Karma's a Snitch

Hatred teleported to Phineas' house with the boy still confused.

"We haven't got time to rest; we've got bigger fish to fry," Hatred explained.

Phineas remembered what was at stake, although Karma's warning kept replaying in his mind. The two got on a Ghost-Train and made their way to Formicidae. The train zoomed and looped across the cosmos. The roof of the train was burst through by an attendee. Although that illusion faded, from the patches and circles embroidered on his chest, he was a member of the Time Patrol.

"ID's now, please." He said.

Passengers, two by two, willingly handed them to him. They seemed particularly experienced and bored with this dance. Tensions grew as he approached Phineas and Hatred.

"ID's, the two of you." He said.

Phineas hesitated, unsure whether to fess up or keep quiet, although he was reassured as Hatred provided identification for the two of them.

"People sense fear; even the hint of a shiver can be noticed. Do not let that happen." Hatred responded. 

Phineas did not question him, although the words of Karma continued to shadow his thoughts. The two were the first of the group to arrive on Formicidae, the planet of ants. Dust was smacked against the faces of Phineas and Hatred as they arrived on Formicidae, also known as "The Planet of Ants." Sunlight glinted off a vast expanse of golden dunes, stretching towards a horizon hazy with dust. In the distance, squat, domed structures, sculpted from compressed sand, huddled together—the only sign of civilization. The air held a horrid smell that had been forced into this invertebrate society by industrialization and capitalism. A building shone in the unforgiving sun. Its polished surface and manicured gardens stood out amidst the awful landscape like a defiant oasis. Inside was Elmaf Greene, a spokesman for civilians. 

"What are we doing here?" Phineas asked.

"We need support and intel," Hatred responded, "If we're going to eliminate one of their Alxits",

(An Alxit is a territory, like islands, towns, or countries, under control by the Exploring Institute.)

"Eliminating an Alxit will weaken the institute's influence and power." Hatred explained, "Although each territory has its ruler assigned by the institute,"

Hatred spoke to Elmaf's receptionist, "Tell Elmaf that H is here to see him."

The receptionist responded, explaining that Elmaf was not willing to speak to him.

With a surge of animosity, Hatred closed his eyes, locating the presence of every soul in the area. Amidst this sea of spirits, he honed in on Elmaf, deliberately entwining his consciousness with theirs.

"YOU OWE ME ELMAF" Hatred communicated.

The receptionist allowed them to two up, and the grandiose, beautiful hall gold embroidered on the carpets of the palace, across the massive tapestry, was nicely dressed ants. Speaking at the top was Congressman Elmaf, who smiled and waved greetings to every guest he passed, making them feel like the guest of honour: "Grab a drink, boys and follow me." He smiled. Although this tapestry hides a dirty and sinister character behind the smile,. As they entered the quiet and bloody room , the smile crept off of Elmaf's face. The room was eerily bare, its walls devoid of adornment save for sporadic splashes of crimson, stark against the muted surroundings.

Elmaf sighed. Fidgeting and picking his teeth. "What do you want, H?"

"We need access to an Alxit." Hatred responded

Elmaf paused for a second before bursting into laughter.

"That's social suicide, you know I can't help you with that."

"It doesn't have to be a large one, just a small piece of the pie."

Elmaf sat down sighed and sipped his drink, "Do you know how much, I hate ants?. From their rigid skin to their idiotic obedience for their queen."

He continued, " I deal with them just like you need to deal with the fucking institute."

Phineas stepped towards him "Elmaf, think about what this could mean for you. If you were to facilitate our access to an Alxit, imagine the power and influence you'd gain. You'd be hailed as the visionary who's willing to listen to all perspectives, has a willingness to address pragmatic issues, and the one who paved the way for a new era of progress and prosperity."

Elmaf's interest was piqued as he considered Phineas's words. "Go on," he smirked, intrigued by the prospect of enhancing his own standing.

"With our combined efforts, we could weaken the Exploring Institute's grip on Formicidae," Phineas continued. "And in doing so, you'd solidify your position as a key player in shaping the future of our society. Imagine the accolades, the admiration, and the legacy you'd leave behind."

Elmaf's expression softened as he began to see the potential benefits of aligning himself with Hatred and Phineas. "You make a compelling case, Phineas, although I don't want to attack the institute, if you could figure out a way to leave me out of that, I'm in," he admitted. "Perhaps I've underestimated the value of seizing opportunities when they arise."

"We're not asking for blind loyalty, Elmaf," Phineas assured him. "I'm offering you a chance to improve your reputation, gain power, to make your mark on history."

After a moment of contemplation, Elmaf nodded decisively. "Very well, H. Consider it done. I'll arrange for you to meet with the queen and present your case. But remember, the consequences of your actions will be yours to bear."

With a sense of gratitude, Hatred and Phineas thanked Elmaf for his assistance, knowing that they had gained a valuable ally in their quest to challenge the Exploring Institute's authority.

"Wear these suits, you both look like a mess." Elmaf sighed

They followed Elmaf down to the party, their target: an audience with the Queen. But the monarch was already besieged by a bunch of well-groomed suits, all complaining about the usual problems of the privileged elite. 

"Nice work on convincing Elmaf." Hatred whispered

Feeling unsure and on guard, Phineas shrugged and kept moving towards. Impatient and slightly frustrated, Elmaf shouted towards the Queen.

"Lady Imparcial!" He exclaimed.

The suits swiveled their heads, eyebrows furrowed, clicking their mandibles as they crept closer and closer the three.