The Idol of Fairlady

"I'm sorry, Mr. Emanuel. I'm resigning from the institute.

A man named Flare, who was working at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Athens, suddenly announced his resignation to Emanuel, the director of the institute.

I'm not taking you on. I'm not going to keep you. But, my love, the road ahead will probably be tougher than you can imagine. Keep that in mind. I hope your experience here will be of some use to you."

As a shy person, Flare had some doubts about this choice, but because the company was now posting a steady profit, she didn't think it was a mistake.

I understand. This is my problem. But please forgive me." Flare bowed lightly to Emmanuel and stepped back.

I'm not sure what to say, but I'm sure you'll understand.

Meanwhile, the area around Gigapolis was covered by a huge rain cloud.

The skyscrapers that towered above the blackened buildings as if claiming to be our land were hazy, like the ghosts of authority.

"You! Alpha Kane!" Alpha Kane had run into Bob, an acquaintance of his, in the Tesla District. What are you doing, come on! The Fairlady is coming, remember?"

Kane was surprised to see Bob again but immediately ran to him. "Oh!

The Fairlady... when I first heard the name and saw it, I was impressed by how attractive it was. But now, he couldn't accept it honestly. Why in the world was that? Bob was an avid fan of the fair lady, and Kane was well aware of that.

What's with the boring look on your face? What the hell, let's go!

I don't care if you like it or not," Alpha said, fed up with Bob's love of Fairladies.

I'm sure you'll be happy to hear that. A boring's true that I've been feeling that way about everyone lately. I wonder why... Fairlady's triumphant return was to Tesla Ward.

Tesla District is a city of ancient traditions, visited by the descendants of former emperors of the world. Its red roofs and brick buildings are truly spectacular when seen from above. However, the city is overrun by outlaws, and you can see their wreckage everywhere.

I wonder where it is in Tesla Ward..."

Bob was looking for the location of the Fair Lady's appearance.

"Over there, right?"

There was a slight shadow where Alpha had pointed. There it is... let's go!

Bob ran as fast as he could. Alpha followed him. They saw a crowd of people at the end of a street lined with European-style buildings. Kane followed Bob as he looked around the Tesla district. But then Alpha saw the wreckage of an outlaw in the gap between the buildings. They were the remains. Alpha saw the shocking sight and slowed down his running.

"Alpha? Come on, let's go!" Bob called out to Kane, who was running late.

He and Kane had enjoyed a short conversation after school and parted ways. After that, I ran into Bob. In the meantime, something had happened in Gigapolis, and things were as chaotic as ever.

Some embrace and rejoice in the advancement of technology.

Some embrace and rejoice in the advancement of technology, those who act as if it's their own business and those who abhor technology.

All three spend their time here in the district in a mixed state. The Fair Lady translates to Fair Daughter, but I'm not sure if people are more enamored with the name or her appearance.

And they gathered here, some enthusiastic, some eager. Kane was slightly disgusted, wanting to turn his back on this crowded situation.

'Great... watch it, Alpha! Fairlady... that's... the first time I've ever seen that" Bob said, completely absorbed by her. Bob had never seen a Fairlady in the flesh before.

"Hey, Bob... how much more of this do you want to see today?"

When Kane finally caught up with Bob, he asked the question under his breath. "What do you mean?

What are you talking about? Until it's over?" Bob looked at him for a moment with a look of obviousness and then looked at the fair lady again.

He looked at the Fairlady again, "Well, can I go home now? I think I've seen enough of the fair lady.

What? Hey! Alpha!"

Bob tried to hold him back, but his feet were already moving by then. 'Damn...I think there's something much...'

Alpha ran through the Tesla District. The area was littered with the remains of crows.

Doesn't anyone clean up? His mind wandered to the wreckage of the outlaws and the shadow of Gigapolis looming over them.

It's a long way," Alpha said, running alone to his house. Then a familiar face appeared.

"Mr. Alpha!"

Orleans School It was a woman named Alisa, the executive director.

"Executive Director?" That's what she usually called me. What's wrong? What are you doing running in here all of a sudden? No, what are you doing?

Alisa had seen Alpha earlier and knew that he had broken up with Bob. I'm sure you saw that too.

Didn't you see that too?

Do you mean the Fair Lady?

Fair Lady, you only see it once a year, so...

I've seen it's kind of...pretty cool if you look at it in a new light...but I'm not as big a fan as that guy waving at!

And with that, he quickly left the scene.

"Mr. Alpha?" As if to say, "Hey," I imagined the executive director waving and calling me, and went back to my house as fast as I could.