An organization called Strawberry

Please... don't do that... Allen."

Allen ignored him and started walking away.

'So, please, Allen... why are you walking away...

"Shut up, you don't know yet. I mean...I'm sorry...I'm leaving."

With that, the man named Allen walked away from the scene.

The Strawberry Clan, funded by the five major corporate nations known as ZAMLT, was completed just a few years ago, and CEO Allen is now pushing forward with his business with executives such as Maria, Toyotomi, Jake, and Jane. In the new ZAMLT era, where the singular concept of companionship has become the norm, every human being no longer has the same level of trust. In the new ZAMLT era, the level of trust has been inflated to the highest level, and people no longer feel like a nation. It had only been about a hundred years since the completion of the Lombardy Empire, and already the political and economic system was shifting its supremacy from the state to corporations and then to individuals.

Allen has been viewed as an unsociable boy since he was a child. However, at the age of 20, he discovered Strawberry and went on to break the stereotype of Strawberry and turn it into a meta-corporation.

However, rampant corruption and the dimensional sentimentality of the Dark Galaxy have caused some people to Timur and other physical singular media.

"Allen... what's wrong? I'm not sure if I've ever seen such a thing before. Maria, no, I had a few bad memories from a long time ago that kept popping into my head.

It's understandable," said Jane, her colleague, opening the door. I don't know, I've never experienced anything like that before.

I don't know, I've never experienced anything like it.

I don't know. Hey, boss.

You're annoying... Maria clashed with Jane at every turn. This is because both of them have the privilege of occupying the position of vice president. However, in this world, the idea of the class has been eliminated except in TechRosus. Maria, Jane, leave me alone for a moment.

I can't say that it's a one-size-fits-all world of positions within a company. There are many different spheres of activity, and within some spheres of activity, speech and posture are controlled across the board, while others are completely diverse and flat. Meta-corporations, because of their singularity, are only qualified to go to any corporate state with a G passport. They can jump with impunity into a cultural sphere where laws and businesses are completely different. This is the story of the last few years, but it is believed that this G-passport system will spread further in the future.

That night

"I'm waiting. Cipher," Allen said, meeting someone in front of the entrance of his building.

I'm sorry to keep you waiting. I'm sorry to keep you waiting, but I'm having a little trouble with a case I just finished. She was a woman named Cypher. She belongs to a clan called Brackett and has a G passport. I've heard that you're a member of that organization, is that correct?


Allen took the document he had secretly given to Cipher and sent her a buck pro quo into her pocket. Thank you. I may ask you again.

I'd be happy to."

Cipher then left the room. Cipher then left and the lady of the house came running in. "Allen! Who is that woman? "Jane. Why are you here at this hour?

No, I've got some urgent business. I've got to go, so I'll see you later." With a quick swoosh, Jane was gone.

Everyone who is a member of Strawberry must wear a uniform. Not many meta-corporations have this uniform system, and Strawberry was one of the few meta-corporations that did.

Allen went back to his room after meeting with Cipher.

It was not uncommon for things to happen around here these days. Around that time, a young boy in the slums of Gigapolis in the south of **Gigapolis Jackson, a young boy in the slums of Gigapolis South, is about to experience an accidental tragedy. "Black Hacker?" Left, he's a wanted man who seems to be hanging around here.

At the Ex Machina tavern, factory workers and agents always gather to drink and spend time together. Tonight, too, they will drink here and go to their workplaces tomorrow. "Well, that guy... Do you know him? This topic..." "Owner! Owner! One bottle of bubbly!

That's funny!

Amid a lively bar full of conversations between people of all walks of life, there was a hint of shock. Please stop!"

Suddenly, the waitress disappeared from the bar.


She's gone!

The people who were there could not hide their confusion as they did not know what had happened.

"Hey! Calm down! It wasn't someone in this bar! A drunk man shouted in panic. Most of the people here were drunk, and only the people from the bar were in their right minds.

At that moment, the owner and all the other staff disappeared as well.

"Oh no!"

Only the customers were there, and the whole store was in a panic. Some tried to get out of the store as quickly as possible. Some started to blame each other for the disappearance. In the worst cases, people even started hitting suspicious-looking people with beer bottles without asking questions, and the store was in chaos.

The customers ran outside, but there was no one there. Normally, the outside of the bar would be crowded with people, but it was quiet and there was no sign of anyone.

At that time, no one knew that this incident in a certain bar was just a prelude to an incident that would later shake the world.

"Hey! Look up there! It's a microdrone!" A microdrone is a drone that can travel in a vacuum and is rarely seen on the planet. "You idiot! This is a planet! This is a planet, there's a micro-drone here," said the visitor, looking up and opening his mouth as if to say that he was right. No way..."

Hundreds of soldiers landed there, along with more than a hundred micro-drones. What the hell...these guys...! "No way...Black Hacker? Is it?" The first drunk who was gossiping about black hackers mumbled something. As soon as he said that, the people around him were astonished and could only stand there with a chill running down their spines at the thought that the person in front of them was a black hacker.

You guys, what are you doing here? What are you guys doing here, why don't you get to work?

I'm sorry, but today is the day we're closed, and we're trying to strengthen our unity for the series of battles starting tomorrow. Kill these guys. E17 just sent us some goodies."

The big man who seemed to be the leader of the group asked Bentham, an elite-looking knight who was standing aside, to kill them.

"You've got to be kidding me, Black Hacker...! You're not supposed to be killing for a living! So you're saying that the shopkeeper who just disappeared...?

What are you talking about? Who's the clerk? Don't make any sense. Hey, kill him now, Bentham.

All right. It's a little unseemly, but we're going to have to do a micro-assault...

Micro-assault. It was part of their ritual. Bentham quickly pulled out his ax.

First things first.

After that, no more singing could be heard from Ex Machina.

This kind of incident was not limited to Ex Machina, as there were many such incidents in progress. Many clans and meta-corporations have taken notice of the incidents, and recently Trampoline, one of the ZAMLTs, has taken an interest in them. This is not just an act of terrorism. It is a non-territorial invasion with a purpose.