FIVE: Find her

"Fuck! You should do better! Why can't anyone of you find her?" Luce massaged his temples as the persons he lashed out his anger went out of his office. He just can't take it anymore. It's been five fuckin' years for him and there's not even a trace of her. He badly missed his woman and it's been hell without her.

Luce heaved out a sigh same time his most trusted friends which are the twins have entered his office.

"Dude, sorry. We've hired the best private investigators, but it seems that she's no longer here and they can't even trace what country she's currently at." Drew started as they sat at the chairs in front of him.

"We know that you really wanna see her, Luce. But, it's been what? It's been five years and she's nowhere to be found." Drake earned a glare from him after saying those. Lucifer's knuckles turned white as he closed it tightly trying to control himself.

"Though we do understand that you're yearning for her presence, we're also thinking that you should be focusing on your company. Let's prioritize what's important right now." Drew continued.

"There are other girls out there who'll throw themselves to you, Luce. And, you're nearly 25 years old. You should get over your 19-year old sweetheart, college sweetheart or whatever you wanted to call it." Lucifer banged the table after Drake finished his sentence because he can't and he don't want to absorb everything they're saying to him. He just don't want to forget her. Every fiber of him is badly missing his Ash.

"Yes, it's been five fuckin' years and those are just memories now. But, I won't let go. She's the only woman that I want from then and until now. I'll find her myself then." He hissed before leaving his office.

Yes. His office. Lucifer is currently the CEO of his family's company, the Crown Enterprises. He's been appointed as the CEO after he graduated and it's been almost three years now. The twins have their own company as well and they've been looking for her for five years now.

He heaved out a sigh as if he's tired of everything. He is now regretting everything he has done in the past because she wouldn't go away if not because of him and Lucifer hated himself for that. He just woke up the other day and she's no longer on his side. Though it makes him happy that he's missing one of his shirt, probably because she wear it, he then realized that it's something he can't be glad of. But, he can never be happy with the thought that she walked out of his life. It's all his fault and he would always blame himself everyday.

On the other hand...

"Are you sure about this? Are you even ready?" Ash's mom kept asking her the same question even before their flights departure and she just kept reassuring her. Ash held her mother's hand before giving her a smile.

"It's been years mom. I'm already okay and I've had the best gift ever after that day, so I'm okay." Ash smiled once more and stared to the person beside her whose silently sleeping on his seat. She kissed his temple and made sure he got a good sleep.

"We still have time, Asha. Just let me know about it and we'll not board this plane." Her mom clasp her hands holding both of Ash's hands with her.

"Just stop calling me Asha, Mom. It's Ash. And I'm certainly fine with the idea of going home." She assured her as she gave her moms hands a light squeeze.

She really is alright returning home. Though she is unable to forget everything about that incident for the first three years that she's away, Ash still made sure that she is giving all the love that the person beside her deserved. He's her sanity and without him, Ash might not be able to survive the memories of her yesterday.

It lasted that long before she was able to accept what happened and moved on as she kept having nightmares at night for the first two years and she too glad it stopped. She can also remember the night it happened though she's so drunk, she can still recall everything. Either or, Ash though that she might end up with the same situation because of the guy who originally gave her the drugged alcohol. Those are not good memories, but she no longer loathe Lucifer because she was able to meet this lovely person beside her. And Ash can't keep herself from smiling whenever she stares at his face.

He stirred from his sleep and slowly opened his eyes before looking at Ash. He smiled and hold her face before giving her a quick kiss on the cheeks.

"Go back to sleep, baby. I'll wake you up when we get there, okay?" She mumbled to him with a smile as he answered her with another smile before going back to his sleeping position.