Kane to modify the code.

I heard that from your friend just now. Hey, Elixir."

Jane looks at the two of them as if she has no idea what they are talking about on a linguistic level. That's just as well because the language they were using was of the English variety. On the other hand, what is usually used in Strawberry is an urban language that has recently developed in Gigapolis. In this world, languages are being reborn more and more with each history, and people from the old empire are using different languages to the extent that they need a translator.

How long have you traveled the galaxy? I'm pretty much..."

Emanuel, judging from his appearance, is an old man with gray hair. Allen, on the other hand, is just under 30.

I'm a little older," he said. I went out to another galaxy once, but I only stayed for two seconds and left.

Two seconds? You must have spent a lot of time.

You're right.

Jane, bring me some tea. I'll see what you want.


Jane hurried away.

Yes, I brought you some tea.

Now, Emanuel, what the hell do you want from me?

"My dear, I have a little favor to ask you..."

At the same time, Alpha returned to his house.

He saw Akari walking by.



Hey! It's me! It's Alpha!

I know it's you.

Did you... did you get any letters for me?

To Kane?

My left!

I've been wondering... about that e-mail you sent me ten days ago... and I still haven't received it... so I figured something must be up!

"Ten days ago... you did send a letter to me..."

That letter... did you call it?"

I mean, the e-mail. I didn't read it.

You didn't read it!



However, if you think about it normally, there is no way that the letter Kane sent out could not have reached Kane.

Why did it reach Akari? Akari thought about it when he was told.

Why is that strange... normally a letter I would expect from Henshin would have reached me... but why did it come to you...?"

I don't know, I didn't read it..."

Just as he was so puzzled, Alpha obtained an e-mail from Akari through an electronic procedure. What?" I got it.

Did you get it?

"Yes, all it takes is a little tweaking of the code and the pass is back on my end."

Oh, yeah? Isn't that great?

But I found a problem. Normally, the pass is supposed to be in series, but it's parallel.

What do you mean?

Akari came to see me.

It seems that the e-mail paths are being manipulated intentionally.


"My left, this is not the kind of trouble that happens by chance... someone probably has direct access to my account.

Is that so?

You know something, don't you?

I don't know what?

No... really?

Alpha suddenly begins to suspect Akari, which makes her more puzzled. The first thing that comes to mind is the fact that the two of them have been in the same room together for a long time.

Akari...are you really...Akari?

What do you mean? What are you talking about? I am me.

That's right.

It seems something's wrong with me, too.

Suddenly, the image of the Fairlady he had just seen flashed through his mind.

Some people in this era have been given superhuman abilities armed with a technology called Conjugate.

They need to pass through a gate called a chip to do so.

This chip is separated by a hierarchy of loops, and the height of the loop is inversely proportional to the material interaction.

The chip is granted to everyone at birth. So is Alpha Kane, and so is Akari.

And now, Kane used it in reverse and began going through the list of people with whom Akari could come into contact and filtering them down by 100,000 years in order of likelihood.

It took about 20 seconds.

I'm done," he said. I've got it. Thank you, Lighthouse. This is Strawberry."

At the same moment he bowed to her, and she said, "Let's go.

Let's go."