Part 11: I should've just went to school

Recommended song: (jokes on you)

It's 10:00 a.m and I'm all ready dress up for business, with my hair pulled up in one sexy donut, dark deep blue knee high dress that compliments my curly figure with a small green belt around my waist and my shoes matches my dress and my small yet elegant earrings matches my belt; with a light face powder that blends in with my skin tone and a plain colorless and odorless lipgloss on my lip, thus making my look simple and elegant for my age.

As I step out the room one of zadrick men was there to stare at me; cause this ain't no damn greeting.

What? You never seen this combination before, if you don't like it just get over it and if do, yes I know it's surprisingly good.

Me: ugh~ I'm talking to my self again.

Bell: sorry, did you say something?

Me: no

Bell's wearing her official uniform today and so are the rest of them. Reason behind all of this is because that woman received a call from my mother or maybe someone else, that's now currently on there way from England, I pacifically gave the order to everyone not to give her any room or chance to make a call and get any help, if anything I'd say there a mole on that plane.

Bell: miss raven they're ready

I sapped out of it at the sound of bells voice.

Me: and why is it again you people want to dress as my subordinate? you people already work for someone don't you?

Sam: your right, just give me a second, I'll just call in and quit

Me: do that and you be broke for life!

Sam: technically I'm already stinking rich and I can get and build a business over night anytime I'm ready so-

Me: shut up Sam

JAzZ: yeah~ shut up sam!

Sam shots him a glare since he's standing behind me.

Me: hiding behind a girl aren't you embarrassed?

JAzZ: nope

I've given up on reasoning.

Me: JAzZ don't you have a-

JAzZ: I quit my job two days after you call and ask for help, plus if she's stinking rich then I'm filthy rich and I'm also a shear holder of few well known companies, so yeah I'm good.

God I wanna punch him and wanna do it bad.

JAzZ: boss what's up with that look?

I smiled.

Me: what look?

JAzZ: like you wanna kill me and... Sam

Sam: man don't pull me down with you

JAzZ: come on!

Sam: I'm not following you anywhere! And the last time I check I came in this alone

Bell: Sam has a point

Sam: see even bell agrees

JAzZ: bell? Why are you taking her side? Did she bride you

Sam: I did not

Bell: why don't I settle it by killing you both separately?

The two of them back way when they see bells sadists side starts to show; these guys are so crazy sometimes. But I can't hold it back again longer..

Me: haha ha haha

Zadrick: now that's an good expression for her

Everyone: right

Bell: *smiles* I haven't heard her laughing so lively since that happened

JAzZ: I was just gonna ask about that

Bell: don't


Zadrick: I bought her dress and when I asked her to wear she said..


Raven: thank you for being thinking of me, but a pretty dress like that can be worn on a body like mine

Zadrick: what do you mean? it's-

Raven: *sad expression*...

Zadrick: it's okay, plus now that I think about it the color doesn't look like your style aways..


Zadrick: could even ask or say anything back, bell what happened to raven and I wanna know the truth

As I finished laughing my ass off Sam came over to me and wipe my tears off then add back some makeup, I look towards bell, JAzZ and zadrick an notice that there standing together and there's no fire or referees that's holding them back; so I guessing they're talking about me.

Me: Sam

Sam: yeah?

Me: go break them up before anything unnecessary is said

Sam: as you wish

My phone vibrates in my hand and I look at the screen. Then turn to everyone.

Me: it time to go!

[1 hour 30 minutes later]

I've finally reached my destination after going through that long ass traffic and it turns out that the one who I'm suppose to meet isn't here but this cocky bastard instead.

Me: josh...

He gets up and pulls the chair out for me and I sit down as he pushes the chair back under, then takes back his seat.

Josh: raven, it's been a while hasn't it

Me: not long enough it seems

Josh: your still cold as ever

Me: and your just as stale

Josh: how can you call this sexy and handsome man like me stale? Your eyes must be broken

Ladies and gentlemen There's the son of gun I know and want to kill than love.

Me: not as much as tiny josh is since the accident in Spain

Josh: you!

Me: no no no joshie boy don't lose your temper like your father

Josh: since we're talking about family, I heard a rumor that your mom as gone missing

Me: wow! you hear a rumor? And here I thought you would be busy learning how to suck up to daddy, but I guess a heir less in mature bastard like you would know

Josh: you sure have a great sliver tongue that can really get under people skin

Me: hmm, now that our greetings is out of the way, why not just say what you really came to say

Josh: fine, if you sign these papers will be married and register as husband and wife, and I'll look for your mother and bring her back to you safe and sound.. what do say?

As he sit there confident that he's going to get me to sign, if it was a week ago she just

gone missing and I didn't have any resources and the contract wasn't broken then I'd have no choice but to do it, but things happened and life is a bitch.

Me: hmm, maybe I should

Josh: good answer-

Me: shove it up your ass

The look on is face change to my answer, as I get up from the table and push my chair under I look at him.

Me: tell that woman that I said mother dearest doesn't work anymore so fine herself a new doll to play House with, ok joshie boy

With my cute wink I wave at him good bye. As I leave for my next location.

Me: I should've just went to school today....sighed...