
Pow! Pow Pow!

Calibre went off guns blazing.

"I see you're training, and I'm here to help." He explained blasting flares across the room.

This flare helped him change direction mid-air. Zigging and zagging across the room.

Tapping into Ealker's powers, Phineas controlled the fire coming from Calibre's cannon, increasing the strength of the flames while simultaneously redirecting them towards him. Swiftly moving from left to right and jumping over flames, Calibre returns the favour by stabbing at Phineas' chest.

"I've switched it off; you no longer have access to the extra soul within you," Calibre said.

Phineas needed to help. He could hear Ealker chuckling through every thought of his.

(Flashback: Phineas talking with Ealker")

"Now, Phineas, if you continue to rely on me, you will be strong. But it would limit you, and you will only reach a fraction of your potential."

Phineas continued to listen

"So tell me, how shall you fight?" 

Phineas struggled: "I'm not sure; I enjoy trickery and illusion."

Ealker analysed every single part of Phineas' body. He noticed a couple of attributes Phineas was unaware of.

"Phineas, your Muri is great, but you have two different types of Muri. Manipulation and Manifestation"

Manifestation Uri is where you can manifest objects based on your emotions; it is a very rare form of Uri. Typically seen as useless.

"So when you're scared, tap into your emotions," Ealker said.

Calibre dropped his guard and burst towards Phineas. Chills enveloped Phineas' body; the fear had struck him, but it had also struck Calibre. A sharp and short bolt of lightning struck Calibre's chest, causing paralysis.

Phineas could hear a slight smile from Ealker, who was slightly impressed by his actions. A paralysed Calibre struggled to move his body, sparks flying from his chest. A sense of superiority grew in Phineas, his pride had nurtured an item for him: a flag. As he went to pierce Calibre's chest with it, he was stopped. 

"That's enough," Macwell said. "You have a lot to learn, but with the fundamentals installed inside of you, I think you're ready for the beginning."

A parched Phineas choked up, smiled, and said, "I need some liquor."

The four dined with a vast array of the finest wines and meats from many different cultures. With the waiters bringing platters of cheese and delicacies from other planets, laughter spread across the mansion; even Hatred had a slight chuckle. Entertainment was provided.

Macwell asked why the training was necessary, and Hatred explained how important it was for them to gain basic combat skills and techniques as they were going to face The Spades again. Macwell sipped his wine while explaining that they tried to recruit him once. 

"They told me that they had a base on the Watchlord's planet," Macwell explained. "Something big is about to happen, so if you care, I'd get a move on."

"How do we know you're not working with them?" Hatred responded. 

Macwell looked confused before he took a moment to respond, "I'm in the business of self-preservation, money and power. I'm a solo act."

"Look, forget all that. Was everything that was said in the Muri true?" Phineas interrupted.

"You were placed in a Muri inside the centre of your brain; you can lie to yourself, but it is almost impossible to lie to your brain." Hatred responded, "Your mother's dead; whoever is in that house is an imposter."

Phineas, tears streaming down his face, bolted from the mansion. He sprinted as fast as he could, weaving through shadows, until he slammed into his front door. Before his fist could knock again, the door swung open. The world on the other side had morphed into a grotesque parody of home. Mould crawled across the once-polished floors, gnarled tree stumps sprouted like diseased tumours, and bacteria monopolised the corners, mixing grotesque tapestries in the gloom. On a throne formed from compacted dirt sat a woman. Just reaching middle age, her raven hair flowed like an inky river to her shoulders. Her eyes, glinting with malevolent greed and cold envy, were stretched into a smile carved from pure sadism. 

"So you finally found out?" She sighed.

Phineas' daze of confusion flipped into anger. "You've got ten seconds to explain yourself."

"My name is Karma, and we've been watching you for a long time as an associate of The Explorer Institute, and I know your plans to destroy the company."

She sighed as she continued, "If I were you, I wouldn't waste my time working with them. Not all of them have been so fortunate to survive."

"Times up" Phineas said as he threw a punch his fist paused in front of Karma.

The air crackled with tension as Phineas' fist hovered inches from Karma's face. His knuckles ghosted against the invisible barrier, an energy field shielding her from harm. Her words echoed in his mind, and with each syllable, a cold stone dropped into his swirling thoughts.

"You're not trying to kill me, are you?" Karma's voice held a curious edge, her gaze unwavering.

Phineas sat tired on the steps, his muscles heavy with exhaustion, his confusion was replaced by a chilling realisation that perhaps his enemy wasn't the only one harbouring secrets.

Karma's cryptic message about his father lingered like smoke in the air. "He was a great man," she had said, "watch the people you associate yourself with." Her words tasted like ash, hinting at a hidden darkness behind the polished façade of the Explorer Institute.

His mind reeled, questioning everything he thought he knew. Was his father's legacy tainted? Were his ideals, the very foundation of his purpose, built on a bedrock of deception?

The weight of doubt pressed down on him, heavier than any punch he could throw. He craved answers, a way to pierce the veil of shadows surrounding him. But for now, all he could do was sit in the quiet aftermath, the echo of Karma's words reverberating in the silence.