A Slingshot and a Goliath

As the giant stood on its two feet, its massive chest heaves with heavy breaths. Each exhalation releases a gust of wind, stirring the dust and debris in its vicinity. The ground trembles with each inhalation, causing a ripple effect that echoes through the surrounding landscape. David ran around the giant freezing its feet. Weapon Man jumped ten-feet into the air clash axes against each other. The heat from the grunt's feet melted the ice flooding the area. Spears of thorns are thrown towards Weapon Man. Terminus began to suffocate the drowning man. The cloak forces the soldier above water level. The giant swung his axe against a restrained Weapon Man. David threw up an ice barrier ,which slowed down the attack, Weapon Man used this advantage to break out of the vines. At the very moment that he had the air punched out of him. Terminus threw up some punches towards David. Weapon Man quickly drew out his sword slicing the arm off the raging Treehound . This sword he pulled out , was a chemical mirror blade.

(Weapon Man had fixed up this type of blade in order for moments like this.)

To the astonishment of Terminus, the blade began to emit a radiant glow, reflecting the giant's image with incredible clarity. The clone began to attack its former self. Weapon Man and the clone almost beat the Treehound to death. Weapon Man sighed, "Let's leave him alone " David created a path , made of, towards the giant's head and Weapon threw a kunai towards the neck of the giant. David's ice claw proves elusive, darting and weaving through the air, leaving icy trails in its wake. Weapon Man shouted, "Zing Zang: Metal Dragon" The metal dragon materializes in a shimmering display of enchanted armor, its scales forged from a combination of steel, bronze, and other resilient metals. Its wings, glimmering with ethereal energy, unfold and extend to their full span, reflecting light in dazzling patterns. As the majestic metal dragon and the fallen giant stand face-to-face, a clash of titans unfolds. The dragon's eyes glow with intensity as it surveys the immense figure before it, while the giant, recovering from its battle with the ice claw, braces itself for the new threat.

With a mighty beat of its wings, the metal dragon propels itself into the air, ascending to a vantage point from which it can unleash its devastating powers. As it hovers above the giant, the dragon breathes deeply, gathering the elemental forces within.

With a mighty roar, the dragon exhales a torrent of fire, engulfing the giant in searing flames. The intense heat radiates through the air as the flames lick at the giant's colossal form. The dragon's mastery over fire magic enables it to sustain the onslaught, unleashing wave after wave of scorching fury. The giant cut the blast of fire, spears of ice came curling towards the giant. The giants feet began to wobble, Weapon Man jumped off of the dragon cutting through the skull of the giant. The clone wrapped its vines across the giant. The Giant was accelerated with anger kicking the clone across the entire gear. The dragon and David fused their attacks , freezing the neck of the giant whilst the dragon roared our blades of metal and swords. The combination of the frost and the slash saw the head of the giant drop to the ground. The boys grabbed the Time core and left the gear. Weapon Man smiled at David saying, " That's what we call an adventure and you're gonna have a lot more." The cloak brought up Terminus, David put ice on the open wounds. Terminus was panting on the floor "You saved me, why?" he said. The Weapon Man laughed , "I'm a hero, it's just what I do." Terminus was free able to do whatever he decided. He left the area and wondered freely around the city.

Benji and Sarah:

Entered The gears, each tooth the size of a house, groan and creak as the duo's immense confidence allowed them to forces their way into their inner workings. The boys hover cautiously, observing the unfolding events, aware that the giant's manoeuvre could pose a new challenge.

The boy and girl find themselves amidst a labyrinth of spinning cogs and whirling mechanisms inside the gear. The deafening noise of the machinery reverberates through its surroundings, making it difficult for the giant to find its bearings. The gears threaten to crush and trap the duo with their relentless rotation. The duo avoids balls of fire by timing their leaps and jumps with the vicious heat barely scrapping them as they push forward. Standing in front of them was The Alchemist, who was subordinate to The Holy One. A man with unkempt and frizzy white hair, a face and arms covered in ink, legs stained with acid, a bloody step, and a robe drenched in blood. A manic gleam shocked David.

"You are with that Weapon Man, correct?" The Alchemist smiled.

Sarah disregarded his question as it was of no importance to the mission.

"I'm here for the time core, we won't bother you." She responded.

She tried to walk past the crooked smile of the scientist, but he grabbed her by the shoulder "I don't think the Holy One will be happy if you take it," He said, "I'm afraid I'm going to have to stop you."

Sarah began to manipulate sound waves to throw the fireballs at the Alchemist, which she previously passed. The jumping Alchemist dodged the attacks without being grazed he splattered the balls with acid disintegrating the flames. In a quick manner, the Alchemist slapped the poisoning bomb at their feet confusing his whereabouts. Capitalizing on this distraction he throws transmuted blades, from the disintegrated fireballs, at Benji. As the dust settled, the alchemist started to strike down Benji.

Benji uttered the words, "Zing Zang: Time Relapse," and exerted his time-manipulating powers to drastically decrease the speed of The Alchemist's blade. With precision, he elevated the pace of the scientist's heartbeat until it ultimately ruptured. Sarah was befuddled. She had no idea how strong a Time Patrol member could be. Benji interrupted her shock by saying, "Let's go." They could hear his crooked smile widen as they walked toward the core. Benji turned around and looked at the man. He saw a massive hole in the alchemist's chest. "I don't need a heart." The alchemist laughed manically.

(Incantation of Shylock: A traditional and powerful spell of witchcraft commonly used by Alchemists and Witches")

The alchemist began the scream of Incantation of Shylock, which enhances his attacks with blue flames. The polluted air crackles with the flames curving towards Sarah. She pulled out her ukulele in order to create sound, and she manipulated its waves to redirect the waves at The Alchemist. Benji increased the speed of the flames. The alchemist chucked a flashbang grenade onto the floor, which propelled him into the air, avoiding the fire. Benji increased the speed at which his fist moved; he punched the air across the gear, and a blast of air destroyed his arm. The alchemist dropped to the floor and spewed out acid. The acids gathered together to recreate his body. The Alchemist said, "As I said before, you're not getting the time core."

The acidity was so strong that it started corroding the gear, causing a rumble in the surrounding vicinity. The two individuals were already pressed for time and the presence of the unpredictable person in front of them only added to their troubles.