Marlon’s Medical Mircale

Many years ago, In Aliaim. Jeremy's parents were in a very ill manner. Jeremy and his parents travelled to a doctor in Shylock's South for treatment. The doctor had seen nothing of the sort. The disease was unheard of.

The doctor said, "I'm sorry to tell you about Emily Linux and Ian Linux, but this is incurable. This radiation is way too toxic."

The news did not stun Mr and Mrs Linux. They turned to their young boy swaying on his wooden chair. Jeremy smiled at his parents. He was unaware of the situation concerning his parents. Emily Linux saw her son's reaction and burst into tears.

Jeremy asked, "What's wrong, mummy?"

She took a deep breath and explained the situation to her son. Jeremy noticed how pale his mum and dad were. On their way home to Aliaim. They crashed into an extensive travel eagle. On the injured travel Eagle was Marlon. He dropped through the sky before hitting the dusty floor below. Mr Linux was very concerned for both the Eagle and Marlon. He and his family flew down to the ground. Ian helped an injured Marlon up into his eagle. He tied Marlon's Eagle to the tail of his Eagle and flew off. He took him to his house. It was a small curved, caved in building with little space. Ian laid down the Eagle on the ground in his back garden. He placed Marlon on his bed. Marlon regained consciousness.

"Where am I?" Marlon asked.

"Don't worry, I'm Ian you fell off your travel Eagle. You should be fine.

" is my Eagle OK? ," Marlon replied," where is he?"

" Don't worry, he's resting outside" Ian responded.

Marlon sighed a sigh of relief. In joy, he paused for a moment to look at Ian's disturbing appearance. Ian was swelling and sweating. He was already out of energy and it seemed to be a five second walk to the back garden. Marlon asked about the situation. Ian explained the incurable disease someone diagnosed him and his wife with. Marlon smiled. Marlon's facial expression confused Ian. He explained that he could cure them from their disease. Ian laughed as he thought it was a poor attempt at a joke and didn't want to cause any stress to Marlon. The two conversed in some casual chit chat. Before getting some sleep. In the bedroom, Ian relayed the conversation to Emily. He laughed as he retold it but Emily scolded Ian, telling him it was worth a go and they couldn't leave Jeremy an orphan in Aliam. Ian responded, saying they shouldn't cause Marlon any trouble. When Ian finally got some sleep, Emily got up and went down to the living room and quietly approached Marlon. She looked and said, "Ian's too proud to admit this but, he's scared. He's always been like this. For the sake of my son, help me.",

Emily's pleading shocked Marlon. She wept. Her tears were heard throughout the house. A young Jeremy hid by the stairs as he discovered his mother's pain. He rushed down and hugged his mother. Clutching onto his mother's legs, he said, "Please help Mommy".

Marlon smiled at the young boy and told him he would do it. They all went to sleep. Past midnight, Marlon got up the stairs and entered Emily's room. He stretched his left arm over the couple. His Uri radiated throughout the couple. The next day, Marlon told Ian the good news. Ian was ecstatic, he and his wife cried tears of joy. Marlon laughed. The following day, Ian and Emily went for their daily checkup, and they stunned the doctor with their medical results. He was lost for words they were saved. They had tears of joy, even the doctor was dancing. They travelled back home, and they saw their child Jeremy playing around with Marlon. Marlon asked if it was okay to stay there the time being. They laughed and said he could stay for as long as he wants. Marlon spent 6 years there with Ian, Emily and Jeremy. Jeremy learnt all different types of uri from Marlon, He has had more experience than the rest of the boys. Exactly one year of Marlon living there, Jeremy entered school. As a victim of bullying in nursery Jeremy was shy and kept to himself. Marlon pushed the parents to take Jeremy to a good school up north. North and the South have been at each other's throats since the 1st War. Ian and Emily were hesitant at first but agreed to it after they were persuaded by Marlon. Marlon had grown to care for the boy. Marlon came with them for Jeremy's first day at school. Marlon looked around at his newfound family, he said, " This is a new and great start for you, Jeremy. For all of us."

They all foolishly smiled, but they did have something to be excited for, as it was a new start. But would it be a great one?