SIX: Finally

It's been years since Ash was here where she previously lived. She decided to cut all the ties that she have from all of the people she knew, even with Gerlyka, upon deciding to live abroad. She thanked the God that no one was able to find where she's been, all thanks to her Mom's connections. Ash was able to graduate from college and even found a blessing that gives her sunshine everyday.

She already finished her degree and is planning to stay here for good. She just want to introduce this place to him, to the person she treasured the most. Her childhood wouldn't be better if it's not here and she's still inlove with this place even after what happened. She's actually planning to start anew and find a job here. Ash know that she's doing great for the previous years she's been abroad and she is now under the impression that those people already forgotten what had happened so, she'll surely do a great job in here.

She simply smiled to herself before checking the printed copy of her resume. She made sure that she'll have a computer station and a printer at home because it would give her convenience. She actually planned on meeting Gerlyka but not now. She might either be busy or she might have a grudge with her for leaving without saying anything. But, Ash knew that she'll understand.

Days passed by quickly and Ash realized that it's almost a week but she haven't find any suitable job for her. Her mom would always want her to just stay at home because her mother owns a shoe business which is really popular around the world and being a model is a plus for her. It just so happened that Ash doesn't have an interest about fame so her mother made sure that no one knew her daughter's face.

"I want you to cook some pancakes for me, Queen." Ash heard her baby lazily said as he climbed on her bed and kiss Ash on the cheeks. He's so cute.

"Sure, baby. I'll just take a shower and I'll go with you to the kitchen, alright?" She informed him before getting up and kissing him on the lips. He just smiled before nodding and getting out of Ash's room.

"You want me to put more margarine and sugar, baby?" She asked him as he continued eating the pancakes.

"Na-ah. I like it this way. I don't want it to be too sweet." He answered. He adapted the way he's eating his pancakes abroad. Instead of chocolate syrup or any other syrup, he'd love to spread a margarine to the pancake before sprinkling it with sugar.

"You're too adorable, baby. I can't keep my eyes off you." She said with a smile.

"Stop that, Queen. You might want to marry me." He said it like he doesn't really like the idea.

"My baby is so mean." Ash pouted and he immediately kissed her pouting lips so she immediately hugged him.

"Good morning!" She heard her Mom as she enters the kitchen so Ash let go of him and faced her. He just sat properly before continuing eating while Ash greeted her mother back.

"Good that you're here, Mom. I'll be out today because I need to find a job for myself. Though you wouldn't want to agree, I'd still do it." She said smiling widely.

"Hard-headed." He mumbled before munching his pancakes.

"You're correct. She's a real stubborn and is a hard headed person." Ash's mother agreed.

"Yeah right! Take care of him for me cause I better go. Byers!" She said before kissing their cheeks and walking outside the house.

It's been three hours since Ash started her job hunting mission but no company seems to be in need of someone like her. She past by a news paper stall near a cafe so she decided to check the news while sipping coffee. She happened to see that a certain company is in need of a secretary. They need a secretary who wouldn't give up easily based on their boss's attitude and wouldn't easily give in to temptation.

She's contemplating whether she would apply for it or not because something is off on the description of the job. But, it pays well so she wouldn't want to miss the chance of trying. Since the company location is just nearby, she immediately crossed over the busy streets.

The CEO of the Crown Enterprises is currently staring into the ceiling of his office as his head is resting on the swivel chair. He would usually do this whenever he is not doing anything. Not that he's too tired or lazy, the reason he's slacking now is because the annual meeting with the board just finished this morning and he just don't feel like doing anything especially that he needed to find a new secretary.

He then heard a knock after a while of staring and one of his employee came in.

"Hello, sir. This is just to inform you that we have four applicants for the vacant job position and we're done for the initial interview." He said politely and the CEO ushered him to give him their papers.

"All of them passed the initial interview?" He asked raising a brow. He trust his employees and they're too picky about applicants, so it's new that all of them passed.

"Yes, sir. Here's their resume's and another sheet of paper is attached with each of their names including their interview assessment." His employee answered.

"Okay. Thanks and you may go back to work." He just bow down before leaving the room quietly.

He then started to analyze each of the papers his employee had given him. The reason he's doing this is once they passed the initial interview, he'd be the one to conduct their final interview because he would want to know his employees right before they get hired. He picked up the last folder and was about to analyze it when the picture attached to it caught his attention. He wasn't able to focus on anything and just noticed that the corner or his lips quirked up.