Battle at Gigapolis High Rise

A forest of high-rise structures stands dignifiedly in the center of Gigapolis. Amanda and Nirve were staring at each other near the top floor. Amanda climbed onto the high cushion bed, stood on top of Nirve as if straddling him, and placed kisses along with each other's bodies.

'Nirve...are you going out again today?'

Nirve opens her mouth after receiving Amanda's hot additional kiss.

I'm sorry. I still have some business to attend to, I have to meet up with Cipher.

'Are you going to... meet with that woman again?

I don't have a choice. It's my quota.

All right... let's... start again from the beginning.

In the highest levels of Gigapolis, gold coins and other items formerly owned by the empire are kept in their respective mansions, which are the property of the owners there. They are the wealthy people who live here, and it is said that gigapolis account for more than 89% of the assets on this planet, and the watchdog agency is sounding the alarm as a hotbed of economic disparity.

However, it is also true that the watchdog itself is being monitored by ZAMLT, which boasts overwhelming influence, and their end-user meta-corporations, which are unable to freely regulate the growing group of companies.

As night falls, the E16 binary star glints out of the eastern sky, illuminating their faces. It contains stronger ultraviolet radiation than the sun on earth, and the exposure is somewhat higher. For this reason, high-rise buildings contain polyethylene and other materials in their walls that cut radiation. When we hear this, we tend to think that people living in E16 are seriously exposed to radiation, but basically, even the clothes they wear contain a mixture of materials that block harmful electromagnetic waves, so the harm is not so great.

In the midst of all this, Cipher, leaving Strawberry, happened to run into Black Hacker, who had just slaughtered a group of workers who were drowning in alcohol at a bar.

'So you're TECHROSUS.'

One of the black hackers spoke to Cipher, who was floating at an altitude of 30 meters in a localized phase.

Oh, you must be the terrorists we've been hearing so much about lately. I believe the name of your organization is... Black..."

Black Hacker is floating in the air with a nuclear power filter device attached to his leg.

Just as the skyscrapers of Gigapolis are visible a few kilometers ahead of them, dangerous men collide in a well-to-do neighborhood.

Cipher always wears her TECHROSUS uniform, a bodysuit with optical camouflage, as if it were a tool to master the Conjugate.

Recently, there have been people without G-passports roaming around Gigapolis. On top of that, we observed the action from a dimension we were not supposed to observe. My immediate supervisor had this to say. Don't you have something to write about?"

Cipher had already seen that the series of disturbances that Black Hacker was causing was merely a performance. Cipher had already figured out that the series of incidents by the black hackers was just a performance: they dared to create incidents in various places to catch the attention and attract strong opponents like Cipher.

He was a bit of a student," Blackhacker said. But you're way off. You are not usually around here. That's why you don't know. You don't know what's happening on this planet, and you don't know what my purpose is, or even our purpose.

How could I not know? We'll deal with it right here, right now. Your strategy is so flawed.

With that, Cipher turned her palm to the ground and shifted locally into Conjugate. For a radius of several hundred meters, the physical constants were noisy and the area was brightened by the effects of gravity.

It'll be over in an instant."

Around Cypher, subatomic particles called weak bosons begin to converge. She can handle weak forces. This power is latent in everyone, but few have specialized it for combat as she has.

Hey, are you sure you're okay with that? Gigapolis!

Black Hacker looked fearful as if he was on the verge of a crisis.

'Looks like it's you who doesn't know anything.

Cipher momentarily took up a position behind the apparent leader of the Black Hackers and put her hand on his back.

Can you get out of here anyway?

No way!

Black Hacker looks impatient as if he has encountered an unexpected situation. At that moment, the area went completely dark and the surrounding buildings were half-destroyed by a tremendous explosion.

What in the world...?

The Black Hackers who had not been hit by Cipher's blow were looking around, not understanding what had happened. But the area around the building had certainly been destroyed, indicating that some kind of impact had occurred. And no one appeared to have been the victim of an attack.

What in the world did you do to Fell?

It was Bentham who held a quark gun to the back of Cipher's head. He's trapped," Bentham said. We're trapped between dimensions.

Cypher, who was not at all upset to have a quark gun pointed at him, said, "What are you talking about? What are you talking about?"

Bentham frowns.

'So there are things you don't know, remember what I said earlier?

Bentham's eyebrows go up, "Yeah, of course, there are things you don't know. But we can't just accept that now.

Bentham moved the quake gun closer and closer to Cipher.

I guess we're going to have to do it now," he said.

Cipher sighed as she said this, and at that moment, the quark gun dropped its bombs.

At that time, the members of Strawberry had seen Cipher's commotion. Even meta-companies in the surrounding area began to take notice of the commotion.

Hey, hey, there's some kind of commotion going on here...judging by the local shadows, I can only attribute it to the TECHROSUS member who just left here!

Jake unusually went so far as to fix his glasses.

He's going wild... it's amazing... that's TECHROSUS for you."

Jane is thrilled with the situation.

Allen, who had figured out that Cipher conflicted with Black Hacker, was looking at the skyscraper from a distance and discussing other questions.

'Was the news about ZAMLT's power reaching its peak true? I feel like there are too many incidents to support that. I don't know where the world is headed at all..."

Allen also had something that had been bothering him for a long time. It was a declaration issued two years ago by the ZAMLT leadership. Zebra, a meta-corporation, predicted that while the space economy would continue to grow, the meta-corporation, or "corporate state," would fall and that several new rookies would emerge and the world might once again enter an era of prosperity.

Migrating humans have experienced five major periods of prosperity in the past, but these periods were marked by civil wars that were so horrific that they were considered a risk to prosperity. The Lombardy Empire collapsed a few decades ago, and although no empire exists in the world today, it is said that this trend will lead to the creation of new empires in the future.

If the sixth prosperity were to come, everyone expects that it would surely have a foot on other planets. And when it is one of the ZAMLT that has said this, and when a barrage of incidents suggests that technology is becoming borderless, the footsteps toward prosperity are becoming more and more real.

Perhaps in a good mood after learning the news, Allen sat up and began to work on his next assignment.

Call Bezos...and let's get out of Gigapolis for a while," Allen said. "Call Bezos...and let's get out of Gigapolis for a little while," Allen told Jane with a look that suggested he was looking into the future.