
I left my tent stealthily, leaving Sebastian asleep inside after lying awake for hours. My mind wouldn't stop racing about heading back towards Reytor. I was sitting on a log just a little way from the village. It wasn't long until I felt a cloak around my shoulders and saw Jaspen sitting down beside me.

"A copper for your thoughts?" he asked, sounding amused.

I moved the cloak tighter around myself looking over at him. It surprised me to see him sitting there shirtless. I quickly averted my gaze, but for an unknown reason. I had seen Sebastian shirtless before. The cold didn't bother him.

I had seen odd markings all over Jaspen tattoos spiraling across his chest and arms. I had never seen someone with that many, especially at his age.

"It's not wise to be alone, especially if no one knows where you are," he said. "We have a mountain lion close that has already killed a babe a few weeks back."

"I … I didn't know," I whispered, looking up at the stars, still not daring to look at him.

"You just got here. My apologies for not mentioning it before you went to bed. I just assumed you would stay with your betrothed."

I flushed. Was that how everyone saw Sebastian and I?

"We … he's … we aren't courting," I stumbled out.

"My apologies," he said. "Just in my tribe it's custom for you to at least be courted before you share the same bed."

I flushed an even deeper shade of red. He spoke with such a loose tongue that it was almost barbaric.

"Is it also a custom of your tribe to humiliate a woman?" I hissed.

He chuckled uneasily, obviously caught off guard. "I meant no harm. I'm still trying to learn northern customs."

"Where are you from exactly?" I asked.

"I was from the Shemesh tribe in the desert where most of my kind reside. I was thrown out and decided to try a change of scenery," he said quietly.

I had never met a desert nomad before.

"Sorry for assuming you two were together. Just the way you look at each other reminds me of how my mother looked at her husband."

"It's … complicated," I whispered not knowing how else to explain my relationship with Sebastian.

We had been through a lot together in the small amount of time since we met. He had saved me twice and just the way we seemed to understand each other left a lot to think about. I was drawn to him, yes, but we didn't know each other all that well.

Jaspen chuckled sadly. "Love always seems that way."

He looked up at the stars and seemed for a moment to let his mind wander. I did the same.

"Where are you two heading?" he asked suddenly.

"Sebastian is heading towards Reytor," I said indifferently.

"You? I'd assumed you two would travel together."

"The capital holds no fondness," I whispered. "It is corrupt."

A small tear trickled down my cheek and I felt Jaspen wipe it away, making me more self-conscience than I cared to admit.

"Bowie has asked for me to leave. Can I accompany you two there?"

"I'm not sure if I will go back."

"It may be different this time. You will have Sebastian. No matter your feelings for him, he's quite stricken by you."

I looked at him. "Why follow us to the city?"

He smiled slightly. "Us now?"

I smiled too. "I guess. It seems someone needs to keep you out of trouble."

He didn't say anything for a moment as if he was trying to judge whether I was just teasing. In the end, he just got off and went back to wherever he came from.