't bare too see him suffer.

Jeremy shouted, "I'm not normal, I'm not human!"

It seemed nobody truly understood Jeremy, not even Marlon. Marlon ripped Jeremy's heart. Jeremy looked at the whole in Jeremy's heart. Jeremy stared back at him, they both cried with each other.