Part 12: the red desert

(Okay so a reader help me out and said that I should try this writing style so I did give it a little try please tell me what you think)

As I'm leaving I notice there are way fewer bodyguards than when I first came in and that's more than enough for me to know there's danger ahead.

"something's up, but what?" I said to myself at the moment.

I mediately take out my phone and hit the speed dial calling bell, it rings two times before she answers.

"..bell?" I called her name as I wait for her reply.

"yes, boss" she answers immediately.

"where are you right now?" I said to her.

"I'm over the East side of the building with everyone else except for JAzZ " she replies back.

Me: good, look around you and see if there's anyone or thing that's missing or out of place" I said to her calmly.

(😅It feels weird because it's my first time writing this way, so back to normal) ( tell me if it's good so I can improve and write the rest of the chapters like this)


Bell: ok

I put bell on hold then call zadrick and the next thing I know, there's a shadow of someone creeping up over me from behind.

Zadrick: ray?...

I heard zadrick voice but didn't have time to answer him while I was dodging this blue jacket.

Zadrick: ray?!

I heard zadrick calling my name out loud and that's when I realized accidentally hit the speakers button as I through the phone on the ground and grab practically any and many vases I could reach and start hitting him in the head while using different kinds of martial art with swing, punching, kicking defending myself while at the same time feeling royally piss that let such an amateur catch me off guard.

Me: this stupid chain

I said crossing my arms blocking the guard-heavy blow pushing me back and down on the ground.

I quickly turned over dodging his kicks and stamping feet then dash over to the phone.

Me: zadrick get the car ready now- ugh!

Bluejacket grabs me by my hair and I struggled with all my might free myself from his grip making my hair pulled out.

I waste no time kicking him in the kneecap and grab my phone only to be caught by the end of my hair again! Only this time by the end of it.

He pulls me towards him and slaps me using the back of his hand making my body hit the wall and the amulet fell to the ground.

BJ: now I'm gonna treat you like the good little bitch you are- ahh

I punch him in the mouth shutting him up.

Bj: Did, did you just hit me?

From his reaction, I know he didn't expect that.

Me: did your brain just came out your ass

I couldn't tell before but right now it's all clear to that all his attack from before where nothing be child's play and now he was getting serious.

Bj: getting cocky after a smacking? Aren't you an interesting one

He says with a blood smirk on his face.

Has his Blood lust filling the air with my back against the wall with no one to help in an area that's secluded my life itself is endangered, and yet every cell in my body is screaming from excitement.

Bj: kid you got the look in your eyes that doesn't belong to someone like you who lives in the grassland

I did a high kick and he blocks the hit...

Bj: Nice panties

Me: yeah, I like them too

But not unscathed.

Me: I never liked the grassland but I loved the red Desert

The man in the blue jacket jumps back then, takes it off and toss it to the ground, and takes a stance that I haven't seen in a while and so did I.

Bj: so you really are one of us, so you know what that means now don't you

I nod my head and say the code

Me 'Красная пустыня никогда не будет ради меня,

And he joins me.

Me/bj: потому что никто не осмелится предать меня, потому что с самого начала не было доверия, но верность будет дана в конце.

(translation: The red desert shall never forsake me because no man would dare to betray me because their were no trust from the beginning but loyalty will be given in the end)

[ after the fight]

I pick up my broken amulet and called back everyone and let's just say they weren't happy.

Zadrick: ray are you okay? what happened? and tell me where you are?!

Me: Yeah I'm fine, I knocked him out and don't know where I am and what, about the car zadrick

Zadrick: finally! is there a problem-

Me: no time for that-

UV: did anyone find the kid!

Me: ...crap

Zadrick: what is it?

Me: shhh


I put zadrick on hold again when I heard someone coming by the sound of their voice as I quickly pulled the closest door and put the phone in my mouth then I drag the body inside and shut it.

After closing the door from the inside I start searching the unconscious bodyguard for gold. After a while the hallway was quiet and I take zadrick off hold.

Zadrick: about time! where should I pick you up?

He doesn't sound too happy.

Me: hold on

Zadrick: again?!

Me: bells on hold way longer than you


I take bell off hold and connect the three of us making it a three-way call

Bell: miss?

Zadrick: bell?

Bell: what are you doing with the miss phone

Me: *sigh* just check the screen...

Both: oh

Me: uh-huh, bell?

Bell: yes, there are more people here than before and according to the guest list I borrowed there shouldn't be more than 90 people on each side of this building

Zadrick: borrowed? Yeah right; anyways there fewer security and more waiters; it seems they've changed uniform and I got a text from JAzZ saying security is blocking off the entrance.

Me: that's not good, does anyone of them look scary like there really out of place like the waiters and such

Zadrick: now that you mention it some of these waiters don't seem like waiters at all especially the ones in the blue jackets

Bell: hmm, and few of the guests here too

Me/zadrick: guests?

Bell: Yeah, for while now few of them are watching me and Sam, so, how did it go?

Zadrick: what?

As I'm walking through this maze-like halls, that I still can't freaking believe that I've actually walked this far just to meet that jerdick. I managed to finally reach the end and crouch down making sure that the way was clear.

Bell: the meeting

Me: the one who sent the message didn't come, instead it was josh sitting at the table with a contract and wedding certificate that needs my signature on it

Zadrick: and of course you said no

Bell: the usual; anyways now that you've rejected it again he might not let you leave!

Me: not might, but will not

Sam: how do know?

Bell: Sam just go away and keep checking for any danger, please!

Sam: I'll give a shit later

Me: knock it off you two

Zadrick: for real girls act your age and I wanna now too

Me: I took out one of the guards then take his earpiece, and whatever else that is useful on him and it turns out there looking for me, but; because I didn't go back to the party and take a different route to leave without being seen

Sam: they can't find you

Me: right

Zadrick: and you call yourself normal?

Me: don't you have a car fitch?

He ended the call.

Me: I've been wandering around for a while now and I'm still lost

I load the gun and hook to the back of my small green belt then take out a box with my Bluetooth wireless earphones from my bra; opening the case and take out one of them popping it into my free ear then close back the small box.

Bell:....miss turn on the GPS on your phone, Sam says she can guide you out

Me: okay

I did has both of them said and turn on my phone GPS; at the same time, I heard voices coming from the bodyguard's earpiece in my ear.

Josh: why hasn't anyone find her?!

Unknown voice: boss we have checked the room and hallways but there's still no sign of her

Josh: all you have to do is find raven and you CAN'T?! What are you people even being paid for

UV: sir I found zan from unit c-43 body unconscious on the ground

Josh: what your location?

UV: I'm currently on the south side of the building sir

Josh: that means she somewhere over there, send message to everyone to block off the south side of the building and don't let anyone in or out

UV: yes sir

Josh: as soon as you find her drag her if you have to, I need her to sign these papers without fail or so help me god I'll be sure to drag you all down with me! for fail, this task grandmother personally gave to us all!