A Toxic environment is not good for anyone, seriously.

Benji began to fall off the slanted tile of copper, Sarah had burns across her arms due to the extreme danger of the acid. Her bones started to crumble and at this point it was clearly a one-sided battle. Benji, being aware of this, decided to travel to the point where they met the alchemist. Planting a bomb on the crazy man, as he returned back to the present he detonated the bomb.

The Alchemist said, "I thought time magic was outdated, you are truly full of surprises."

With one of the Alchemists arm being blown off. He used the acid ,which had scarred Sarah, to reform his arm . As long as The Alchemists' body was filled with acid, he was practically unstoppable. Benji needs just enough time and energy to still the scientists. Sarah , in her awful state, began throwing sound blasts to buy Benji a little millisecond of time. Using his Zing-Zang, he slowed down time significantly, he gathered the rubble of gears and dirt broke them down into bare compounds and fused them together to create a weapon which would negate the effects of the acid. The alchemist ran towards Sarah to finish her off, she blasted a sound wave which the scientist dodged . What The Alchemist didn't know Is that it was aimed at the spear Benji had created. Which was thrust directly into the mad man's chest. It was too late they had all dropped thousands of feet to its base level . With the Alchemist coughing out acid and the two of them laughing in the pain , the two had won . At least that's what they thought. The alchemists stood up, he felt the elements of the spear flow through is veins like an electric surge. A dazzling radius enveloped him , showering him in the surroundings in a kaleidoscope of vibrant hues. The energy within him swirled and danced reshaping his body. This 8ft giant , blond hair, dark eyes , was no longer , some dirty alchemist. "I'm so glad you've done this," The Alchemist laughed "you have brought me back to my full power!"

The two were stunned and by his intense Uri was beyond their capabilities. He kicked Sarah thousands of feet back in the air . As he brought his leg , again, to connect with her stomach. Benji noticed the three moon symbol on his leg.

He stuttered, "You're a Zonil"

The Alchemist responded, "Yes and a very proud one."

"What's Your real name?" Benji said .

"Alfred Zonil, son of Shawn Zonil" The Alchemist responded.

Alfred was playing football with the remainder of Sarah's body, she would pass out and then wake up repeatedly.

Benji interrupted , " So you know David Zonil?"

Alfred let his guard down for a second, the mention of his name took him off guard. Benji took advantage of this split second and used his Zing-Zang to time-loop Alfred. He caught an injured Sarah and grabbed the Time core.

Moments before this , Weapon-Man and David were walking out of the Clock Tower with Terminus a few steps ahead. Weapon Man explained why he behaved the way he did.

He gathers his thoughts and says, "It takes real Men to remove empathy from certain situations. You let your guard down in any aspect of your life and you're open to attacks from enemies. " He continued, " Your peers may look at you differently, letting your foes go with no consequences." David felt conflicted and confused. His body moved towards a happy Terminus slicing him in half his body splattered to the ground, Weapon Man , internally, was in shock although his expression told another story. His Face remained stoic. The sudden act of violence stunned David, who stood frozen in disbelief, blood staining his hands and clothes. The lifeless halves of Terminus lay before them, an eerie silence enveloping the scene.

Weapon Man's words echoed in David's mind, haunting him. The weight of the situation and the consequences of his actions crashed down upon him. Conflicting emotions swirled within him as he struggled to comprehend what had just transpired.

His mind raced, desperately seeking an explanation for his own actions. How could he have let himself succumb to such darkness? The realization that he had become the very enemy he once fought against shook him to his core.

As the shock began to wear off, Weapon Man's stoicism cracked, revealing the turmoil within. His mask of detachment shattered, replaced by a look of internal conflict and regret. It was clear that even he had not anticipated the extent of David's actions.

Silence hung in the air, broken only by David's heavy breathing and the weight of the truth that now surrounded them. In that moment, both men stood as reflections of each other's vulnerabilities and the consequences of their choices.

The consequences of their actions would ripple through their lives, forever changing them. They were now faced with the harsh reality of their choices and the devastation it had brought upon them. The clock tower, once a symbol of stability and order, now witnessed the aftermath of their descent into darkness.

David's conflicting emotions continued to consume him, and the profound impact of his actions would stay with him for the rest of his life. The path ahead was uncertain, but one thing was clear—both Weapon Man and David had crossed a line that could never be uncrossed. They would forever bear the weight of their decisions and the knowledge that they had become the monsters they once fought against. David's voice trembled as he finally broke the silence. "Weapon Man... what have we become? How could I let myself do something so... horrific?"

The Weapon Man stayed silent. He didn't know what to say.

Collectively, both groups had gathered two Time Cores. Although the groups were in separate locations they all so inconsistent flashes blue light, each one more blinding than the former. They woke up in a white room, very white, it seem pure. Happiness and joy , emotions that filled the room. They saw in front of them , a well dressed being in a white suit with a mask sitting tall on a throne. "You are standing in front of the Holy One." They said.

As Weapon Man stood before the Holy One, Licas Ordo, a wave of confusing memories flooded his mind. Flashes of light intertwined with glimpses of a deep connection, suggesting that Licas was more than just an ordinary person to him. The rest looked confused and cautious about what was going on. The memories hinted at a complex relationship, ranging from friendship to acquaintance, and even the possibility of being colleagues or even family.

Weapon Man couldn't ignore the profound sense of familiarity that washed over him in the presence of Licas Ordo. He struggled to make sense of these fragmented recollections and reconcile them with the reality he knew. The blinding blue light that brought them to this white room seemed to have triggered these memories, linking him to Licas in ways he couldn't comprehend.

With a mix of curiosity and trepidation, Weapon Man mustered the courage to address the Holy One. "Licas Ordo, I stand before you in awe and confusion," he began, his voice trembling slightly. "These flashes of memories, they suggest a connection between us, one that goes beyond this moment. Who are we to each other? What is the nature of our relationship?"

Licas Ordo, adorned in his white suit and mask, maintained a stoic expression, his eyes reflecting a deep understanding of the situation. He slowly raised his hand, motioning for Weapon Man to approach closer. As Weapon Man complied, he felt a wave of warmth and reassurance emanating from Licas.

"You and I share a bond that transcends mere acquaintanceship," Licas Ordo spoke with a soothing tone, his voice filled with a mix of wisdom and familiarity. "We were once more than friends, more than colleagues. We were family, bound together by a common purpose."

Weapon Man's eyes widened as he tried to grasp the significance of Licas' words. Family? It seemed unfathomable yet strangely comforting. He had always believed that his path was a solitary one, driven by duty and the pursuit of justice. But now, faced with the possibility of a deeper connection, he felt a glimmer of hope.

Licas continued, his voice resonating with profound meaning. "Long ago, we fought against each other at the Underground Continent. We were started a company and were outsourced by a Royal Family. But something happened, something that shattered our unity and erased those memories from your mind."

Weapon Man listened intently, his heart pounding with a mix of anticipation and unease. What could have caused such a rupture? And why was his memory selectively erased while Licas seemed to retain their shared history?

Licas' gaze met Weapon Man's, conveying a sense of empathy and understanding. "I cannot restore those memories entirely, for they are buried deep within a fabric of time.

Weapon Man's confusion began to ebb away, replaced by a resolute determination. Though the path ahead remained shrouded in uncertainty, he didn't know if he could trust Licas Ordo, the Holy One, to guide him.